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Joined 12 months ago

I closed the tool palette in the illustration app of a coworker and replaced it with a same-size image of same.

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Donald Trump was elected president of the United States.

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Also wouldn’t have happened if it was someone bigger making the joke.


If it flies, look for a huge spike in stds

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Are you 100% sure of that?


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I didn’t think much about the dangers of religion and “faith” in general until then.

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Is it true that the name comes from the recursive, “Gnu’s Not Unix”?

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I work (part time/retired) for a nonprofit that coordinates and connects volunteer tutors with kids experiencing homelessness.

Never occurred to me (before I signed on) that kids in shelters or on the streets are still going to school while having to deal with no consistent “home” to do homework, irregular/unreliable sleep schedules, absent or overwhelmed parents, etc. Most Volunteer Tutors become important positive role models and a reliably supportive, adult presence in their lives, and the value is immeasurable.

I mostly help the org with marketing material — including editing videos with heartfelt testimonials and Thank-You messages from students — and I swear, most of the time I can barely hold it together to get the work done!

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Some great advice here already! So I’m going to suggest something novel:

Consider “settling,” just a tiny bit. What I mean is, don’t be so quick to assess someone new as A Partner…potential or otherwise. Try letting gals in who are attractive enough and carry themselves well, seem sane, easy going, smart, etc. Shared values, that sort of thing. A female friend with potential, if you will. See where it goes; be open to being surprised, pleasantly or otherwise.

I’ve seen so many younger men “auditioning” mates with unrealistic expectations about “clicking” or “just knowing” — and winding up as older bachelors who have never even had a chance to practice being in a relationship.

Yes, like literally anything else worth doing/having, it takes practice!

Hopefully, everything “identity” that has made its way into just about everything.

I’d like to think that future kids might be amused/annoyed by parents still insisting on calling out race, gender, sexual orientation, etc., as the most meaningful aspects of Who Someone Is…or even things they, “should be proud of.”

"Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Life either a daring adventure or nothing.”

  • Helen Keller

Chicken shit moves always deserve an apology.

Only on religion.


Cultivating and sharpening the ability to distinguish between what actually happened vs my (or others’) narrative about what happened is one of the more valuable tools I have acquired.

Hearing Bjork sing “Birthday” on the Sugarcubes’ debut LP was a revelation for me. Still blows me away.

So the “lawyers” for this piece of shit will make their entire presentation Victim Theater for the legions of turd followers.

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The Big Lie.

“New users.” Ha.

rhetorical “question”

Photopea is good for most tasks

You start to think more and more…

No, this is what you are apparently doing. Knock it off.

This post is a rant consisting almost entirely of your own self-limiting beliefs. Got that? Beliefs. And they can change. You can change them.

And that’s a good thing.


These are fun.

That’s when you need to “throw your hat over the wall,” meaning, commit to something that preferred state of mind wants. Calendar it. Promise it to someone. Make it a plan that involves someone else.

Inspiration can be fleeting. Learn to trust your “best self” and ignore the lazy grump who “doesn’t feel like it now.”

Practice this, and the inspired/more positive self will get a chance to occupy more and more of your real life.

if writers did the same things by writing gibberish.

Aka, “X”

Resistance training.

It will build muscle, which will amp up your metabolism, which will make burning fat easier. You’ll also be stronger, look better, and be much less likely to injure yourself. Learn and be diligent about using proper form and don’t push too hard.

Note: muscle weighs more than fat, so remember to look in the mirror and take measurements…your weight is only part of the equation.

Praying that Tyson floors him, but it’s a performance, not a fight.

…Unless Tyson has an oopsie.


You can also run a spoon under hot water for a more improv tool. Works great.

Ugly, clunky, inelegant.

Windows = designed by engineers.

Mac = engineered by designers.

Catherine O’Hara.

It’s still not clear how much Netflix will raise prices, and Netflix declined to comment.

Curious, is there any price hike y’all would consider fair? Serious question.

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Fig? My balls??

So many questions.

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I use Affinity sometimes, but PS, AI, & AE rule the roost because they are just better at most tasks.

PSSm: Apple Motion flies way below the radar and can do a LOT of things better/more elegantly than AE.

I delivered two seasons worth of graphics for a network show, and 85-90% was done completely in Motion.

If you haven’t already, get a guitar and give it a go.

I’d it sticks (and lights you up), you’ll have a lifetime journey and millions of fellow musicians to share it with.

Yes. As a lifelong musician (live & recording), you’d think I’d be more fussy about audio quality…

But I’m just not. Just like the 4k vs 2k “debate”… It’s all about CONTENT.