work is slow

@work is
2 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Work is slow.

I'm not falling for that officer.

14 more...

There's a difference between justifications and reasons. I'm exhausted seeing people use the fact that atrocities are unjustified to hand wave away the reasons and circumstances that led to those atrocities.

The massacring of innocents isn't justified, but the reason it happened isn't that people magically became evil. The reason is that enduring apartheid oppression pushes people to extremism.

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I don't think she's the Disney in charge.

I'll give both a shot just in case.

No clue why you're being down voted. Youre right.

Gates chose to patent life saving medicine during a global pandemic.

The consequences of that decision are essentially withholding lifesaving medicine because it makes him more money.

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I just looked it up and they charge up to $1000 if you block ads or tamper with it. They have all sorts of crazy requirements too.

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For thousands of years there have been people who told us things can't go on like this.

Another reply pointed out that even if it's true you have nothing better to do than try. Those in power benefit from our defeatist attitudes. I don't blame you though. Shit looks grim.

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It is, but she's turning 68.

I read it as the turtle questioning their gender identity.

Do we bomb banks when the robbers have hostages?

Killing civilians because they're in the way is BAD. Reporting shows Iarael is making minimal efforts to limit civilians casualties. That's a war crime. War crimes are bad.

I'm so fucking exhausted.

Edit: Before anybody tries a gotcha. Taking hostages and human shields are bad too. Multiple things can be bad at once.

16 more...

Nothing ever mattered? D:

Yup and the girlfriend has 0 obligation to deal with it.

There's a big difference between a bigger slice of the pie and taking all of the pies and making everybody share the crumbs. It's an incomprehensible wealth disparity.

The date?

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Leave language alone motherfuckers not speaking in Old English. smh

You're so right and smart. On that note it's weird that nobody wants the US to bomb their own schools when an active shooter is holding up there.

Level the whole school. That will prevent future shooters.

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Boooobs or super naturals.

Sometimes I upvote/downvote posts and comments on accident while scrolling... I might be giving people too much credit though.

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You have to lick your fingers after handling them like it's cheeto dust.

When you're as old as the pope setting up a website seems like a miracle.

It likely is, but she most recently used the same phrase to shutdown pro-palestine protestors at a rally.

And they were devastated by it.

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"Insider was unable to independently confirm what was found, but Israeli media outlets have also reported the claim, attributing it to soldiers."

"The spokesperson told Insider that although he hadn't seen images or videos himself, 'soldiers on the ground who are there told me this.'"

From your own article they are the unconfirmed claims from somebody who's job it is to spread propaganda.

Edit: To be clear the actions that are known to have been committed are horrific, but a group like Hamas does not appear from nothing. The perpetuation of an apartheid state is met with backlash.

"I'm speaking."

She has used this multiple times, but most recently it was to shut down people protesting the genocide of palestinians.

Edit: Who's downvoting my factual and verifiable answer to their question?

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Capitalism is so good. Would you rather be insert nation exploited by capitalists?

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People can already divorce if they are being abused or cheated on. By making it a legal requirement that must be proven you make it more difficult for these people to leave those marriages and put the burden of proof onto them. You aren't going to reduce domestic abuse with a policy like that.

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I literally just threw up. I feel better now though.

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But what if the person on the other side was parked over the line and I had to leave space to get out and then they left and now I look like I parked like an asshole and then some asshole uses that as an excuse to ding my car.

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Plenty of that money has gone to killing Palestinian children. We need a more equitable distribution of resources if we're sending money over. I don't think we need equal amounts of rockets, but aid and a cease fire. If you don't trust the channels that money will go to that's what we have 3rd party humanitarian groups for.

You can think Hamas is evil. That wasn't my point. What do you think makes normal people turn into the types of people that join Hamas?

Do you want to reduce the amount of serial killers? You reduce the amount of abusive upbringings.

Do you want to reduce the amount of extremists?

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Or we get rid of the circumstances that led to them becoming bank robbers.

Hamas does not just magically get support. People have been pushed to extremism by oppressive apartheid rule and genocide. TO BE CLEAR Hamas is bad and I am not justifying their actions. If you want to stop creating extremists you're an idiot if you thinking harming a bunch of civilians in your attempt to wipe them out is going to help.

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Or they want a publicly funded entity to enforce stalking laws against somebody who may have committed an actual crime and invasion of privacy.

I'm on here because work is slow.

I think conspiracy theorists and nazis should feel persecuted.

I don't think the answer is to give them a platform as if their ideas are somehow valid or worth discussing. To treat those ideas as equal to others is to elevate them.

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After reading I now appreciate David Gerard's dedication.

In 2020 the US gave Isreal $3.8 billion. If you think Hamas is nearly as funded you're bad at math. I'm down to give Hamas an iron dome.

Do you think the effort is going towards tunnels and rockets because they're inherently evil or do you want to think about the variables that caused this situation. Variables like apartheid, genocide, Israel's military advantage, etc.

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I don't wash my butthole because it's dirty. I don't want to touch that thing.

It's too late for me to start.

Edit: I do wash my butthole. Don't worry about me too much.

"without even criticism of Hamas"

I typed out an edit before you even commented about how two things can both be bad. I wish you read it.

Human shields aren't being used because Israel has been too soft on Hamas. Extremism is created in places of oppression and desperation. To continue this genocide is to feed Hamas new members.

I would like for Isrealis to be safe. That isn't going to happen by adding fuel to the fire.

Additionally, you're justifying a genocide by saying it's the only way to keep them safe.

Trump is a legitimate threat to democracy.

So shouldn't we send literally anybody else? Isn't Biden's approval rating sub 40%?

I agree with lesser evil voting and harm reductuon, but we're not voting yet. They can maybe run somebody who might not throw the election.

There is a difference between doing something and doing war crimes.

Something doesn't need to include callous indifference to the killing of civilians and children.

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It was a joke about entrapment. It wasn't an endorsement of America's police.