Most U.S. adults don't believe benefits of AI outweigh the risks, new survey finds to – 516 points –

The majority of U.S. adults don't believe the benefits of artificial intelligence outweigh the risks, according to a new Mitre-Harris Poll released Tuesday.


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The problem is that there is no real discussion about what to do with AI.

It's being allowed to be developed without much of any restrictions and that's what's dangerous about it.

Like how some places are starting to use AI to profile the public Minority Report style.

Yep. It's either "embrace the future, adapt or die" or "let's put the technological genie back in the bottle". No actual nuance.

The problem is capitalism puts us in this position. Nobody is abstractly upset the jobs we hate can now be automated.

What is upsetting is that we wont be able to eat because of it.

Depends on who you talk to. If you’re a business that can replace human labor with AI, you’re probably discussing it pretty hard.

What restrictions should it have? How would you implement them, because there would certainly be “you can’t make “x” with AI, unless of course you’re a big business that can profit off of it?