
1 Post – 446 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Why did Polygon include the CTWC video at the top of their page instead of BlueScuti's?

They are already stealing his views reposting his entire video with some bullshit commenting from them over the top of it and now Polygon is supporting that kind of behavior.

The kid did the work, give him the damn views.

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Thing is, looking at some games, Horizon and Elden Ring being a prime examples, we can have both great games with great graphics.

You don't really want better games with worse graphics, you want better games that don't use great graphics as an excuse to bad gameplay.

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Spencer Weiss, a Pennsylvania voter quoted by The Times who backed Biden in 2020 but now supports Trump, said: “The world is falling apart under Biden.” He added: “I would much rather see somebody that I feel can be a positive role-model leader for the country. But at least I think Trump has his wits about him.”

Press X to doubt.

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This is the same bullshit take propagandists and Musk himself are spreading.

Musk sabotaged an active military operation in an effort to save Russian assets and materials, by disabling access to Starlink in that area, to halt the operation. And then refused to undo what he did.

All to protect Russian assets in an illegal undeclared war of annexation where Russia is the aggressor.

Musks actions enabled the death of thousands of civilians in Ukraine and likely will cause far more through his actions which extend how long this illegal invasion will continue.

Musk should be stripped of his US citizenship and booted right back to South Africa. America stands by Ukraine, South Africa tries to pretend they are neutral but the agreements they have with Russia and the opinions of rich fuck South Africans like Musk make it clear they stand with Russia.

And anyone who keeps spreading these press releases with his propagandist take on the subject rather than saying how things actually happened, should be ashamed of themselves and monitored until all this is over.

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The thing that hit me with sadness most (aside the horrible murder) is that when you see pictures of Brianna, her eyes are full of life and happiness.

And then you see pictures of these two, devoid of any spark. Dead inside.

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The chokehold Israeli Intelligence / Propaganda wing has on reddits worldnews subreddit is freakin depressing (and scary in how total it is).

Post anything even remotely critical to anything Israel did and within minutes you'll have a dozen downvotes and people outright warping reality in their response to you, all on relatively recent accounts that only ever respond to posts related to Israel. They aren't subtle about it in the slightest.

And stories like them murdering foreign aid workers on purpose just get magicked away.

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When IBM, the guys that developed the computer system to schedule and track the holocaust itself, go "OY, cool your rhetoric Elon", you know you're well off the deep end.

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Taylor Swift is internationally liked and considered a pretty business savvy person, especially for an artist, with all the moves she made to make her music her own again by re-rerecording it.

Trump is an international laughing stock and considered an absolute conman and fraudster who got rich victimizing the rich and poor alike, with all the charity scams, taking dirty money from Russia and reporting fake values for his properties to sucker banks into lending to him.

While he's at least equally well known, it's not because he's popular or liked. It's because he's a big fat orange flag.

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Going into a legal dick measuring match with 3 of the most hardcore litigious corps in the tech world.

Sounds smart.

It's really damn simple. It's because they don't care.

The hypocrisy is the point.

Everything they do is "do as I say, not as I do".

It's about control and power. Not about values.

They have no actual values.

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Was and might actually be again.

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Most valuations by actual economists and the like was in the 20-25B range. So it still lost a 5x in value, which is only marginally worse than 10x.

Meanwhile, you have the Elon fanboys still pretending Twitter is doing better than it ever has.

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After explicitly denying the service to an ally.

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This is an engine.

And this is an engine.

Pretty much every iteration of Tarzan I've ever seen has him carrying a knife.

EDIT: Oh, I've come to the realization most people's one and only contact with Tarzan seems to be another in a long line of Disney bastardizations.

Tip, read the original stories of every story Disney ever "adopted", most of them are nowhere near as cutesy as DIsney makes them out to be and fairy tales in their original form were usually absolute horror stories.

They were meant to warn kids of dangers, not to give them Disney princes feelings.

Judge said they had thick enough skin to deal with whatever he said.

I doubt the judge is OK with Trump openly calling for people to do harm to them.

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That's the difference between someone like him and Biden.

Biden is old as fuck and has some old fuck ideas, but he also realizes he's an old fuck and his old as fuck ideas are outdated, so he relies on experts and not quite as old fucks to advise him.

Someone like Trump (and pretty much everyone on the right these days) will only take advise from anyone that simply re-enforces his own old fuck ideas.

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He can't get a bond against his properties because he's over leveraged up the wazzooo on all of them.

That's his whole financial shtick, he gets loans against his properties until they come calling for him to repay, then gets more loans somewhere else to pay of the old loans.

That worked for him for the longest time until western banks got wise of this (either because he stiffed them or because he's still paying of his loans with them) and the only places he could lend from to repay the Western banks are questionable money sources.

So now he's in debt with everyone from legit banks to dark money sources and can't get anyone anywhere to lend him any more, especially not half a billion.

We can only hope a bunch of them start defaulting him on his loans and confiscating his properties, so that that whole house of cards starts crumbling down.

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Even tactically it would be the smart move for the Republicans.

If nothing gets done, they can blame the Democratic speaker, if things get passed the wingnuts don't like, they can blame it on the Democratic speaker, meanwhile, the republicans from the slightly more swingy states get creds with more moderate voters, when they vote sensibly.

But nooo, Republicans can only stand either having it all or blocking it all.

