Transporter Room 3

@Transporter Room
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Joined 7 months ago

Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I'm someone's favorite.

I have a friend who works for a local, but widespread bank, and got to head up their digital security and IT stuff. Not sure what all it encompasses, but he quickly found out that it was a lot, and the previous guy quit because he had had enough bullshit.

Long story shorter, after a particularly bad week, he decided to just.... Stop doing his job.

Kept all their legal stuff and sensitive info under lock and key, but the smaller stuff, he just let it go. Went on vacation, turned everything off, didn't do everything for a temporary replacement (which isn't even his job, it's hr's) and spent a week playing video games and spending time with his wife and baby.

Several employees just in his building basically ended up doing nothing by the end of the first day because they had locked themselves out of the system.

By day 3 there were several lines that couldn't be used by the tellers in every branch, older employees were bricking their systems so fast, construction workers started taking notes.

By the end of the week they had people showing up at his door to try and contact him since nobody could get ahold of him. Some legit thought he was dead.

His first words when he got into the office on Monday, we're "THAT is why you pay me."

And after that, he was given 3 people to help out (he had been asking for 4) and they had a company come in and redo a lot of the computer systems that year.

Still works for the bank, still has a team although I think they're bigger now since they've opened a few more branches, and still tells that story at every gathering after his one single beer gets him tipsy.

Is it just me, or do programmers only come in "lightweight" and "Rivals Þor in trying to drink the oceans dry" varieties?

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I just bought an external cd/dvd drive so I can convert my DVD library into a digital one for convenience and to preserve the dvds longer.

I'm having some issues with the speed of conversion, but my biggest problem is quickly becoming storage space.

Also, I dug up some of my old games like Caesar III and installed a no-CD "patch".

Good times.

There's an adapter or replacement for everything

Demo ranch. Started making comments about the George Floyd protests and I was out

AvE started praising the trucker convoys

Shadiversity got super homo/transphobic and also is just an arrogant douche since his book.

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Honestly, this right here is the main reason I don't believe any real-world bending would end any way other than Earth Kingdom dominance. Peaceful dominance, hopefully.

You can't wipe out their infrastructure as long as someone is alive who knows how it's done.

Oh, fire nation bulldozed your house because they felt like it? Well boom. Stomp stomp punch. New identical house made of stone.

Bridge collapsed to cause chaos? Stomp stomp punch, it's back.

Don't feel safe living out in the open where fire nation scouts could murderhobo you harder than my last D&D group? Stomp stomp punch, now you have a vast mansion underground in which you can simply.... Not go above ground until you need to.

Of course, underground living isn't simple as "hole in ground, hide all day" but still... There is 0 reason the EK shouldn't go full Vietnam War tactics.

Normal people: "this is SO me!" last done 2years ago

Neurodivergents: every month

COMPLETELY unrelated, I have about $800 worth of RC equipment to make my own planes and cars, and haven't touched it in over a year.

I want to break it out and make use of it to get my money's worth, but apparently I don't want to want to...

My 3 year old calligraphy set has only been used twice, and not even for the purpose they were purchased.

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Next time someone says that, respond with "wow, so fuck anyone with brain issues that keep them from forming memories the same way you do, right? Guess grandpa Rick doesn't care about my family since his accident, huh."

you having a grandpa Rick, or family to speak of, is irrelevant. The point is, it forces them to confront the fact that there are many reasons someone might forget a thing. They'll probably still be shift about it, but at least when they've unbunched their loads, they might think twice before immediately concluding the other person sucks for forgetting a thing.

Maybe I'm being optimistic with that, but I don't appreciate when people try to assign my motives to me, instead of understanding my own, and get confrontational when that happens.

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Big "as a gay black man" energy.

I still say that, knowing fully damn well that it probably was important and I going to feel like shit later for forgetting.

I also like to go with "Cosmically, nothing we ever do will amount to more than the life of a fly, so the end result is the same."

It doesn't go over well...

Yeah but I don't want to be pretty all the time, so.... checkmate, atheists?

It finally clicked for a friend when I asked him if he knew how old the "young women" were in another case, and he said "I don't know... 25?" which then got corrected to "16 or 17" when I reminded him that the "young women" in question were minors.

So finally I called out and asked his daughter to show us the cool picture she was working on in the study, and she excitedly runs in to show us. She was 9 at the time.

I asked him how he enjoyed the picture that "young woman" drew for us. I literally saw the change on his face when it clicked.

I love all the comments saying "yeah well that stuff isn't free someone has to maintain it"


That's the payment. That's what they get their money from.

Wanting more in perpetuity is fucking stupid no matter what the excuse is.

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I might have teared up during the montage.

It's like the end of an age. But as he literally said it's not.

