13 Post – 669 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If it works, why not?

I mean you can but it won't look like the examples shown. Reader modes tend to focus on the text to the detriment of the pictures and formatting.

I would definitely use it for the examples like recipes and spreadsheeets to improve the formatting if it worked as shown.

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I am fortunate to live in a country where amazon is not strong and we have aggregated search engines that over all the small shops, compete against Amazon on selection and cost, often beating it. I hope it stays this way.

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That's still way too much food even if everyone came. And everyone never comes.

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Standing optional.

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Yes, Czechia. We can order from, but it's not usually much better than the other options, and returns and support are much worse.

For me, the sweet spot is in plug in hybrids, as long as you actually, you know, plug them in. You can cover all your daily commute and grocery getting 100% electric and then if you need to take a longer trip occasionally, you're covered by the gasoline engine. We use like one tank of gas every 4 months on ours.

I really want to get some massive compensation for Elon's theft of their logo.

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Ticketmaster/Live Nation is one of the most blatant monopolies in all of history. They should be torn to shreds.

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But think how many fewer cocks it is to deal with.

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I'm only in if it comes with a Clippy skin.

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I love living in Europe.

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I've worked in customer service software companies for the last 30 years, and one thing I can tell you is that average handle time is not a good metric to decide your success or failure on.

Having a low average handle time is easy. Just hang up on the customer. Or show them quickly that you won't do shit for them so that they hang up on you.

How about showing us those customer satisfaction and first call resolution scores?

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Anyone who's serious about home automation eventually realizes that the only way to do it effectively is with locally controlled standards based devices like zwave and zigbee, and open source projects like home assistant and esp32.

Anything else will eventually be corrupted or abandoned by its corporate sponsor, as anyone who's tried it the other way can tell you.

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I miss the days where you could just buy something from Logitec or Hayes or Gravis or CH Products and know it was not garbage just because the brand could be trusted. Finding a trustable brand these days seems super hit or miss. You'll get a great item and then the next one will be some cheap china garbage that dies in 4 months.

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It's hilarious how Apple still insists on making all their mobile devices USB 2. Have they not cracked the code for USB 3 after 11 years?

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Bold idea here, but maybe if we stopped fucking subsidizing SUV's, people wouldn't buy so goddamn many of them. Just a thought.

IMO a lot of this had to do with Schroeder's and Merkel's connections with Russia and running the country's manufacturing base on cheap gas and oil.

I like that she chose a sexy teacher porn star outfit for court.

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Reddit won at building its own viable competitors like Kbin, Lemmy, and Squabbles and all the users of those platforms also won big from Reddit's hubris. The one thing I know for sure is that they have grown Lemmy by 7000%, and that's nothing to sneeze at.

Time will tell what happens to Reddit.

My fear with geoengineering is that is allows us to become complacent about solving the primary problems, and then also creates its own set of unexpected secondary problems.

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As someone who grew up before computers and smartphones were commonplace, for the most part you could still life in the same way as you did before computers and smartphones, because all the things you'd need still exist. You'd just be horribly out of the loop of the way modern life functions.. But you could do it.

What's interesting is that pretty much no one wants to live this way any more. It was pretty damn boring a lot of the time.

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Sounds great. Only question is how we get paid well enough to live. A question which went conveniently unasked and unanswered.

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Best description I've heard of X yet.

I'm using this streaming service called Sonarr+plex. No ads so far.

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Fools, invite him and then give him a free visit to The Hague.

I'm okay with this as long as one of the options is

"Because fuck you, that's why."

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I've worked in this field for 25 years and don't think that ChatGPT by itself can handle most workloads, even if it's trained on them.

There are usually transactions which must be done and often ad hoc tasks which end up being the most important things because when things break, you aren't trained for them.

If you don't have a feedback loop to solve those issues, your whole business may just break without you knowing.

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As someone who started his tech career in the mid '90s, this kind of hurts to see put into words so well.

So, they should be sunsetting it sometime next year then.

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I voted third party for 30 years straight. That all ended with Trump. If he wins, democracy is dead in the USA. There's no coming back from that. I was never a "lesser of two evils" guy, but faced with the option of living in a fascist dictatorship, you'd better believe I am now.

And as for Biden, he was my least favorite democratic candidate, but now that he's in office, I'd say he's been one of the most effective presidents we've had in decades. Student loan relief, fighting to reduce child poverty, and doing a half decent job of keeping WWIII at bay in Ukraine. I think a Cold War era president which will bend to the workers movement and social democracy is about as good as it's going to get.

I have no regrets voting for a major party candidate in this election whatsoever.

But if your friends are Trump supporters, by all means, be my guest.

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Hilarious that the country that not so long ago tried to force the west to pay them in Rubles now has to take Rupees as payment and has a "preferred" currency of Yuan. Russia is getting bent over so hard by India and China. It's basically a vassal state to China now.

Because he's only measuring how long the interactions were, not whether anything was accomplished for the customer or whether the customer was happy.

You know the easiest way to have a short interaction with a customer? Just hang up on them. Or piss them off quickly so they hang up on you.

I thought PS5 and switch were some of the best selling consoles of all time? Just because they are in the later part of their generation now doesn't change that.

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I wish the old Pizza Huts would come back with the deep dish pizzas and everything. The pizza was so much better back in the day, or is that just me?

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Brain cable management be like

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Your local church

Actually coal plants which are in use, spew thousands of times of nuclear material into the air what any nuclear plant ever has.

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