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Uhm, it says it reached a new agreement with WB that makes the bought content available, ""for at least the next 30 months".

When that license expires and the PR winds are right, they'll remove it permanently.

You still didn't buy what you bought.

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Doesn't mean fragile ego management and oh my real estate is devalued jackasses won't fight for return to office tooth and nail.

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She's an open white nationalist.

How is her being racist any sort of surprise or questioned?

You have people like this saying actual antisemitic shit over and over and over again and they are elected to office.

And then it's people that want the country of Israel, to at least pretend to try to not kill scores of civilians and they get called antisemitic.

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A while back I realized my phone has 256GB of internal storage and since I don't take pictures or put anything else on it, I was running around with 256GB of free storage wherever I went.

And that's pretty much when it clicked for me that I was paying Spotify for access to music I already have from the pre-spotify days for a convenience that no longer is valid.

I dove into my box of CD's and DVDs and put the 30 something gigs of music I collected since the mid 90's on my phone and haven't used spotify since.

EDIT: and, yeah, I've re-instanced my music, movie and series downloaders and went back to sailing the high seas.

I switched to Netflix/Spotify, because of the convenience and timing of release they provided, they were also more reliable in terms of quality ("free" versions labeled ass 1080p often aren't actually 1080p, etc).

But the sheer cost of Spotify, Paramount+, Disney+, Netflix, etc, etc, etc to listen to and watch what I want, has made the convenience/cost calculation move from being acceptable to being even more than what it used to be buying CD's and DVD's.

On top of that the audio and video quality have deteriorated over the years, availability has become spotty, at best (like certain services removing movies and shows, even some removing movies and shows you paid extra for), we're also dealing with these services pushing ads on top of us already paying subscriptions and fragmenting their market to the extent everything has become entirely unaffordable.

I used to buy maybe 2-3 CD's in a year and a boxset of a show and a movie once a year.

Now simply subscribing to every service that has something I want for just 1 month costs more than what I spent per year previously.

Gabe Newels words are still right on the money.

Piracy is a service problem and the service provided these days makes Piracy the better option, again.

It's a worldwide phenomenon unfortunately.

A bunch of populist shite riling up the masses against people that have it even worse than them, to take away any and all focus from the people that are actually causing all these issues.

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The idiot that fronted him that money is, well, an idiot.

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This is just a diagnosis of the problem.

That thing is engineered so they can bypass or repurpose ever little bit.

Which is probably what they'll do now, do a software update that will make the system evade the bad memory segment.

Voyager has 3 computers and only 1 is affected.

It's especially rich coming from the side that's so horribly overtly corrupt and well known for cronyism and nepotism.

The lie is usually accompanied by a truth.

In this case the lie is that he'll give up the power.

All game content and story issues aside, what pisses me of the most is that a month after release, we still only had a microscopic amount of bugfixes that don't even address some of the larger issues with the game.

I don't want to bring up BG3 again, but at this timespan after the game release, Larian already fixed THOUSANDS of bugs, big and small and overall, the game was much less obviously buggy than Starfield is. It's issues were more inconsistencies in logic and a handful of quest breakers, but otherwise not even noticeable until you read the patch notes.

It's crazy to me there's so little action from Bethesdas side in fixing this heap. I guess it rolls into their bullshit PR of pushing for Awards (they are literally looking to get a Grammy ...) and saying the game is nigh on perfect.

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If it was a hack to begin with. Could just be some publicity stunt or him being drunk and coked out of his mind.

These people love fabricating outrage.

Watching Married with Children and realizing this dude is working as a store clerk and supporting a family of 5 on that single wage without actually living paycheck to paycheck and then realizing this isn't a fictional representation of the timeperiod, is really goddamn depresssing.

In less than 40 years the inequality of wealth distribution and the cost of living has changed so drastically that then they could live on one paycheck and now you only get by with a minimum of two.

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Doing anti cheat on the server can only check for symptoms of cheating.

Doing anti cheat on the client can check for tools, attack vectors and the actual method of cheating.

Took them long enough.

If it was the reverse, the Satanist would've been in jail right away and probably have been charged with a flurry of charges that aren't even relevant to the event.

Am I the only one who's surprised how out and in the open corruption has become in states like Alabama?

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They squarely target teens and young men who don't know anything yet.

And they overload them with smart or cool sounding bullshit at such a high rate and form networks of similar minded "influencers", so they can cross reference each other pretending what they say has any validity.

And as this article states, they are great at warping factual information to fit their fucked up views.

Unsurprisingly, people like Tate are very high on the narcissism scale, these people tend to be dumb as dirt, but master manipulators and charismatic towards their target audience.

You and me look right through that facade, but impressionable young people don't always.

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You don't get arrested for misconduct. You get sued.

You get arrested for sexual assault.

You mean, correctly labeling him as an insurrectionist.

He'd probably need to file a suit against the state or the YouTuber.

If he's only cleared on 2/3 charges in the end, they'll just slap a minimum of 6 months on him and call it time served.

He probably doesn't have a leg to stand on suing the YouTuber if only cleared on 2/3 charges.

If he is cleared of all charges, he can sue the pants of both.

But lawsuits are expensive.

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The problem is that there is no real discussion about what to do with AI.

It's being allowed to be developed without much of any restrictions and that's what's dangerous about it.

Like how some places are starting to use AI to profile the public Minority Report style.

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