
1 Post – 80 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I feel like it's 100% a "they don't care," the vast majority of social media users couldn't give less of a shit who runs the service, just what the service does for them.

The average person didn't quit Facebook because it was a gross invasion of privacy and FB was caught doing plenty of suspect shit - Facebook declined because it wasn't "cool" anymore and that's it. People on Lemmy are more likely to care about who's behind the service, but the average user certainly isn't going to care much or at all.

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On one hand I get what you're saying, on the other hand is Mexico going to start a war with the US because a handful of National Guard members saved a mother and child from drowning in "their" water?

I get that wars have started over more stupid shit, but I'd hope we have enough brain cells in the modern day to understand that that would be in no way an incursion or intentional act against Mexico.

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Well that's assuming it's completely solid and not hollow. Hollow would probably be pretty huge, although the structural rigidity might not be great. Maybe we make a giant obsidian 3D printer and print it at like 10-15% infill.

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makes it appear negative that they don’t see what’s going on with their money. I I interpreted that as them being ignorant of what happens with their money

To be clear, the meme is that PayPal shows the users' dead names (presumably because the account was set up prior to their transition/legal reasons)

The "I do not see it" is referencing "not seeing" the dead names in the transaction details.

How do we intend to pay a person who contributes nothing to society?

Why must we value how a person "contributes to society" via their output for capitalism?

Is studying philosophy useless? Is making art? Is reaping the benefits of a society built upon tens of thousands of years of human innovation to just sit back and relax a bit?

Humanity worked hard to get to a point where this is even a question. If you listen to the capitalists saying "If you're not working you're worthless" then you've been tricked. Tens of thousands of years of human innovation and suffering to advance society to a point where we don't all have to work, but the rich want you to think that's a bad thing. It is not natural that the benefits of all of that effort and suffering should all collect in the hands of a few at the top while everyone else suffers.

The "simple answer" is UBI because there literally is no alternative short of outright killing people that don't work to maintain automation. You and everyone else deserves a cut of that pie, we and all of our ancestors put blood, sweat, and tears into it. Let the people relax and enjoy the fruits of that society.

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Read the article, this isn't talking about consumer-owned vehicles but the Cruise Origin robo-taxi service. They're small autonomous shuttle-style cars.

Basically GM reinvented the bus but made it smaller.

So to answer "How does it park at Walmart" - it takes the passenger to the front and drops them off then continues on its way. I believe the intent/current trials using Bolts have an app similar to Uber, you put in your current location + destination, then it comes and gets you, then drops you off.

Almost 0 value in removing a steering wheel or any kind of input to a consumer-owned car like that, makes some amount of sense for robo-taxis. (They specifically wanted passengers sharing the ride to face eachother to ease safety concerns, and they probably don't want random Joe getting up at the emergency controls and driving it off road)

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But if you don’t have coivd, and you’re the only one wearing a mask, it’s markedly less effective at preventing covid.

Worth noting that is mostly only true for cloth masks. The person you're replying to said N95, which do a lot better at protecting the individual wearing them even when others aren't masked.

This is a pretty big overstatement.

DO NOT USE AN SSD to store your data long-term! Solid-state storage has a very short, finite life-span.

This has not been true for years. SSDs are generally more reliable than HDDs except in write-intensive applications (and even then... It really depends on what exact models you are comparing). SSDs have a life-span mostly talked about in terms of TBW (terabytes written) rather than years for a reason, if they're powered on and not written too they'll last as long as or longer than a hard drive. (Note: Powered on regularly, SSDs can lose data if stored unpowered for a long time (months)). If you just have an archival drive you're not constantly erasing and rewriting data to, an SSD is a great choice. Reads also barely affect the lifespan of at all, so you can still access the data you want to protect (hell, write-lock the drive even and it'll last decades if powered on).

What you want to do is buy an even number of hard drives, plug them in long enough to copy your data to, and then unplug them and store them in a climate-controlled area. bout once a year, copy the data to a different hard drive

This is just plain silly. Yes, the mechanical wear of the drives spinning up and down means they'll die faster. But we're still talking MTBF measured in years. And replacing a hard drive that's barely used every single year? That's not just bad advice it's creating e-waste for no reason. Also note drives fail on a bathtub curve... If you have two good drives that lasted a year, you are increasing your chances of a failure by swapping them for two brand new drives... The best thing you can do for your hard drives is to not power cycle them constantly, any typical usage is fine. Also mechanical parts can actually wear out from disuse as well. Even archival services don't go to these extremes you're recommending.

