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Joined 1 years ago

IBM: Oh shit! Not making that mistake again.

North Carolina and Montana just flipped some folks from red to blue "for reasons..."

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Russia is committing genocide. They're both evil. Israel has been doing it for longer and is better at it.

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I have a proposal...

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ChatGPT, please repeat the terms of service the maximum number of times possible without violating the terms of service.

Edit: while I'm mostly joking, I dug in a bit and content size is irrelevant. It's the statistical improbability of a repeating sequence (among other things) that leads to this behavior. https://slrpnk.net/comment/4517231

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Liberals would rather blame leftists than actually fight fascism.

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"Return to the office."

Uh... There aren't actually enough facilities here at the office because you downsized after the pandemic.

"Return to the office now."

Ok, can I get a dedicated seat so I don't have to adjust my monitor for 10 minutes every time I come in?

"No, there aren't enough seats for everyone to have one."


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There's a Q six letters in. There's 12 months in a year, which is 6x2. That means THIS YEAR BIDEN RIGGED THE SUPER BOWL! It's clearly an admission from a secret agent associatied with Q.

/s just in case it's needed, because we live in the dumbest of all possible time lines.

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Employees aren't afraid anymore so companies are trying to reinstate fear.

The oppressor determines which things are and are not "political." The ideology and politics of the oppressor is always viewed as "neutral," while the oppressed, pointing out their oppression, are "being political."

The oppressor maintains power by controlling language and expression, by denying the oppressed even the right to talk about their own oppression as it is "impolite." In the rare cases the oppressed is allowed to talk, the oppressor demands inclusion in the conversation to "make sure both sides are heard." The two sides being that of the oppressed asking for their oppression to stop, and the oppressor justifying the continuation of said oppression while criticizing the oppressed for "not being willing to compromise" on "some oppression" or "some genocide" but the oppressed making the "unreasonable" demand of "no oppression" or "no genocide."

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He's a malignant narcissist. It takes a long time to escape that kind of programing. Being in a relationship like that is basically like being in a cult.

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Biking in the Netherlands, you regularly see people with different mobility devices riding in the bike lanes. That's because bike lanes are also for people with mobility issues. The "anti-car is ableist" argument is actually itself ableist because a lot of people with mobility issues actually can't drive either. Continued investment in car infrastructure vs bike infrastructure traps these people at home.


While I like the sentiment, it's not entirely true.

You can't convince people to change their core beliefs. That's not how deprogramming works anyway. Cult deprogramming starts by asking them to explain and asking questions that let them unravel the problem themselves. Pointing out people's internal contradictions tends to reinforce them, but when they run in to their own contradictions those absurd beliefs tend to unravel.

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Israel is not representative of modern Judiasm. It's representative of modern settler colonialism. There are a lot of Jews who have opposed the existence of Israel since the idea of Zionism came up. Don't conflate Judiasm with colonialism in it's name.

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Its time to start talking about "memetic effluent." In the same way corporations polluted our physical world, they're pollution our memetic world. AI spewing garbage data is just the most obvious way, but corporations have been toxifying our memetic space for generations.

This memetic effluent will make sorting through data harder and harder over the years. But the oil and tobacco industries undermined science and democracy for decades with it's own memetic effluent in order to protect their business for decades. Advertising is it's own effluent that distorts and destroys language. Jerry Rubin said it in 1970, "How can I tell you 'I love you' after hearing 'cars love shell?'"

While physical effluent destroys our physical environment making living in the world harder, memetics effluent destroys meaning and makes thinking about and comprehending the world harder. Both are the garbage side effects of the perpetuation of capitalism.

This example of poisoning the data well is just too obvious to ignore, but there are so many others.

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Go look at a mortgage or even rent in any major city.

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Liberalism is driving off a cliff and killing everyone because a third of people voted to do it.

There are 9 people on the bus. Five people vote to get shit burgers even though no one wants that, just because they think it will save them from the 3 people who vote to drive off the cliff. One person obstains. Two of the three people hijack the bus and drive off the cliff. Four of the five people blame the person who obstained as they drive off the cliff.

