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Joined 1 years ago

my man have you ever been in, like, another country?

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It must be so exhausting to carry water for a settler-colonial ethnostate whose very foundations are genocidal violence.

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It would do you a lot of good to actually read about communism and political theory in general instead of acting as a conduit of brain rot.

the divide is too deep. Algorithmic content and garbage education got us here, kumbaya let's all be friends ain't getting us out.

So who are you going to vote for, and what do you hope to achieve with that?

If you unnecessarily bring a gun somewhere and end up in a situation where you need to use it to kill people, you're a murderer. I choose to label that murder because I place him in the same category as convicted murderers in my head. He isn't some dude going about his life and needed to use lethal force in self defense due to unforseen circumstances. He actively sought out the situation, and therefore bears some responsibility. This is more a question of if you want to see his pattern of behavior encouraged or discouraged rather than a question about any individual's culpability.

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The problem is far worse than what any single billionaire can fix. Billions of dollars are being poured into renewable energy infrastructure. It's just that while this is happening, we're also emitting the same amount of CO2 as always. The only long-term resolution of this is de-growth.

100 megameters with no issues? How could Tesla not be #1 in car reliability rankings with that kind of performance? The rankings make it seem pretty average in terms of reliability.

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serious question, are you a bit slow?

ah yes, sports. Where everything is fair and equal, and certain individuals don't have obscene genetic advantages over others.

pretty rich of you to call others dumb then post idiotic shit like this.

Did you ... stop reading?

The real die-hards don’t think it’s a scheme to create a permanent Democratic majority; they think it’s a plot to ethnically replace white Americans. At its core, the great replacement is about demographics, not democracy.

The article doesn't try to rebut this because of the staggering number of premises you need to accept before you can even reach such a conclusion. It's really not worth unpacking here.

Dude, if you have a degree in econ I think your uni should lose its accreditation. I am dead serious.

You have zero understanding of cause and effect or you are looking at this conflict through a pinhole. Stop supporting and lapping up the propaganda of genocidal settler-colonialists like an useful idiot. Learn history and have some morals.

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You'll notice I didn't disagree with the verdict. I just think Kyle is scum and a murderer even if that's not under the technical legal definitions.

I don’t feel that trying to stop property damage for a family friend’s establishment in the middle of a riot, where police refused to stop people, is a pattern of behavior I want to discourage people from doing.

Really? Letting children be judge, jury, and executioner when it comes to property damage is something your'e totally okay with? I think you have a little bit of growing up to do, buddy.

oh no the amazingly useful discussion has been shut down by ... examining its premises! Truly a disgrace to online discourse.

So we're just dropping the whole well-regulated militia part of that civil right? They didn't really mean that part right?

but then how will I defend my famuhly from the 39,997 other criminals?

It's you that's smoking. The establishment hates insurrections, horrible optics. Alphabet agencies are absolutely keeping tabs on a few select gentlemen.

do you think they even care anymore? They lost everything, they just want to see the world burn. Again, I'm truly shocked by how you all lack empathy and fail to see the obvious.

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why not come out and make your point instead of JAQing off?

people have been screaming the answer at you, yet you ignore it. The American middle class was gutted by outsourcing labor and they're not happy about it. It couldn't get more simple.

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lol because Biden is brining the jobs back. Can you tell me one politician you support that is ACTUALLY trying to fix the rust belt? No one is helping them. They have been discarded by society, so they are lashing out.

LLMs help with coding? In any meaningful way? That's a great giveaway that you've never actually produced and released any real software.

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