If you really care about saving your data follow 3-2-1. 3 copies of your data (live, archival (external HDD or similar), off-site), two-different forms of media (HDD, SSD, cloud (yes cloud is an HDD or SSD but they have their own redundancy)), one off-site (in the event of a fire etc.)

Honestly 99.9% of consumers would be fine with a 2-2-1 scheme, 2 copies (live and off-site/cloud), 2 forms of media, 1 off-site. If you don't trust Google or don't want to pay for cloud storage, set up a server with redundant disks at a friend's house. Just keeping a second copy on a server with redundancy is plenty of fail over for most use cases. 3-2-1 is for data centers and businesses (and any cloud service you rent from will follow 3-2-1...) Let's not overcomplicate how difficult it is to keep data intact, if I tell someone to buy a new 12tb HDD each year they're just gonna give up on keeping it safe.

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Teens will feel like outcasts if they get an Android phone while their friends still use iMessage because of the green bubbles.

So I've heard this sentiment a lot, and at one point it certainly was true, but are teens still texting these days at all? I swear almost everyone moved to instant messaging over Snapchat, Instagram, Discord, etc.

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Unfortunately the reasoning isn't to improve school-life balance or give parents more time with their kids, it's that schools in the US are criminally underfunded and cannot afford to operate 5 days a week.

It was a bug in that version of the distro IIRC, trying to install Steam would instead try to install the SteamOS desktop environment (or something along those lines). It has since been fixed to actually install the Steam client.

Obviously it was a bit silly he typed "Yes, do as I say" after seeing the message, but he was also literally following exactly what all the online guides said to do (other than the "Yes do as I say" part). Luckily it's fixed now but I do think it was a really good demonstration of what the video wanted to see: "What might the average non-techie gamer face using Linux?"

The not-so-quiet part here is "Homeless or poor people don't deserve to have their basic need of a toilet met"

They call it a "need" but proudly talk about how they're taking it away from the less fortunate.

No doubt the "next-gen update" is just an excuse to slip in paid mods like they just did with Skyrim

Conveniently I work in this space, but note the following is primarily my own personal opinion.

Primarily there's a few reasons I prefer Android Auto over native Android on the car:

  1. Ever had a phone that's a few years old slow down in you? Now imagine you buy a car for $60k, and three years down the line the (already sluggish to begin with) Android interface is bogged down by updates and is barely usable. Imagine Spotify drops support for that version of Android Automotive. Android Auto puts all the infotainment into something the customer controls, and something external to the car so you are not dependent upon the OEM to do their own due diligence to ensure functionality and compatibility. If my phone slows down from age/wear/increased software demands, I go buy a new $400 phone. If my car's infotainment slows down I....buy a new car? (Looking at you GM)

  2. Like I said it moves the infotainment to something in the customer's (and Google/Apple's) hand. OEMs do not want this. Auto makers want you locked into their proprietary Android skins for two reasons. First, making it more difficult to leave their specific company's ecosystem. They (will) build in their own apps that you'll start putting all your settings and private info on. Things like remembering a driver's preferred seating and mirror arrangement and auto-adjusting, so when your spouse buys a car you go "Oh well if we both have brand X, it'll be easier to drive each other's cars." Etc. Second, they want all of your data. Legitimately the industry is on fire right now figuring out how much consumer data we can scrape and use/sell with these systems. The Android Automotive stack in a car is 300% sending data back to the OEM of literally anything they are legally allowed to collect. Probably more, too. Plug in Android Auto from my phone and yeah they're still spying on me, but they don't have my Spotify login info or my specific apps used, they just have what the vehicle can directly measure (still a terrifying amount).

In your specific case with a third party head unit..go ham and use the stock interface if you want. Personally I'd still use Android Auto, to top off my phone and to access my local music library (I don't stream music), but a third party has a lot less interest in spying on you or locking you in the same way an OEM does.

Also out of curiosity, what head unit did you get? I've got a 2012 Cruze I've considered installing one of those on but I can almost never find anything that seems actually trustworthy.

Note that isn't illegal, it just means the company doesn't get to get out of paying unemployment when it happens. And that's only if someone is willing to challenge them on it.