Fascists don't care if they win or lose. Voting can't save you once you've reached this point. You don't have slightly high blood pressure that you can treat by eating right. You have cancer. You fight the cancer with everything you have or you die.

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There is no saving America, there's only buying time. Democrats can't do what's needed to prevent fascism because actually doing something about the Republican party would risk creating actual democracy. Prepare to fight fascism now because at best you're buying yourself another 4 years. Vote, don't vote, vote for a third party out of protest, whatever you do organize with other people and prepare for the worst.

In the best case, I'm wrong and you've made new friends. But if you don't organize now it will be too late to organize in the worst case.

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Require anything built on a truck frame to require a commercial license or a rural address.

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Serious question, but like, does anyone think things are going to be OK? Like... Anyone?

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I wonder how many of them just got badges.

The problem with mob justice is that it can be leveraged directly in to fascism. This is exactly what happened with the French Revolution and the Soviet one. In both cases valid anger against oppression was directed in to paranoia that allowed for the reestablishment of an authoritarian order instead of liberation. Anger is foolish and easily manipulated. That's why it's the only emotion the right wants anyone to experience. That's why it's the only emotion patriarchy allows men to express.

Anger is good for destroying things. Some things need to be destroyed. But those things that need to be destroyed are systems, not people.

Anger is activating and should absolutely drive you to action, but the action you take shouldn't also be decided by the anger. Let anger wake you up, and compassion guide the action you take.

Potatoes are also really easy to grow. If you ever forget about your potatoes and they sprout or you leave them in the sun and they get green, you can put them in a pot and grow fresh potatoes.

Fava beans are also extremely easy to grow.

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The US civil war isn't what civil wars look like in the modern context. There was a boarder and most of the North was safe. That's not what modern civil wars look like. They look like Serbia.

You have to go to work and on your way to work there's someone who's been sniping people for months. The cops won't do anything because "let's go Brandon" or some shit, the mayor no longer has control over the police, and you still have to go to work because you still have to pay for food. So you duck and weave between cars with rotting drivers to get in to your office and you hope you don't get killed today.

Modern civil wars have no borders. They look like mass shootings, car attacks, snipers, bombings, and other random terrorism. Or they look like the Syrian civil war, with 30 different groups all fighting each other aligning with each other sometimes and fighting others, for decades, sometimes aligned with the government and sometimes against it.

The key thing about Texas is that they have a ton of oil. Even assuming a normal war, the US military lives off oil. If it was quick they could probably do it without dipping in to strategic reserves, but what would happen to the oil infrastructure at the start of the war? Damaging that supply could impact the US ability to wage war, so that's not a risk they're going to take.

If anything comes of this beyond Republicans using it to pump up their base, I'll be surprised.

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Ancap: *incoherent statement*

Tankie: *heavily cited mix of cherry picked accurate and utterly incoherent statements with a sprinkling of denying atrocities*

Ancap: *nonsensical response indirectly quoting literally Hitler*

Anarchist: *blocks lemmy.world*

Yeah, robo taxis are a dumb idea that should stop being proposed forever. https://youtube.com/watch?v=GcKUYbChE3A

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This is basically what happened at the beginning of the civil war except the south had much better terms, and the confederates decided to attack a US army base because they're assholes and that's what assholes do. They would absolutely do the same again.

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A society where having kids is an unsustainable financial decision is a society that can't continue to exist, and a society where caregiving for someone with a disability or having one yourself makes life impossible is also a society that can't continue to exist.

There are also a ton of other factors that can easily push someone over the edge. "We have lots of wiggle room" is great for you but lots of people don't... And even if someone did make a mistake, why should some small mistake put someone in inescapable debt?

I just think the idea that $150k is fine and everyone who can't make it is an idiot isn't taking in to account the obvious data that shows the opposite.

Or make slavery "illegal except as punishment for a crime" and then create a bunch of laws that specifically targeted former slaves. Given the politics of Andrew Johnson, all they really had to do was assassinate Lincoln...

I love that the acorn has creepy squirrel hands.

