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As someone who has done no programming since taking C++ in high school more than 20 years ago, what do you mean by safer language?

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Thank you!

They’re marketed as being recyclable along with the cans that might appear at a picnic. Whether they actually get recycled is another question; I’ve seen more picnic shelters with recycling bins, but certainly not all.

Some buyers in their online reviews said they were washing and reusing the cups instead of recycling them. I don’t know how effective that is but assume it’s fine. They would be a better choice than glass at places like pools where glass is prohibited.

I mostly see them used for 1/2-gallon milk and small juice containers in the U.S. I’m in Canada right now and see them being used a lot for large juice containers also. I could see glass used for those (as they were in the past) but with the higher risk of breakage it’s not as ideal, but have a harder time picturing aluminum being used for milk and at least some of the more acidic juices. Does aluminum work with those beverages?

You seem informed on the subject: I’ve recently seen aluminum single-use cups advertised, targeting the same market as red plastic cups commonly seen at picnics. Those plastic cups are rarely recyclable, so I’m assuming the aluminum kind are more eco-friendly assuming they get recycled, even with high energy usage?

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It might not qualify her for disability insurance, as in she no longer needs to work any jobs, but should absolutely entitle her to disability protections, as in job requirements should be modified to permit her to continue to work. If her employer is not making accommodations to permit her to continue to work then she might have a legal case.

As long as they didn’t bring any whistles with them they’ll be fine!

I saw they were also used by companies like DoorDash, Uber, and UpWork to verify remote contractors.

Chevy Bolt EV/EUV

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I still have my original Game Boy that was a gift from my aunt and uncle. Still works but I rarely play it; need to find some of my other games for it.

Your Little Caesars restaurants have tables?!

(This is more for OP and other readers than the author of the comment I’m replying to)

A classic example being WKRP in Cincinnati which was a relatively low budget sitcom when it was produced. It was shot on videotape instead of film and took advantage of a special licensing rate for music when added to videotaped programs, which let them include a lot more contemporary rock music that would’ve aired on a rock station in the late ’70s. However, the licenses had a limited time allowance so while the show was originally in syndication with that music, by the ’90s it was replaced with similar sounding stock music. Early releases of the show for home media also didn’t have the original songs. Shout Factory put together a box set of the show and went back to the music owners to try to form new licensing deals, but even they couldn’t clear every song.

Music isn’t the only factor; similar issues pop up with all sorts of rights issues and royalties. When shows were made in the ’50s no one really had the idea of reruns and syndication. Before the ’80s there was no real idea of home viewing, and even then in the days of VHS tapes the idea of putting an entire show on tape for home use was pretty out there. Only fitting 1-4 episodes on a tape meant a season alone might take up a whole bookshelf, never mind a full series. It really wasn’t until the 2000s that there was a normal expectation that a show for broadcast would also go into syndication and be sold/rented to home viewers. So a lot of contracts with actors, writers, directors, etc. didn’t cover how royalties would be paid on these newer releases. Sometimes those rights have been sold in the interim as well, so it requires a legal team researching what rights need to be secured and who currently owns them to make sure all the payments are planned. Get it wrong and a rights-holder can sue and might end up taking away all your profit, even making the venture lose money. If you’re going to release an old show, you need to be confident that there’s enough of an audience willing to pay that you can cover all those costs and still make a profit, not to mention the costs of preparing the program to a format suitable for sale/streaming.

Of course, once those copyrights expire, some of those cost concerns go away. We’re only just starting to reach that point with films (anybody want to watch Steamboat Willie?), so in another 30 years or so we’ll probably start seeing more old TV shows. If they’ve survived, of course.

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I really need to try to learn Resolve. There just seems to be so much effort required to make a good NLE and such a relatively small market that it’s just not conducive to a robust FOSS project.

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It was so similar I always assumed they still had to pay for rights to the original song

But usually I’m pausing a video to try to read text that appeared too briefly in the video!

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Meta seemed to think that was a threat that would get the EU to cave to their demands and the regulators’ response was basically

Willy Wonka sarcastically saying, “Stop. Don’t. Come back.”

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With most of the labor unpaid mods!

