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Joined 1 years ago

Media critics have accused them [CBS] of cowing to MAGA Republicans.

And those critics are entirely correct. This is a spineless, utterly irresponsible decision.

As Mother Jones CEO Monika Bauerlein wrote in 2019, “Journalists can’t just dispassionately chronicle two equally valid ‘sides.’ A free press needs (and is needed by) lowercase-d democracy. We can’t exist without it.”

I agree completely, and CBS is failing the public.

I’m male, hetero, and cis, too. I know there will be some things I’ll never fully understand because of that.

I try to keep things gender neutral (they, y’all). I know I’ll be wrong sometimes. When I’m corrected, I apologize and make sure I don’t repeat the mistake. There will be rare occasions where that’s not good enough for someone, but I look at that as more their issue than mine. I’m being sincere, and doing the best I can.

He was charged with one count of ethnic intimidation, a felony, and one count of assault and battery, which is a misdemeanor…

Huh? Shouldn’t the crime of actually harming someone be at least as serious as threatening to?

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I refuse to read this article. The headline alone tells me far more than I ever wanted to know about RFK Jr’s sex life.

Congratulations, US legal system! You have encouraged a murderous vigilante!

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We need to call them something other than “stem cells” (here in America, at least). Republicans have trained people to assume that stem cells can only come from aborted fetuses, and that will be a major hurdle to overcome for any procedure involving “stem cells”.

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People who (at best) don’t care about the reason for the protest, or (at worst) actively turn a peaceful protest into something chaotic and violent, will take advantage of situations when they present themselves - just like Rittenhouse did.

In the thumbnail, the gavel looks like it was manufactured by Tony Stark.

Oh noes! Not his fee-fees!

I wouldn’t want to look at that while I was eating… SO I WOULD AVOID STARING AT HIM. Complaining about the guy is not the answer. Self control and respect are.

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Hmm. I can see that.

That’s an excellent question. I wish I knew the answer.

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That was my first guess, too, but it’s nothing more than a guess. I’ve never known anyone with OPs issue.

Yeah, I read the article. I was just imagining a hypothetical situation where he and I were eating in the same restaurant.

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I forgot that the cop resigned. Good.


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It looks dehumanizing because they cherry-picked my reply. I referred to him as a person in the very same sentence. When I said “that”, I was referring to the skin grafts and scabs. Those are things. They are not him.

The accusation was not made in good faith, and/or was made by someone with poor reading comprehension. They definitely got wooshed, and it’s pretty clear that you did, too.

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lol yeah, whatever, “bud”

I would be completely astonished if this was legit. If you’ve already filled out the form, change you banking password and contact your bank immediately.

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… he is in the planning stages of suing CNN…

He has the concept of a lawsuit

I don’t think it’ll matter, but I also hope I’m wrong

For a more accurate headline, change “Policing group” to “Sane people”.

Kind. Not overly serious. Polite to public-facing employees.

Uh… eighteen years is a good start, but she’s only thirty six. I don’t want a racist domestic terrorist to ever see the light of day again.

I can’t tell if she’s making an analogy, or merely making a joke about remembering the difference between two similar things. Stalactites form on the ceiling of a cave, while stalag_mites_ form on the floor.

Man, am I glad that I couldn’t afford a Tesla when I thought they were cool and didn’t find Musk repulsive.

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Note to anyone playing at home: if you send any trash, make sure it doesn’t include anything with personally identifying information on it.

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I am SO tired of being at the mercy of idiots.

Scratching a stranger’s car is never okay.

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I’ve often wondered why the FTC allows it to be marketed as “Full Self-Driving”. That’s blatant false advertising.

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Make all the “calls” you want. For someone to voluntarily resign under these circumstances, they need to feel guilt/shame. I’m not sure Vance is capable of either. He will not resign.

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My reckless, irresponsible “solution” would be to just shoot ’em the fuck down. It’s a good thing I’m not in charge of Japanese border security. I’d probably start World War 3.

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  1. Too late
  2. They shouldn’t need to be told
  3. It’s just getting started

I think this is as strong as could reasonably be expected from Harris. It’s also brilliant politically. People who wouldn’t have voted for Biden because of Palestine may be willing to go with Harris.

In addition to age, this makes two of Biden’s biggest drawbacks crushed in one week. I like it.

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“I’ve asked you eight or nine times to show me the exact post and you’ve not been able to show me even once,” the judge told him.

“You’re losing all credibility, I’ll tell you that right now,” he later added.

The judge has found Trump’s weakness: facts that back up his hyperbole.

This was just a silly joke that got WAY out of hand. The author isn’t even trying to claim it’s real. Getting defensive and angry is the worst possible way to respond - therefore, I hope they keep doing it.

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She should definitely go for it.

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This needs to be very widely publicized.

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As a company, we take this issue very seriously…

…by abandoning it completely. Fuck you, Harley-Davidson.

I kinda want to see the clip, but not enough to visit Twitter

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