
1 Post – 227 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Still doesn’t fix the ill will from when they abruptly killed Apollo, in a stupid way that screwed both users and an indie dev who actually cared and had dedicated significant effort to the platform.

Also, I absolutely cannot wait for when Reddit itself becomes meme stocked. Somehow, both GameStop and AMC are still alive, but the crazies are back, and Reddit seems like an excellent candidate.

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That source is garbage.

Seems to be based on what amounts to a single “does not currently appear that the procedure itself killed him” statement from MGH, which is generally respected.

I will wait for the actual journal article that (I sincerely hope) is yet to come.

Five years, and an additional two months following consent from a highly experimental and unique procedure that he appears to have given informed consent for because he would otherwise have died sooner beats the hell out of five years without the two months.

I could make a hell of a lot of amends in sixty days, knowing it was all I had, that I’ve had trouble making in four plus decades…. Which would make the end exponentially more peaceful and pleasant.

Anything that gives me that much time is a net positive. Not going to bother with some of the usual surgical recovery stuff if I am fully informed at that point but… Don’t want to die wishing I had had time to make that one phone call or txt that I didn’t quite get to make because we don’t get to choose the moment.

Ten yrs from now hewill be a hero for undergoing the procedure that leads to real progress.

If the clock is off (bad CMOS battery, as others have noted); and there is a password "max age" setting that's intended to be far, far, far in the future...

Well, your clock being off by a few hundred years might well trigger the (intended never) expiration setting.

Malware is a possibility, but I lean towards the date being the cause rather than an effect.

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Or, try limiting one's actions such that they match the average American's level of criminality, and just don't be a fascist dictator asshole aiming to deport the people who produce food and... Yeah.

I understood it as “pre-prepared poop Pringles”

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As others have pointed out - costs a few bucks annually,and requires beneficial ownership report (free IIRC).

Otherwise, it’s a tried and true tactic to pass businesses down through generations. An LLC vs. a corp vs a trust is a convo to have w/ lawyer barred in your state but the general premise is vaguely sane.

This is fucking horrifying.

Seems like it would be a nightmare to purify. Perhaps useful for agricultural applications, but for drinking and household use…. Most water supplies don’t have e.g., human bodies floating in them.

Not a scientist, happy to be proven wrong here, but that’s my gut.

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Fuck if I know the answer to this, but someone I know well and respect works one of these shifts, and I don’t get it.

4 on 3 off and swap the next week, I get.

But it’s like these were designed to fuck up the workers’ health and lives. Oh, wait, they probably were.

Doesn't exactly seem newsworthy to me - without knowing the dynamics of his marriage, I find it hard to condemn - or even care - that a) he spent some money, b) on a company run by his alleged girlfriend, c) while married. None of those things are by definition incompatible with each other.

The “good” news - and your landlord might benefit from hearing this in advance - is that as I understand it, you’ll be paid salary for any shutdown period, after it’s resolved. Could be a meaningful amount of money depending on how long. Making sure the ll understands that could buy you some time, but depends on them.

I’ll assume you don’t qualify for any assistance programs given a gov salary and a second job plus your wife’s income. But…. Check anyway. Some states are rather more generous.

I THINK you might be eligible for unemployment during any shutdown, but generally there’s a waiting period of a week, it’s max 2/3 of income with a hard cap, and I cannot cite a source that says you do qualify. Worth diggging into, very state specific.

I’ve taken to gig work, so that the misc money I spend on myself doesn’t come off “rea” income. With a second job that might not be practical, but might be for your wife if you live in or near a relatively safe city. I ignore gigs in my hometown entirely, I make more in the nearest major city and they have “hourly” pay there so I make something worthwhile even without a tip (25% of orders don’t tip, roughly, from my experience).

As far as your mental health, which is the real focus here…. A couple things come to mind.

It’s short term hardship, you need to get through days or weeks - not a way of life. Understanding and actually internalizing that has helped me through some significant rough patches.

If at all possible, don’t short groceries or the miscellaneous money your wife spends on little stuff, including her. You don’t function well without decent food. Aldi is one possibility, can be cheaper for some things.

I’d expect family to be sympathetic to the potential shutdown, but I understand feeling like you shouldn’t ask for more. Guess what, though - they know the position you’re in already, and the potential shutdown is public knowledge as well. OTOH, that’s assuming they are decent humans and that they have the money in the first place. I don’t and can’t know if either are true.

Gotta be honest, selling stuff is a) getting ripped off, b) depressing af, and c) you’ll have to spend money to replace it down the road. It’s to be avoided if at all possible, for all of those reasons.

