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Joined 4 months ago

I don't see how you got that from what I said.

2 more...

The "of course" makes it clear you dislike the outcome

Only inasmuch as a desirable outcome would have been the lowering of the age of retirement for men to either that of women or meeting both on the middle. The issue is that the government being the government took it as an excuse to effectively cut welfare.

The long mention of the men who in your eyes "caused" this

To be honest it probably just brought it on sooner. The government would have found it as excuse to raise the retirement age without it being highlighted to them.

also makes it pretty obvious what your stance is about this and who you want the scapegoat to be in the discussion.

No, still don't see it.

X for doubt as this comes from the daily Hail

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Britain did until quite recently. Then a group of men went to court, I think hoping to get the men's age lowered to that of women. But of course the government raised the women's age to that of men.

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I didn't think the American system allowed for early elections?

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The 3yo minded liar is near enough 80 anyway.

Maybe that's the tactic, force Ukraine to divert food and resources to feeding thousands of Korean deserters.

Climate doomerism is the new climate change denial.

You yanks are crazy with your attitude to pay.

12 more...

Even with an insane 20% tip I don't think you've worked it out right. A 20% tip on the food (because why would you tip on a service charge??) comes to 4.09

25 more...

Only because you live in a country where they don't pay people properly.

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I entered into an agreement with a car manufacturer to be able to sell their cars in the UK. After I had people place orders (and pay) for a bunch of them the manufacturer decided that they were no longer supplying cars to the UK. Forcing me to issue my customers with refunds.

So as a likley post menopausal human. JK Rowling no longer belongs to the 'sex class woman' and likely has no 'sex class'.

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It's just a name change, again. It'll be android pay again in a few months. Then if you're really sad about loosing Google pay you'll just need to wait a year or so and it'll be rebranded Google pay again.

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Its a joke to think a single reviewer could hold that much power. Fact is, multiple reviewers are in agreement that it's shit.

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It's not though. Singular they goes back to middle English (14th century) it was just grammar Nazis in the 18th century that tried to stamp it out.

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Laying off 10%+ of the workforce is a bold move when they're already delaying deliveries.

Peer review

They spend a lot of money on the appearance of their teeth, instead of spending it on the health of their teeth. Seemed pretty obvious to me.

On android you can add a 'lockdown' mode to the power menu.

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From the article

From 1 February, it became a criminal offence to own the XL bully breed in England and Wales without an exemption certificate. Anyone who owns one of the dogs must have had the animal neutered, have it microchipped and keep it muzzled and on a lead in public, among other restrictions.

So I'm guessing she got them before they were banned and had an exception so she didn't have to have them destroyed.

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Productivity gains have all gone to the bosses. People are expected to do the work the 2 or 3 people would have done in the past. We could be getting on for 6 hours a day and a four day work week. But no, billionaires gotta buy another island somewhere.

As a non American, what the actual fuck?

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Achutucally Opera had it first, back before it ditched Presto.

Do LLMs have ADHD?

We need to make sure whenever the General Election is we keep up this momentum. I want them to have a wipe out that makes Canada 1993 look like a good result for conservatives. Leave the fuckers with 2 MP's.

When the time comes remember to vote tactically. In our system you often don't get the luxury of voting for who you want, you vote against who you don't want.

And Stamets. Though, thinking about it I've not seen them about much recently.

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Other companies like Klarna will pay and you'll pay them back over however many months. My nan used to call that type of agreement 'putting it on the never never'

Better be turned off by default.

For anyone else who's confused, this is VW workers in the USA. German VW workers are of course covered by IG Metall.

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Please don't elect this guy.

Sincerely Europe

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Labour have already said they'll reverse it once they win the next election. My bet would be they'll get one plane off the ground. This fucking project is going to end up costing in excess of £5,000,000 per person. We could have just housed them in the Savoy for less.

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They'd just need to include the call volume for when they're closed. Open 9-5 but take the average over a whole 24 hour day.

Roof rack

And it still won't be as useful as Google Now

Only if you don't think about it.

First you should stop and think: What is a customer?

A customer is someone that a company makes money from.

Then you think: What money have I given Facebook?

None (or extremely little)

Then you think: But Facebook makes billions. How do they do this?

They have loads of very targeted adverts.

So we who are Facebook's customers?

Advertising companies.

What makes ad space on Facebook valuable?

Their ability to target those ads to the right people based off of the data they have about them and to get you (the product) to see those ads.

Which means even if it's not available in OPs local library they could go to their library and get it on an interlibrary loan.

Probably a bit before The Donald was flooding the entire feed.