As an adult, what seemingly childish things do you get excited about?

The Giant to Ask – 368 points –

I love bridges. If I see a cool looking bridge, I want to cross it, especially if it goes somewhere that I'm not familiar with. Same with stairs outdoors. They feel like an adventure to me.


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Seeing the moon and stargazing in general. Oh and everytime I see a picture come back from the Perseverance Rover. I just look at them in absolute wonder and still find it unbelievable that we have clear pictures coming back from Mars. Every new picture is like Xmas for me.

Nothing has been more heartbreaking in life than sharing my love of space with someone I care about, taking them out with the telescope and stargazing and meteor showers...... Only to be met with "yeah, that's cool."

.... My soul-crushing disappointment is immeasurable, and my year is ruined.