You’ve already rented a room, that’s more than I’d be able to do - I WFH so the spare room is my office, and the only place I can maintain some confidentiality of data, which is a base expectation of the field.

Don’t know how far behind you are on utilities, but most states make it fairly easy to find just how far you can push “past due”, and what arrangements can be made.

Some states require reasonable payment arrangements to split the bill across future months, some don’t. Worth exploring. You want to keep the lights on, at nearly any cost, because usually they’ll expect entire past due amount plus deposit to reconnect. Same for gas/water, as applicable.

Comcast has offered 10 day extensions to me,for internet only. Have to chat and ask for it, though that may vary by state as well

Also…. Remember there’s no guarantee a shutdown will occur, or last a long time. As we saw, last minute action is very possible. Also, if I remember the timeline correctly, we passed a 45 day CR and there are still 30 ish days left before that happens.

Food pantries if needed - no one there is judging, they wouldn’t volunteer if they did. You almost certainly will walk out with way more stuff than you expected. You’ll need to fill in holes, but that’s a short term way to reduce your grocery bill by a meaningful amount, since most staples are there.

Take care of yourself, it matters. The mental health side of this creates a slippery slope that’s easy to descend into and hard to get out of. Even if that just means sometimes buying a thing you particularly like as a reward for getting through the week. Compare the cost of me making a crab cake once a month, with the cost of additional therapy because I tried to live with zero extras. Silly example, but total self-denial is positively brutal to your brain, and tends to turn desire into cravings.

Wish I had more advice, but I hope something in there helps. You probably took a gov job at least partially because it (generally) offers stability, I’m sorry that our leg branch can’t seem to maintain that.

One more thing - unless you’re likely to get a giant pay bump, now is probably not the time to look for a new job. That takes time to spin up and find the right one, and the long term hit to eg any pension is significant. It also doesn’t solve immediate issues, since generally checks are delayed a pay cycle or so for processing.

Again, I’m sorry this is happening to you, and I wish I could do more for you and your colleagues. You have no dog in this fight, and neither your nor the military’s paychecks should be impacted.

Fountain pens and inks. Nothing like enjoying the mere act of writing meeting notes with my preferred pen, ink, and paper.

A5 Clairefontaine 90gsm, and usually Pilot Iroshizuku Tsutsiji.

It is the perfect color to be appropriate for signatures and the like, while also being interesting and having the tiniest bit of sheen.

Haven’t used a Bic in ages, I just fill pens as needed.

Got a safari in F that’s perfect for tsutsiji and I just keep filling it.

Yeah, FP are my “thing”, helped along by the insane vari lets of available inks. If I sign something [wet], it’s with a fifteen dollar safari and that ink, or on (diamine) Sherwood green.

Anything else, and it’s not my sig.

I appreciate the separation between those two concepts, and find that too few people look at it that way.

Every last one of them needs to be booted off Ukrainian soil, of course - that also goes without saying - but the Russian Army has a long history of lying to their citizens, promising money that never appears, and pulling small numbers of people from e.g., remote villages so that surviving families believe they're one of the few and don't see the larger losses at scale.

I can't locate my well-thumbed copy of Grau at the moment, but I'm reasonably sure he substantiates the above at least as far back as Afghanistan.

Was wondering what the actual hell was up with his string of vetoes lately.

Maybe he sees himself as the 2028 Dem nominee and wants to demonstrate he's not an evil socialist to the non-crazy Republicans...

I certainly hope not - any D is better than none, but he's one of those who least align with the collective interests of most.

[t]he new rules likely conflict with the state's...

Great, because it's already settled law who wins that battle.

It will be hot. Not just warm, but brutal. People dying in the streets of Detroit kind of brutal.

Oh, and those fucking lead pipes will still be buried in Flint and a hundred other American cities because no one gives a damn about the poor or their children.

Think the DSM term for that is “harmless self-delusion” bc ain’t nobody throwing that sock away. Goes in the laundry hamper, and we repeat the ciiircle of…. Oh wait. You know what i mean.

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Me: “don’t be from Indiana, don’t be from Indiana, don’t be…. Aw, fuck. “

Reasons I left. Just about the time I started to feel like a native, the right jumped from Reagan-esque (annoying, wrong, but tolerable and able to cooperate on mutually agreeed social good) to this.

That’s what I get for having adopted Kettlecorn, KS as my hometown, I suppose. Not surprising at all.

Here's hoping MTG's district gets a whole lot more minorities...