If they have the corral I put it in the corral. If not I will bring it back to the store or try to avoid taking it to my car in the first place so I can leave it at the store and not come back.

The key is to return the cart to a designated location where the store is asking that they be returned.

The headline is a bit wrong: the tubes don’t seem to be returning, it’s mostly talking about an industry they never left: hospitals. They are fancier now, though.

This was an episode of Parks & Recreation

The article is making a big deal that he works for Microsoft but also says he’s been doing this back since his days working at Google. It never says that this work is part of his official job at Microsoft, though, and I don’t know if we could even know that unless it’s part of his job title. Do we know that Microsoft hired him to do this or could it just be this has been his longtime passion project and he’s doing it outside of his work responsibilities, and he just happens to currently work for Microsoft as his day job?

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Interestingly this one was actually a town ordinance, not an HOA rule!

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We contacted X today, but an auto-reply informed us that the company was busy and asked that we check back later.


The difference being that Sony actually has teams of lawyers who specialize in copyright violations, including unauthorized sampling. If the AI companies are caught using Sony material this won’t go nearly as easily for them as stealing some random blogger’s writings or a small artist’s images.

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Are you from outside the U.S., or how old are you? He was always included in lessons about the Civil Rights movement in history class for me, because he was so impactful at the time in what was the nation’s most popular sport.

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Does anybody remember when Twitter ran basically exclusively over SMS?

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I feel like there’s also been an upswing in anti-Taylor Swift stuff in general. It’s been growing since she started her most recent tour and re-recording older albums where she doesn’t own rights to the original recordings, which has lead to her dominating pop music radio stations and being named TIME magazine’s Person of the Year. The issues of ticket scalping from her tour publicly angered her and led to rumbles of a potential congressional investigation of Ticketmaster and Live Nation’s virtual monopoly over concert venues (which is long overdue). But the backlash really seemed to pick up this fall after she started dating a player in the National Football League and attending as many of his games as her schedule allowed. As one of the top-earning celebrities on earth currently, the cameras would often show her reaction after he had a good play, perhaps more often than they would if it was another family member. She would also be shown again a few other times during the games. I don’t know if it’s really happening, but there have been some reports that Taylor Swift fanatics who would not normally watch football have started watching in hopes of seeing her. All of this seems to have made a lot of people mad, but particularly a segment of conservative men for some reason. There was a conspiracy theory going around shortly before her boyfriend’s team played in the league’s championship game that the whole thing was rigged and that after his team won she would give a speech endorsing Joe Biden for president (never mind that the boyfriend’s team had won the championship last year and four years ago and lost the championship three years ago, making them a dominant contender in recent years). It’s been strange to me how many people I’ve seen who are very vocal about climate change being a hoax are suddenly posting about how much Taylor Swift uses her private jet and how bad the emissions from it are, making them strange bedfellows with climate change believers who also oppose private jet use in general. I’ve also started seeing memes from conservative people about how much they hate her music and would never want to listen to her performance, even though I’m pretty sure some of these people were fans of hers back from her debut as a country music singer-songwriter up until fairly recently, even after she transitioned to mainstream pop. I find the whole thing very strange, like out of 1984 when the war opponent would suddenly flip and everyone insisted they’d always hated the new opponent and loved the new ally, their old opponent.

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If I understood the article correctly it seems the shutdown started initially from malicious software being uploaded to the servers?

Were you dismissed from jury duty when they learned you were a crime dad?

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The color people will tell you that cyan and magenta do not equal red and blue. My university advisor tricked me into taking a 400 level class from the college of art and design on color theory. Really interesting class but an insane amount of work. Very early on the professor told us to throw out any book that identified red, yellow, and blue as the primary colors. It’s red, green, blue for light or cyan, magenta, yellow for pigment.

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I’d never even heard of this product

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The things the employees were convicted of doing are wild! If I’d read it in a book or saw it in a movie I’d call it ridiculous and unbelievable!

This keeps happening and has been happening for several years now; why isn’t more being done to improve security and find the criminals? I can’t walk into a hospital with so much as a pocket knife because of physical security concerns, but cybercriminals keep taking down a new system seemingly every week, and this article says the software used has been seen for years now.