I've almost never been this conflicted in my life.

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Hey remember when a judge doing something shady would get the state bars and other judges involved?

I'm only in my 30s but I remember.

I also remember a time when something as simple as a lie will lead to impeachment.

Now we have president's who start lying before they even hit the campaign trail, lie while being elected NOT by the people, lie while in office and literally do federal crimes in the process, lie with more federal crimes after you lose an election, lie with more federal crimes including treason before the group tells you you lost, lie after you leave, and do tons more crimes


And what even more insane is that nobody seems to care. Sure they post all angrily about it but ultimately do nothing.

Unions work in jobs, unions will also be quite effective at ousting fascists. You just have to find the right union that won't get taken out by the Alphabet Boyz. Unfortunately history shows that any time progressives gather and arm, the government trips over itself to criminalize everything and throw them in prison. Sure doesn't seem like it happens to as many racist, sexist, homo/transphobic, fascist extremists who form their own groups. Guess the cops don't like arresting their own people.

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The people who blabber incessantly about weed being a gateway drug are the exact REASON that I agree with them, but we VERY much disagree on the specifics.

Think of it this way:

Every adult in your life has told you that weed is JUST AS BAD as heroin and cocain and meth. You hear it repeated ad nauseum, ESPECIALLY if you were in DARE.

Now one day someone you have known for a long time offers you some because "it's not that bad, trust me you'll be fine" and they go ahead and take a puff or twelve. Turns out it's not that bad. They were fine after some initial uncoordinated attempts at doing something.

So if weed is this interesting, maybe heroin isn't that bad either?

Yeah turns out heroin IS that bad, and lumping it in with weed is like tossing the kindergarten bully into a maxsec prison.

So yeah, it's only a "gAtEwAy dRuG" because you fucks lied for decades and made false equivalence of things and taught kids they can't trust you.

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In my experience ops don't know shit. It's all about "gut feelings". "Well "his feels illegal so I'm gonna arrest them and if I'm wrong I get to sit at my desk all day or go on a paid vacation" is how it is.

I can't tell you how many times I've been stopped by cops for riding my bicycle on the road. Literally to the point where I have a laminated card I keep in my wallet with the relevant laws saying "this bike is illegal on a sidewalk and cars must give way on the road"

I've had a few threaten to arrest me "for being a piece of shit" or "for wasting my time" like I'm the one who made them stop...

I've been stopped because I "fit a description" multiple times, the "description" being "man on a bike" with nothing else, supposedly.

I've been stopped for speeding in a school zone before, and if it wouldn't have been a waste of time, I'd have let it go to court and showed my helmet camera video that clearly shows my phone GPS as well as cycling computer (glorified speedometer) readout that clearly shows I was well under 25. Granted I've gone 49 in a 45 for about 3 seconds before I realized one rock and I'm dead and slowed down, there's 0 chance of me speeding past 20 on flat ground unless I'm trying to set a personal best.

I've been stopped for "being a road hazard", not having enough reflective things, having "too many lights" (one forward flasher, one steady, and one rear/one steady rear light), not signaling "and hand signals don't count anymore" lol OK...

Pretty much whatever they feel like stopping you for, they'll stop you and come up with a half-assed excuse later. They don't know the laws they enforce, and if they did, they would be considered a liability to other cops and quickly be ejected.

14 more...

Ding ding

I don't care if you used automation to ease a menial task. That's basically half the reason TO automate things.

I DO care if you can't even be arsed to read what the automation spit out to fact check.

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You know it's weird, it seems like I can predict the way the judge votes, and likely which half of the US they live in, solely by the headline of "federal judge blocks Biden administration plan to..." with 100% accuracy.

Haven't been wrong yet.

Seems almost like there's some sort of political motivation here, not what's best for the people.

Almost seems like the system is working.... against the people?

But no that couldn't be. Surely a judge, who sits at a federal level, would never be swayed by something so petty as kindergarten politics.

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I'm sorry for all the dolly fans out there, but I have a confession... I don't care for her music.

But I will defend this woman simply because her charity work alone makes her deserving of much more.

And I know I don't even know half of what she does.

So if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go sharpen up my torches and light my pitchforks, because ain't nobody dissing dolly Parton around me.

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As soon as I read the title I thought "did fossil fuel barons write the title because who would phrase it that way?"

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I'd love to be able to grab these people who do these things, sit them down in a nice sterile nondescript room far away from their support structures that give them confidence to do or say stupid things without someone correcting them, and just ask them, in simple terms, why they believe their actions are appropriate, and try to give them an example of a thing they can do instead, that would be the smart thing to do from both financial AND pr point of view.

