Trump Endorses Trucker Campaign to Stop Deliveries to NYC in Protest of Fraud Ruling to politics – 233 points –

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i don't even know what the desired effect is. you would think that they want the courts to be apolitical and not bow to outside pressure, and that's what sparked the protest, but now they are politicizing the court decision and trying to apply outside pressure.

there are lots of things this protest could effect, but the court's decision isn't one of them.

i don’t even know what the desired effect is

There is no such thing as bad publicity. Every other article is about that moron. Americans haven't learned one single thing about their own political system in the last 60 years.

People might claim that I'm wrong about that. But if I were wrong, there would be some sign of people starting to work together, no matter the party...

Americans haven’t learned one single thing about their own political system in the last 60 years.

American proletariat doesn't have any direct control over their media. The rich fucks that do are, largely, sympathetic to Trump's message of a white nationalist state that pillages its neighbors for wealth and prestige.

This kind of media isn't due to Big Dumb Americans being too stupid to realize how it helps the Orange Man. It is entirely deliberate, both because it generates a based audience willing to throw money towards conservative causes and because it fuels the Trump campaign by making him look strong and liberals in big cities look weak.