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You’ve never owned your games. You owned the media they came on but legally you only ever had a license to use the software. Depending on the license agreement (the thing where most people click “I agree” without reading) you had more or fewer rights, such as transfer of license, but the way things work legally ownership of software seems to mean the more of the copyright ownership. Maybe like a book: you own your copy of the book but you don’t have the rights to print more books or make a movie based on the book.

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I accidentally let my personal domain expire because I was using PayPal with my registrar but they couldn’t use that for auto renew. Someone else bought it but they’re not doing anything with it. I can’t see who owns it because they’re doing a private registration with the same registrar I used, so as far as whois is concerned it’s the same registration it’s always had. This happened once before to me years ago and the people who bought it that time put up a fake YouTube clone in French but I just waited them out and they abandoned it a year later. This has been going on two years now and it still hasn’t been abandoned. It’s not critical to have but it’s annoying that someone’s squatting on it hoping I’ll pay a premium to get it back. It’s not that valuable to me.

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If I’m reading this correctly, are they basically just reselling the Onerep service ($14.95/monthly or $99.96/annually) for $8.99/month?

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I saw one in person finally a few weeks ago and just started laughing; it’s even uglier in person! But I wouldn’t intentionally try to damage someone else’s vehicle; that’s even more ridiculous.

Apart from the ADHD, it sounds like it’s time for T to get a lawyer who specializes in child custody issues, and preferably a lawyer who is not afraid to go to court. My wife’s first lawyer presented himself as someone who wanted to work hard to avoid court and resolve things through negotiations that reached a mutually acceptable solution. That’s all well and good if everyone’s trying to work towards a good solution, but her ex-husband was ready to burn it all down because she dared to leave him and that first lawyer was almost a liability in the courtroom even with things that should’ve clearly gone her way. Her new lawyer is a fighter and is able to shut down any crap the ex-husband tries to pull now, and he hasn’t tried anything in a couple years.

Unfortunately, a lawyer like that doesn’t come cheap. You can help lower costs some by trying to do as much as you can gathering and organizing evidence so when you meet with the attorney they don’t have to spend as much time doing that. Most of the evidence gathering falls on the client anyway. The attorney should be able to give guidance on what that evidence should be and how to organize it. You’ll probably want at least 3 copies of everything and have it in binders when going to court or some other meeting that needs evidence. And evidence is key with all of this; he can’t just say the kids were with their mom when they missed school, he’ll need to have papers showing the custody schedule and papers showing their attendance.

All of this sounds like it will be a challenge for T, both financially and organizationally. He will have to find a way for the sake of his girls, and will probably need as much help as you and your family can give him. If the ex-wife is trying to prevent the girls from getting treated for their ADHD that could have bad effects for the girls both short- and long-term. Courts and social services generally take a negative view on obstructing treatment, but T will have to prove that’s happening. And it sounds like the mom has tried to weaponize social services against him. He can succeed in fighting against it but will need to do a lot of work.

This might become the most important fight of his life.

It’s kind of surprising that the character performers in Orlando are unionized but the ones in Anaheim are not. I would generally expect California workers to have stronger unions than Florida, especially in the LA area with how unionized production sets are. I would assume Florida is a “right to work” state like most of The South, which undercuts union power by stating that workers are not required to join the union even at unionized shops.

Oh, that’s who they are. I’ve seen that domain pop up some recently.

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WARNING: Global themes and widgets created by 3rd party developers for Plasma can and will run arbitrary code. You are encouraged to exercise extreme caution when using these products.

On the one hand, if any commercial store put out a statement like this and did no vetting of submitted applications people would (rightly) be up in arms. But on the other, this is pretty much the standard with FOSS, right? Unless you’re paying for a supported commercial license from someone like Red Hat, everything is as-is, without warranty, caveat emptor. The power of open source is that anyone can review the code and look for problems or malicious behavior, but also (especially with smaller projects) there’s no guarantee that anyone else has looked at the code. So is it a best practice with Linux and FOSS to run a system backup before installing any software or update? I mean I guess that’s technically true for any OS, but especially for open source?

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