For this, the people who contacted the tenant. "why do you believe you should penalize the renter, and not the property owner who did the illegal thing?" and every time they start giving me some bullshit beurocratic answer, just treat them the way we would be treated. With hostility and contempt. "oh come on Derek, we both know that's a bullshit excuse. Come on Derek, I like you. I want to help you out here. I'm just looking for the truth."

Until finally someone cracks and admits they fucked up and we're too embarrassed to admit it so they would rather see someone's life get trashed than admit to an error that could potentially threaten their yearly review.

This may have gotten a little personal...

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Things like this are perfect reminders that we don't have to change every person on the planet, just eliminate the erronneous emissions.

I hate taking the time out to do all the self-care things.

Then when I get in the shower I just want to sit down and let the warm water drip down on me.

I once got passed by a rainbow-decal prius with the bumper stickers "0-60 eventually" and "you just got passed by a lesbian in a unicorn outfit"

Sure enough when we stopped at the next light, there were two rather lovey-dovey women in the front seat, and the driver was wearing what looked like a unicorn onesie. It was fantastic.

Incidentally, my wife now has a similar unicorn onesie and wears it when we go grocery shopping.

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"most watched news"

"don't trust media"

"we are for entertainment only not news and no reasonable person would think so"

Some of these feel like actual bot posts, not just paid botposting.

"too busy with violent crime calls to show up to the Baltimore Harbor Patapsco River Bridge is gone."

Seems like a scraper picked up on the collapse and tried to insert it in, but the syntax is wrong.

Could also just be a non-native speaker.

Just seems odd to me.

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"people are too poor to afford to eat, come observe as we try and reframe this as a quirky habit of a younger generation instead of hilighting the fracturing of society as a whole!"

she suffers with a smile

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This is clearly them testing the waters to see how big the backlash will be for even more intrusive ads, plain and simple.

A code error would probably crash the game if it went to pop up something that's not meant to be there, or at least make it unplayable. This was not the case, and it was clearly meant to be there.

If there is a huge fallout over it, they'll push the rollout date further back. If people don't seem to care, which THEY FUCKING DO, then they'll just push the date up.

Every time I see this shit, I wonder just how satirical the Drink verification can meme will end up being.

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When police are involved in an illegal act, they deserve every bit of the same treatment as any other civilian.

If someone breaks down my door in a mask, screaming and pointing guns around, I'm not going to stop and ask if they have badges or a warrant, I'm gonna defend my life, my family, and my property.

If someone is beating my sibling to death, I'm not going to sit back, shrug, and say "well he should have tried cooperating harder, nothing I can do but watch" I'm going to defend my family from attempted murder

It's the kid on the bus who keeps shoving the quiet kid over and over and over, but it's not big and flashy so nobody notices. Nobody listens. Nobody cares.

Then the quiet kid punches the bully in his goddamn rat face and suddenly the quiet kid is the problem child.

The problem existed long before the quiet kid fought back, and they knew, it was just ignored by the people who could do something about it until it was too late.

Maybe if Israel wasn't a permanent violators of human rights, they wouldn't be a permanent subject of study of human rights abuses.

Get all the way fucked

The last time it got above 95 where I live, I was a child, nobody went outside that week, and everyone was complaining that it was the hottest days they've ever felt there.

It's already happened 3 times this year. Once in "winter". All of this week has been above 95.

This is the hottest year of your life....

Every year.

Until you die.

Potentially of heat-related conditions.

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When Teal'c calls you out, you listen.


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"why just BLACK lives?"

Nobody said other positions SHOULDN'T be, just that EVERY hourly position SHOULD be. And I agree. Salaries positions should also be, but hourly employees are usually on the lowest rungs of the ladder.

But management and c-suites don't need unions. They already have the power hourly just doesn't have.

25 more...

I make swords and knives as a hobby.

You can get these specific colors by heating the steel up. Getting these colors ruins the temper, though, and you'll have a pretty display sword that won't hold an edge. Perfectly fine if you never intend to seize the means of production, but I like to keep my steel properly hardened.

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Wow, imagine PROUDLY proclaiming you would be a psychopathic murderer of people who walked over an imaginary line with absolutely no remorse, but the only thing stopping you is prison time...

It's bullshit that they're being thanked for table scraps that the children had to slap fight over how many scraps are allowed..

Of course anything other than 100% gratitude would be touted by the shittier child for the rest of their life regardless of whether the scraps ended off starvation or not.

My metaphor got a little weird but what the fuck.

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They wear thin-soled boots and improper warm weather gear because they feel they have something to prove.

I wear them because I'm poor.

We are not the same. smug look of superiority

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You ever have one of those moments when you just put 2 and 2 together, and also that you should have had that realization many years ago?

I just realized what NaN stands for...

This must be what people who get told "you can just wait for the shower water to warm up before hopping in" feel like.