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To be fair, I'd be less inclined to wish death on them if they'd just retire after reasonable tenures.

The notion that a civilian militia could plausibly overcome the US military was outdated over 100 years ago. The only viable path toward a violent revolution in the United States is getting all or most of the military on board.

So in other words, Biden is still losing.

So, the United States is no longer a democracy. If a president wants to remain in power despite losing an election, they can, as long as they get the right people behind them, which is how every dictatorship works. What makes democracies different is that they have laws to stop that, and the supreme court just ruled those don't apply to the president. There is no mechanism to stop them. You can say impeachment, but the results of an impeachment against the president are as much of a foregone conclusion as a North Korean election. The trappings of democracy does not unmake a dictatorship.

We're no longer a democracy, and the only way we can ever return to being one is if we elect a string of dictators who feel disinclined to push their power as far as it can go. If we can do that long enough to get this decision overturned, we can have our democracy back.

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Not just the next election, either. We can't afford to have a Republican president again until this has been overturned, or the party has undergone a radical reform

"This is the most important election of our lifetime" is gonna be true for every election until the GOP stops using any power they can get to inoculate themselves from voters.

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When I accidentally spilled some (unheated) chicken broth on my dog the other day, I hoped it might teach her a lesson about being in the kitchen when I'm preparing food. It did not.

The tragic thing, though, is that if lemmy ever "takes off", there's nothing about it that will make it any more resistant to bots and trolls.

It's kinda like back when Macs had no viruses, because nobody bothered.

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You'll trip balls so hard survival isn't guaranteed.

This'll probably be an "agree to disagree," but I think most websites do make good faith efforts to lower bot usage. Not because I trust them or anything, but because the perception that bot spam is out of control is bad for their bottom line. It drives away real users and high bot activity makes advertisers disinclined to trust that the high traffic is of any value.

This whole kerfuffle seems so stupid. Biden didn't take any memory tests, didn't get evaluated by a psychiatrist or any memory experts, and nobody authoritative on the topic of memory or brain function was involved.

A fair and accurate headline would have been "Republican lawyer thinks Biden is senile." A republican has that opinion? Stop the fucking presses

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Sounds much cheaper than what they pay to stay at his hotels.

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They thought they got more conservative as they got older, turns out they just got more conservative as they got richer.

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I think this post is more about denigrating Elon than celebrating these two.

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It's stunning that each party managed to find a candidate that could lose against the other.

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"No, YOU'RE the stochastic terrorist!"

Ha, you got em good, Chaya.

I don't see the support in the House.

Then bring it up for a vote and let it be defeated, you nincompoop.

This lying wimp knows it would pass, and would rather cost the economy billions than risk looking like he's not a big powerful strong man.

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"Unfortunately the terms of this ceasefire don't include the death of every Palestinian in the world and also a complementary blowjob for me, so we can't accept it."

-Benjamin Netanyahu, probably.

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File under "more evidence it's not about the life of the fetus"

Since the summary stops just short of explaining what they're doing: They're creating an LLC (in Texas) that will assume liability for all the damages, but has no assets of its own and exists only to declare bankruptcy so as to avoid paying. It's a loophole that obviously was deliberately created to be used in exactly this way.

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Why is it that the only rights conservatives ever want to protect involve being an asshole?

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It might be the Julian date (I have no idea where the name comes from) which is just basically January 1st is 001, December 31st is 365, and the rest of the year is between. So this would be around December 15th.

We used it for food expirations on some things at the convenience store I used to work at.

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"Speaker Johnson! How do you legislate with such a slim majority?"

"That's the neat part: you don't."

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Do you have any idea how hard it is to get piano lessons as a bear? You can't even get a job to make money to pay for the lessons. Because you're a bear.

We live in a society. A society that was not built to treat bears equally.

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More like "History will remember the shame of Mitch McConnell doing almost everything he did."

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Woman: exists

Right-winger: Why do you have to make it political?

See also: gay person, trans person, non-white person, non-christian...

Wish I hadn't read this headline, it validates the anxiety I've had before about being confronted for turning around in a stranger's driveway.

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It's even more embarrassing, though. The full-time pundits and career politicians pitching a hissy fit right now aren't alt-right incels. Whining about Taylor Swift is a coordinated strategy.

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He literally already tried to be.

"Does he want to?" is not up for debate. "Can he?" is the question. People downplaying the danger he poses are pushing the needle towards "Yes, he can."

Next you'll tell me I'm not protected by my right to bear arms when I point my pistol at the bank teller, and not protected by my right to free speech when I say, "Put the money in the bag!"

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"Clearly, the 800 police officers that were there weren't enough. 1,600 cops would have made those villains think twice!"

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Maybe I'm too conspiracy-brained (not even sure if that's the right term here) but bringing a nothing-burger to court and failing on technicalities so it'll get dismissed and you can claim "deep-state" seems like a pretty Trumpian thing to do.

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It's the modus operandi of the Roberts Court. Citizens United was originally about airing a political documentary too close to an election, until the conservative majority went above and beyond to basically make spending money a form of protected speech.

The Colorado case was just about a state court taking someone off a ballot, and the conservative majority went above and beyond to neuter a constitutional amendment.

It's true! I heard a rumor the guy who started the whole thing was the FBI director's boss at the time!

"We're concerned about the practical implications of individual states being able to take candidates off the ballot."

"But the practical implications of your ruling basically erases a constitutional amendment."

"Oh no! Anyway..."

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How the fuck do you hear a man say that and sincerely think "He had no idea Epstein was a pedo"?

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One more for the "Evidence 'law and order Republicans' are just racist" drawer.

Oh, hey, my Democrat senator from downtown Denver voted against it. Guess I have a phone call to make.

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Pulls out dual flathead screwdrivers

En garde!

En passant on a croissant

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