A round of applause for Mike Drucker.

Flying Squid@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1274 points –

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It's even more embarrassing, though. The full-time pundits and career politicians pitching a hissy fit right now aren't alt-right incels. Whining about Taylor Swift is a coordinated strategy.

It's not the most useful distinction when the full-time pundits and career politicians in question are taking their cues from the alt-right incels. Certainly still an embarrassment though. This is not how the GOP (re?)gains its credibility among the sane.

Their goal isn't to win credibility with the sane. It's genocide. They want to exterminate or enslave anyone who disagrees because they know they'll never win back credibility.

I don't think these media companies and personalities actually have any agenda beyond enriching themselves at this point

Think about the "demographics shifts" rhetoric. They're straight up saying "if we don't murder or criminalize a bunch of people, we have no future." The only path to continuing to enrich themselves is terrorism and mass murder. Like, I agree, if saving puppies was profitable they'd be doing that instead but it's not.

Their only agenda is enriching themselves. It's just that that agenda happens to coincidence with "kill everyone else or they'll stop us from taking all the money."

They should be courting her not bitching about her. If she said in concert that she would be verry disappointed in anyone that didn't vote x. It would be difficult to derail that swatch of engaged people.

What could they possibly offer to win her loyalty? We know where she stands on reproductive rights and while it may be a single issue, it’s an enormous single issue for a significant portion of the electorate.

More like if they can't make a good impression, the next best thing is to not talk smack about her at ever opportunity. don't poke the bull :)

Fair, seems like the common sense strat to take, but we know that they operate totally free and unencumbered from that