Watch a 13-year-old become the first person to ever beat Classic Tetris to – 419 points –
Watch a 13-year-old become the first person to ever beat Classic Tetris

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Why did Polygon include the CTWC video at the top of their page instead of BlueScuti's?

They are already stealing his views reposting his entire video with some bullshit commenting from them over the top of it and now Polygon is supporting that kind of behavior.

The kid did the work, give him the damn views.

Thanks for mentioning the original source! Here's BlueScuti's video, to save everyone else some searching. The moment he beats it is here, at 38:30.

Thanks for the links. I went to watch and he's actually live right now playing some tetris. Dudes a machine.

He was only on level 18 though, LOL

::: spoiler spoiler (Yes, I know it rolled over and went to weird hexadecimal levels before that.) :::

This is the best comment in the thread. No muss, no fuss, just a link it the sauce and a timecode link to the actual event.

Thank you for your service.

It reminds me of if you look up a trailer on YouTube and the first results are usually a bunch of videos of people "reacting" to the trailer, with a stupid shocked face in the caption.

Yeah, and if the OG video was just a minute or so long, I get including it while "reporting" on it.

This kid did a 45 minute run, which CTWC included in their video in its entirety, their own contribution, being the intro and interview, are only a few minutes tacked on at each end.

It's infuriating.

It just goes to show you how low quality their journalism is. Didnt even bother finding the original source, just pulled the first video that came up in youtube search

That's what makes it extra messed up.

In the text of the article, they actually link to the kids video.

Yet the include of the page, they use that CTWC video.

So this isn't lazy or by accident, this is completely deliberate.