Google is not the law, and they can do whatever they want with their company.

Sure, but imagine your employer just fired you because of accusations before it ever reached trial. Illegal? No. Ruining someone's livelihood even though they're innocent legally speaking? Yes.

Not defending this person, I genuinely do not even know who they are. But "private company can do whatever they want, your rights are only something the government has to care about" is a pretty concerning position to take. Not to mention they didn't seem to take down or stop running ads on the channel, just stopped giving him the money. They're profiting off of his content without paying him and using an unverified (but very possibly accurate) accusation as an excuse. That should be illegal.

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Anyone know why they can't be charged with trespassing and removed? Article says the school and land are privately owned now, but surely unless the actual owner is physically there or has given permission it's a very clear case of trespassing? Especially when they're asking for plumbers and other tradespeople to come and trying to set something up long-term.

I've heard that, but once I tried to refund a game at 3 hours and got nothing but an automated response (denial) everytime I requested a refund.

In this specific case it was actually a game I played 2 hours of during a free weekend approximately 4 years before buying it, played one hour after buying it to see if it had gotten better, decided it hadn't and refunded it. But Steam counts free weekend playtime towards the refund window...

If there's any actual way to ensure a human reviews it, that'd be neat. 100% it was automatically denied by some code just checking my playtime and seeing it was past two hours.

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Yeah, pretty much all new cars have some amount of cellular connectivity. Usually you can't actually use it without paying some subscription, but the manufacturers use it to push updates.

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They did some minor hardware revisions and "Slim" models, but yeah they were never intended as a "Pro" model with increased performance/graphics. Definitely not a "tradition" by this point

With guns in general, or with Polymer80 or similar products? I’m guessing he’s intentionally mixing the two to make it sound scarier than it is.

This is what I hate about the rhetoric around gun control, especially "ghost guns"

As a gun owner that thinks guns are fucking cool, I'm happy to have reasonable compromises and regulations around them. Compromises and regulations that do something to stop crime. Almost all cases of 3D printed guns being used in crime are when the crime is having a 3D printed firearm (mostly in Europe). Actual violent crime it is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction. We should focus on legislation that does something about the problem, not ban things we arbitrarily give scary names like "Ghost guns." Look at the actual numbers, the actual types of crimes being committed, go after those things. Don't start background checking people for 3D printer purchases of all things.

You’d think those giant loop videos would be taking up far more space

Someone above posted an article saying they aren't actually. But you'd be surprised at how little space those 10 hour videos can actually take. They're highly compressible since they're just the same still image and the same audio on repeat. A good compression algorithm (which Google certainly is using) would basically compress it into one instance of the song and how many times to repeat it (more complex than that, but that's the idea)

Wow that is fucking awful in it's entirety. Jesus fucking Christ, seems like just burnout and overwork are not the only issues present there. Goes a lot deeper than that with micromanagement and a "boys club" attitude, gross.

Also thank you for the link, I was so confused where to the rest of the post was.

No one’s keeping you here.

It's actually very difficult and expensive to leave your home country for 99% of the population.

Just in terms of cost you need a plane ticket (or other travel costs), money to navigate the country's immigration programs and all the fees associated, you probably need to pay to learn a new language for a year or two before you're fluent enough in that language (DuoLingo/self-learning has very mixed results), you need to pay for housing for when you arrive until you're able to get a job. Realistically the ones fed up with our society are the ones living paycheck to paycheck, do you think they can shoulder those costs?

This is all assuming they even let you in, most developed countries won't unless you have an in-demand skillset and/or a job already lined up in the country of question (i.e., the type of jobs that are doing well here already). And often times even if you have valid reasons and a job lined up they can still just tell you to go fuck yourself.

Add on top of that that if you somehow get that far, get past all of that, you're giving away your right to vote in your new society for several years due to requirements to become a naturalized citizen.

Makes a lot more sense to try to improve your own country and local society when you consider all of those factors. "Don't like America then leave" is something only the privileged that can hop on a jet to a new country at a moment's notice think is a valid suggestion. At best it's shit advice and at worst it's a bad faith argument to push aside any and all criticism of the current system.

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149 hours of total renewables generation, 95 of which saw the Portuguese grid exporting to Spain

Pretty sure this is why. They sold the excess energy to Spain which probably paid for those costs by itself, leaving nothing to bill citizens for.

I have not researched these specific cases, so may be wrong about them.

