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“Fetal personhood” was always the next shoe to drop after they overturned Roe. I was a little surprised the court didn’t go straight there in Dodd.

All that shit the court said about the states being able to decide about abortion? Lies. These right-wing nutcases are out to ban abortion everywhere. And they will, through fetal personhood. We can’t pass a law to kill a PERSON without due process, can we?

It’ll happen in the next five years unless we reform the court or impeach the six frauds. Based on our current tendency to go from bad to worse, I doubt either of those will happen.

Emigrate now if you can.

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I’ll never forgive her for Bush v. Gore. Literally destroyed the country. If she’d voted for the law, not for her party, there’d have been no Bush Administration, no was on terror, no Trump, no Dobbs. And we’re not done yet; there’s probably a Republican dictatorship in our near future.

The damage she did is incalculable. I’m glad she’s gone.

“Not going to talk about couches”? Oh yes you are. You’ve been hoisted by your own petard, and you’re gonna stay up there till we decide to take you down (we won’t, you deserve it).

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PROPAGANDA. Please use the actual word. Why use two words when one do trick?

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Why ask the liar to explain what he meant? He meant what he said, just like in 2020 when he said he would only accept the results of the election if he won.

There won’t be another presidential election if he wins. Not a fair one, at least. Vance will do what Pence wouldn’t; declare all electoral votes against Trump to be fraudulent. Make sure Congress gets to decide who wins, voting by state, with one vote per state. More Republican delegations than Democratic means Trump wins. Then the stooges on the Supreme Court rubber-stamp it. Dictator for life. With scarier people waiting in the wings for after he dies (Hawley is terrifying).

Emigrate now if you can.

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Wow, Kentucky racists accidentally did something good for once. Everyone gets a much better governor for the next 4 years because a bunch of hicks couldn’t bring themselves to vote for a black man.

A win is a win, I guess.

“Taking matters into their own hands,” as in “considering options for suicide.”

But why?!

And he’s the kind of person who’ll just keep stepping further over the line until the hammer finally comes down. Judges know this type, and they usually throw them in jail sooner because they know the violations will only get worse.

But I doubt this guy’s ever going to jail. He’s rich and famous, so…different rules.

Black people?

You can’t weaponize a law that was always intended to be a weapon.

More like sucking on his tiny mushroom cock nonstop. See, the media LOVES Trump. For most of them, it’s not because of ideology. It’s because he’s a headline buffet. There will always be more, it will always be more salacious, there is no bottom. Which is great for selling ads attached to what they write, film, and so on.

Biden? Boring. Harris? Booring. But Trump? Trump will always be a lalapalooza of insanity. And to the current celebrity media, that’s all that counts.

Sad thing is they’re gonna get us all killed with that shit.

Vladimir Putin bought the Republican Party, and they love his money more than their country.

Exactly. He’ll never care until he goes to jail. Fining him is a farce. Especially since he’s on trial for fraud. If he pays the fine, it won’t be with his money.

“The Homer”

I bet it isn’t very deep

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Unfortunately for the Israelis, 0% of Benjamin Netanyahus think he should take responsibility for October 7. Public opinion doesn’t matter much when you’re spiraling towards a dictatorship.

“If you have a Twitter account, I already know where you are.”


Look. Newsweek. People.

Here’s your headline: “Photo shows Trump lied about ear injury.” Just say what it is.

Even better, nationalize it. We don’t have to let Musk keep control of it at all.

Yes, absolutely. It’s not just a credit-card number, it’s personal data tied to your entire Twitter history. He’ll sell your personal data to advertisers and assorted crooks who can then target you based on what you tweet, search, view, and so on.

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Bet he never spends a day in custody. He’ll either 1) litigate it all till he dies, 2) become dictator, or 3) flee to Russia.

Yes, people commonly stop working on something when it’s finished. Will the fucking media EVER start writing good headlines again?

Well, now that Chevron is dead, this ain’t happening unless every 23-year-old Trump district judge in Alaska agrees.


Finally, something interesting on YouTube. The algorithm should like it too: two faces with craaaaazy expressions.

Put as many people in the streets as you want. That bastard’s not going anywhere until the military turns on him. And right now, they’re having a lot of fun murdering people in Gaza.

Prob because he just shit his diaper. Pretty much confirmed that he’s had Depends for the past 20 years.

Could be bladder cancer. Either way, the Palace wouldn’t say because he’s getting a stoma and a bag.

Hmm, good to hear both sides are wrong. Please, tell me more of this “both sides” principle.

Good morning, Israeli propaganda ministry! How’s the weather down there today?

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