A hard timeline on commit strikes me as less than ideal.

People are people. They have issues, they screw up, but they still write good code.

Seems like a brutal metric that encourages minimal commits without real change.

"The only thing worse than a woman who doesn’t know her place, is a man who doesn’t know his,” he wrote on Facebook in December 2017.

Perhaps I need to get my eyes checked, but.. Isn't he black? I shudder to think what a black man "knowing his place" in NC meant just a handful of years ago.

I know exactly what modern Java looks like, and it could be beautiful. But… legacy cruft and lazy devs make it painful. And tech debt, let’s be honest.

I’d view a greenfield project rather differently, but those are unicorns.

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A handful of good fountain pens, a few inks that I really love, and good paper. Those are fairly small amounts of money, and ongoing purchases, but good tools that just work and make me happy when I use them are highly valuable to me.

The priciest pen - which writes amazingly - is not necessarily the one I value most. I get the most use out of a $17 pen, and a $25 pen - multiple of each, really, because i must have allllllll of the inks.

Doesn’t take much - or much money spent - to make me happy, really, and I consider that to be one of the few positive aspects of adulting. Once I figured that out and started focusing on quality over quantity in general, life improved dramatically.

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Are you seeing a family doctor, or a sleep specialist? You want the latter, and a sleep study.

The classes of drugs that might help are imperfect at best, I'd be partial to a benzo before e.g., Ambien or related, given the inherent risks of sleepwalking and worse with those drugs.

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Hazmats are prohibited in both tunnels. About the only option for those is to go all the way around 695, adding the better part of 50 miles.

Fountain pens. They hold up incredibly well, but...

...Then again, I keep buying them, and inks, and etc., so I'm not sure it qualifies as BIFL.

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You say, as if that sentiment isn’t nearly universal.

Only reason dd hasn’t bitten me is that in my head, if and of make perfect sense as input and output.

Doesn’t mean I won’t make that error tomorrow, ofc. But I tend not to alias except harmless stuff to avoid that very problem.

LOL fuck you.

If the company isn’t viable without squeezing unacceptable amounts of work out of individuals, it’s not viable full stop.

This is not a startup or small passion project. It’s a large ship, and a sinking one as well.

Nailed it. Debt paid down in your twenties is gone.

Debt you barely service until your forties…. Never goes away.

Revolut does that, but far cheaper.

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I think we all know someone who was forced to buy TP on ebay in the early pandemic.

This could send us right back there. Doesn't much matter why stuff can't move from A to B, prices will increase and people will take the opportunity to profiteer.

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Do tell, if only in general terms - might just be motivational, or might inspire someone in an adjacent area.

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Absolutely counts - you purchased freedom, and flexibility. Those might be the most valuable things a person can spend money on, IMHO.

Open source wheelchairs; and a community of variously abled makers who can come together and build assemblies that are "not medical devices" but come together easily into something that could be used as such.

Speaking strictly for the US, and as a non-lawyer - I'm inclined to think that an open source wheelchair would probably sail right through the 510k process, but... Still doesn't make that process cheap by any means.

I've had similar thoughts re: CPAP/APAP machines, neither the SW nor the HW is brutally complex / poorly understood. Pretty straightforward stuff mostly. But trying to distribute a thing like that even as plans is just asking for a C&D from the FDA, I'd expect.

Pharm tech licensing varies wiiiiidely across the states. Some require natl very, some require basically on job training IIRC.

RPh not so much, but tech also has responsibility not to kill you with a misfill and more eyes are always good for preventing deaths.

The shit wages they pay in relation to being responsible in part for safety and accuracy (in retail) is a big part of why most retail is dangerously understaffed.

Same for insurance agents and real estate agents in many (most?) of US. HS, a couple weeks of “teaching to the test,” and a test is all it takes. Rote memorisation. - lots of those younger folks in insurance couldn’t define what they may/may not say/promise, or who is an “Insured” under a given policy.

DeSantis should move on from existence.

There’s an SOL on rape in most scenarios.

But no statute of limitations on copyright violations? WTF?

I pay for (via employer) long term disability coverage because it’s cheap, and because my odds of needing it are marginally higher than average.

But in reality, I buy the coverage because I hear the horror stories of people trying to get disability, backlogs, denials, etc.

For me, the fear is not being able to work / work full time, and how the hell would I live while waiting the process out? Could I reduce costs enough to live on SSDI? Probably. But I can’t reduce costs to zero while the process drags out.

As ever, we underfund programs so they do t work properly and then try to cut more funding because they don’t work properly.