
2 Post – 326 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

uwu owo etc., you know...

for Android I think Connect for Lemmy is the best around. also, it gets literally better day to day since the dev is following the app's community and fixes bugs, implements things from there super rapidly.

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strangely Network Troubleshooter always helped me when I was out of ideas why the network just... stopped working

tho never said the problem, things just got fixed in the meantime while it analyzed n shit and then it reported no issues :P

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My first guess would be filtering out illegal content is something that the operator/admins of the given instance have to take care according to the law of the country the server is hosted in.

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Your system ate a SPARC! Gah

What does this mean? Does it has something to do with... I don't know, the Sun SPARC CPUs?

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Retro tech. It's not too obscure, especially nowadays. I could talk long hours about how mind fucking blowing was the Amiga and then still how it went down on the drain... tho I just see on the other people that this isn't really the topic that will kickstart (heheh) the party.

I need to find more friends...

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where I live (not Japan), trams are updated with a suitcase worth of floppy disks (and these are the more modern trams here)

welp, I'm not sitting on a tram anymore

the overall ambiguity across all UI is what annoys me, tho maybe I'm too oldschool.

what I mean, around 15-20 years ago, the UI elements had defining qualities. borders were 3D as well as buttons. they stood up from the surface, had some 3d effect to make you instinctily feel that you can push that block. and this was consistent; things you could click on were 3d. you knew you can click on a list header, it looked like a button.

scrollable content always had a scrollbar. now it appears if you bring your cursor to the place where it should be, but you don't really know for sure is it scrollable or not.

links were blue, with the pointing finger cursor.

and things like these. Granted, oldschool UI is considered ugly nowadays, but it was functional. you opened a native app for your system, even if you never used it before, the UI gave you clues on at least how to navigate or operate the given software. it was familiar on all systems.

I don't feel there is a unified UX guide for today's computers. at a point, everyone went with their own interpretation of "modern" and "clean", caused (previously) vital UI qualities disappear. everything became "flat".

which, on its own isn't bad, of course.

noone was talking about defending stuff, rather explaining.

tbh, it's kinda unclear to me as well how do you use a bidet properly, I mean you walk around with shitty hole in your bathroom, when do you flush or clean up the toilet if neccessary...?

or if it's built into the toilet, you stand up still drippy hole? do you use soap? when and how? you dry your butt still sitting on top of your poo?

see? lots of unclarity here.

I'm thinking about upgrading my porcelain throne anyway...

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if you feel comfortable with Debian based distros (or at least, to my understanding), why not use... Debian? or a Debian based system?

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how about they just give us a Ctrl key, and strangely enough, almost every shortcut become available

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RISC-V and getting even more low power+max performance

this sandbox craze is slowly pushing things back to the point where we used cartridges and booted off from them straight to the program. who needs an OS at this point? it's bundled with the app anyway 😆

/s, somewhat

9 out of 10 people I know use WinRAR. It's amongst the very firsr software they install at fresh start.

I myself also just changed to 7-Zip around... I don't know, a year ago?

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few inches closer to Star Trek

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I don't know if this memory of mine is real, or just a (day)dreaming or my brain just fucks with me, or just too much acid, but I clearly remember lots of years ago I opened GIMP and the splash screen had this fox IN A FUCKING GIMP SUIT!

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Provide a "captcha" prompt, and ask which comes first in the list... You know, to make sure the user is a human! And you get free sorting.

I mean, this strangely is a compelling idea...

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Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

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Sandwich for lunch.

Gas operated dryers.

High school proms being such a big thing.

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you just uncovered one of the use cases of the so called Report function built into Lemmy.

use it :)

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and of course motherfucking Half-Life

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creative solutions

what about a hammock? or hang your bed on chains from the roof.

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Yeah, I have the weirdest habit; I take off my backpack from my back and hold it in my hand.

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tried it out in a VM, I was truly impressed by that browser.

I mean, sure, lots of pages don't work, but lots of pages DOES work on it, with no issues.

Never seen this on any custom, "built in" browser of an alternative OS.

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can't deceide amongst these;

  • when I was around 3 years old, my mom gave me a strange hot pink plastic toy hair dryer that ran on 1 AA battery. It had a drawing of a strange medusa-like girl on it. I'm a dude. I have no idea, how or why did she got that for me as a present, but i fucking loved it. so much so it's tiny momentary switch that turned it on completely broke my thumb. it made me really happy. (probably because my parents worked a lot so I was put into a nursery, and seeing my mom coming there for grabbing me at the end of the day always made me happy. so I maybe connected the toy hair dryer with this)

  • around 12 years old (it was around 2008-2009), a family friend gave me a Psion Series 3A palmtop computer (a retro handheld 16bit computer from the mid-to-end 90's) with few SSD cartridges (storage). previously it was used by the police force and on those cartridges I've found several police work related softwares written for the device. It was a special gift, I loved that machine. I learned a lot about programming on it with its strange programming language called OPL. Had a complete manual for it in my native language. It had not the best keys, but typed countless of lines of code on it.