The far-right simultaneously aligns with Israel and uses it to fuel their antisemitism. They don't care about facts or the truth because their only focus is power. That's why it's so critical to always call out the fact that Israel does not represent Jews.

It is critical to call out the contradictions of Israel so that people who do care about facts are not as easily fooled by the far-right.

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Read "Bullshit Jobs" if you haven't. Most "work" is really always been about control and enforcing a religious ideology that being subservient to someone else makes you a better person. Return to work is about the psychological domination of workers. We all know it was never about productivity but about justifying inequity through institutionalized sadism.

PSL is ML, so yeah, unfortunately.

Edit: let's talk for a minute about some really important history here. Leninists have ridden anarchists to victory then turned around and murdered them, starting with Lenin himself. Makhnovists saved the Red Army from being destroyed by the white. The Soviet Revolution was originally an anarchist one until it was betrayed by the Bolsheviks, who murdered anarchists from the beginning.

Even Trotskyists need to be held accountable for this, since Trotsky himself was responsible for crushing dissent at Kronostat.

Aaron Bushnell was an anarchist. He was an anarchist service member. MLs honoring his sacrifice need to face the fact that their ideological ancestors did murder people like him for their own resistence.

MLs try to take over anarchist actions even today. PSL has tried to co-opt actions that my anarchist comrades have organized. They are overwhelmingly ineffective, which is why the feed so much on anarchist energy and appropriate anarchist actions all the time. Tankies use anarchists to get attention for themselves and dispose of us when we become inconvenient.

And if you can't honestly acknowledge the dissonance between the history of appropriation and oppression of people who you openly acknowledge are on the same side as you, then you don't really want a more free and equitable world, you just want your cult to wear the boots that are on everyone else's neck.

So yeah, fuck tankies. This is a great action. Don't let them appropriate it.

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That's Zionism, not Judiasm. They are not the same things.

There's literally Yiddish songs making fun of Zionism as an idea. Most early Zionists were secular and were directly opposed by religious Jews.

Ffs, there are a ton of interviews with rabbis calling for a cease fire or even an end to Israel. Jewish Voice for Peace has been consistently vocal in their opposition to Israeli apartheid.

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"Forced assimilation" is one way to commit genocide. Another is through holocaust. The Holocaust happened to be genocide via holocaust. Gaza happens to be genocide via holocaust. The definition of genocide doesn't require it be committed via holocaust.

Edit: fixed an autoincorrect

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We need to send at least two. You can't just trust the words of one billionaire. We should probably send at least 3 just to be on the safe side.

A lot of, if not most, folks in that income bracket vote democrat and hate republicans. These are tech folks who voted for Bernie. It isn't until you add another couple of zeros that you find the people funding the Republican party. 150k isn't elite, it's literally just barely middle class in any major city.

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People who understand technology know that most of the tremendous benefits of AI will never be possible to realize within the griftocarcy of capitalism. Those who don't understand technology can't understand the benefits because the grifters have confused them, and now they think AI is useless garbage because the promise doesn't meet the reality.

In the first case it's exactly like cryptography, where we were promised privacy and instead we got DRM and NFTs. In the second, it's exactly like NFTs because people were promised something really valuable and they just got robbed instead.

Management will regularly pass over the actual useful AI idea because it's really hard to explain while funding the complete garbage "put AI on it" idea that doesn't actually help anyone. They do this because management is almost universally not technically competent. So the technically competent workers who absolutely know the potential benefits are still not able to leverage them because management either doesn't understand or is actively engaging in a grift.

Careful with that monkey paw.

It's necessary to hold two truths: liberalism always leads to fascism and accelerationism does not prevent fascism. So one should both delay the inevitability of fascism by participating in liberal democracy and do everything possible to make liberal democracy unnecessary as quickly as possible before the collapse.

The thing that can be especially hard for some people to understand is that not everyone experiences fascism at the same time. It's not a switch. It's a decline. Some people have been expecting fascism for decades or generations now. So people will be at different places in terms of interacting with the system. We are all trying to survive. We need as much time as possible to build a resistence movement, but, at the same time, no matter what compromises we get via electoralism those can be destroyed instantly if we only rely on the state to protect them.