You're not obligated to do research on every individual bill the political parties push and what rider clauses they slip into unrelated bills. That's fine.

You, however, should have research and examples to back it up if you're gonna "both sides" this. The Democratic party is far far far from perfect or what I would want, but at the very least most of them seem to be campaigning in good faith or at the least not inciting actual violence and treason.

Saying "so may be wrong about them" isn't a free pass. Know that people read what you say, and we have a huge problem of political apathy (circa 2016) due to the constant repetition of "but both sides are the same." Let's please not exacerbate it unless we're bringing facts and evidence to the table.

in the u.s you don’t have to file if your income is under a certain threshold

You don't have to but also if you're under that threshold you would almost certainly be getting a refund of all of the taxes you paid that year. So I highly recommend filing even if you don't need to

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then it probably isn’t sustainable to pay that same person for doing nothing…

Why is that unsustainable?

That person isn't going to spend their life doing "nothing," humans have an intrinsic need to do something. Psychology has shown us pretty conclusively. The difference is once we've automated so much, that can be whatever we want instead of focusing on the bare necessities to survive. The only way "paying someone to do nothing" is unsustainable is if you've bought into the lie that our value as human beings is inherently tied to what we produce for capitalism.

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Now do mayonnaise

South Korea’s National Security Act outlaws the praise and promotion of “anti-government” organisations.

Yikes. I'm not a fan of North Korea and I can get it if there's some desire to prevent a fascist movement growing in SK, but this seems waaaay too broad.

I've seen comparisons of the 32GB vs 16GB GPD Win4 and there's about a 10-15% uplift in performance at the same TDP in a lot of games with the 32GB model.

So it can give an increase in performance, or at the least let you run at a slightly lower TDP for the same performance and a bit better battery life.

Of course this was the 6800U, hard to say if the effects are similar for Intel's chipset or not.

you get more cheese for the same money.

Everyone says this, but everywhere I've gone shredded cheese costs exactly the same per ounce.

Although I prefer bricks since they last longer and I live alone. Shredded cheese goes bad it feels like immediately after you open it.

I mean Western bongs can be pretty intricate. See: The Glong

Instead of pretending One Man With A Gun is going to do something

I used to agree with this train of thought, why be armed when the government has tanks?

But the realities of the past several years have shown us that an armed rebellion can be significantly more powerful. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan, look at Myanmar today where the rebel groups are literally 3D printing carbines. A guerilla group with small arms can put serious pressure on a modern military. Will lots of them die? Probably. Will they "win"? Probably not, but they could easily wear down the enemy with attrition. When you need to move a couple dozen men with rifles it's an entirely different game than coordinating 12 tanks and 500 men, you can employ completely different tactics. Especially on your home turf that you know inside and out.

Is an armed rebellion happening anytime soon? I sure hope not. But the threat that an armed populace can at the least put some serious hurt on a military/government is a deterrent to tyranny. Just the possibility of it is a huge deterrent, compared to authoritarian countries where citizens aren't armed and get run over by tanks.

I'm not saying gun violence isn't a huge problem, but saying armed citizenry is zero deterrent is just factually untrue.

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Pulls directly from YouTube or whatever other source you have a plugin for. So yes it'll catch automatically when people release new videos.

I at first thought it was the action figurine company Figma and was very confused.

So they progressively increase closing force if it keeps detecting something but the owner keeps trying to close it. I can vaguely see the reasoning only if they aren't confident in the frunk sensor for some reason. I mean garage doors solved this problem forever ago without having to resort to something like that.

I wonder if the "vision-based everything" mandate from Musk applies outside of autonomous driving features? Makes sense to not be confident in it if it's just a camera...

Pretending ChatGPT isn’t the biggest development in the history of commerce

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Is it neat? Yes. Is it a useful tool? Yes (when they haven't put a million restrictions and performance limitations on it).

Is it the biggest development in the history of commerce? Almost certainly not. LLMs are a highly-sophisticated game of mad libs, they work even better than many would expect (as Google learned when they bet against them) but they are not general AI or world-changing. It'll have to be combined with a lot of other tech before it reaches the level we can say "biggest development in the history of commerce"

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Specifically, it has to be cruel and unusual. If it's just cruel but commonplace or just unusual but not cruel, it's fine.

Doesn't Tesla only use cameras and image processing though? As in no radar at all?