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DS9. The Dominion is about to come through the wormhole with hundreds or thousands of ships and the prophets are like "omg Sisco you can't have a fucking war here, man, we need you later on" and Sisco was "fuck you, I do whatever I want, do your magic, I don't care, it's man's business" so Sisco wont retreat.

and then what happened?

The whole fucking Dominion fleet just disappeared, poof! like Sisco used some kind of cheat code.

fuck that.

anyway, it's not the scene itself that was bad, but man. that was so freaking cheap I think the whole show changed in me a little bit after that. still amazing series, tho

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Altough it's more like a "gypsy curse", but there's one that translates to sth like "I wish you'll having ten rings but none fingers"

I don't think a pirated copy of the game would call home, that's something that hackers should patch really quickly IMO

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I had a really important role of my Pi 1 B+ for a long time; it was a network storage for my PlayStation 2 to play ISOs from the network with Free McBoot and Open PS2 Loader.

grabbed a big HDD, and old CD drive case and put everything inside. The Pi could be powered from the PS2s USB, hooked up a short network cable and it was ready to go.

Tho I still have that PS2, it's not in use anymore, so neither the Pi.

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railway stations?

my streaming device is a 4th gen Intel i5 computer with Kodi.

I don't think I'll see more ads in the future 😆

I've built a 2nd/3rd generation Intel PC out from a Small Formfactor HP machine.

Put 8GB of memory into it and a 500GB HDD. The whole thing costed me around... 35-40USD and got a remote for that machine for 20USD. It's under my TV, in sleep mode so the remote can wake it up any time and the Power button on it puts back to sleep.

Running libreELEC, which is a Linux system built around Kodi, and for Kodi there are lot of streaming plugins available - Netflix too. It can pretty much play back 1080p without issue, and maybe even 4k, but I couldn't test it properly because I have a Panasonic plasma TV and that's only full hd.

Had some stuttering issue with Wayland, but with x11 it runs perfectly. If I set up the video player to synch framerates at the beginning and end of the video, it runs smoothly.

These plugins use Kodi's UI, so they are easy to navigate. It can't get more comfortable than that, Kodi is way better than any shitty Smart TV system out there, especially those Android TV abominations.

So yeah, a 2011ish PC, a DVD/Blu-Ray drive, USB remote, libreELEC and you never need any other media player equipment.

One thing needs to be done, tho... I have to use DisplayPort <-> HDMI for video out and the adapter doesn't really communicate with the TV so have to build an USB/LPT-CEC interface for it (Arduino or Pi Pico) and with that, the TV would turn on/off, change to AV or back to TV when the power state changes of the PC and also would be able to control Kodi with the TV remote too.

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dedicated "little brother" controller


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I don't want to defend anyone here, I just want to make things clear in my head;

the rule is the following:

Regarding Spam: We are not your free advertising platform. If you are here only to sell your products or services, you will be removed. Occasional posts of commercial links are OK, but when the vast majority of a user's posts are commercial in nature, we regard the account as a Spam account.

To me, it didn't look like the only intention of OP's user would be advertising. How is this not fit into "occasional posts of commerical links"?

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please tell me how Android is not FOSS anymore.

because I really don't understand this argument here.

Android is still FOSS. you can grab the source code, modify it and use it, if you really want.

even so, since Xiaomi provides you tools and codes to unlock the phone and install any other compatible system on it.

oh, no more updates then for MIUI? the heavily modified version of Android that Xiaomi is making and providing services for it? and then, the whole FOSSness is breaking for you if they say no more updates for their version if you open the loader? who would have thought.

why would you do that, in the first place? I guess to install other roms. so you probably don't like MIUI anyway.

or you want to modify MIUI? you know that 90% of hacks just don't fucking work with MIUI's framework, right? that it's breaking and shit. and then, if that happens, who would you call? well, not the ghostbusters but go to MIUI support snd blame them for your shitty modifications.

tell me, please, how Android is not FOSS anymore, I really wanna know what keeps you up at nights.

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In Hungarian it's the same with "home" in particular. You say "I'm home.". In Hungarian, I too say the exact same thing: "Otthon vagyok" (I'm home).

Your other two example works the same, you won't say in Hungarian "I'm school" (Iskola vagyok (it means I am literally a school)). But you say "IskoláBAN vagyok" (I'm at school) or "PostÁN vagyok" (I'm at the post office. Notice the suffix in this case is completely different, but that's another story of Hungarian)

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archive.org is an exceptionally good source for finding OS ISO images.

Here's one for Windows 7. According to the description and comments below, it is a clean disk image of the installer.


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Matrix 4

for a long time, I was like if I had a wish, it would be to see the Matrix movies like the very first time.

after seeing the 4th, my wish is to clear Matrix 4 out of my mind.

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