Trump flattened for talking about executing Biden before gun owners to politics – 375 points –
Trump flattened for talking about executing Biden before gun owners

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Anyone else notice how quiet the bOtH siDEs camp is on articles like this? Seems they only like to talk about how bad both sides are when Biden is the subject being discussed- but when any of the right wing lunacy is brought up, they’re vapor.

This is a very clear indication as to what their motives are here.

VOTE LIKE LIVES DEPEND ON IT. There are a lot of people here hoping you don’t so that Trump can win November. Don’t give this to them!

It’s because they are righties posing as lefties or straight up from troll farms. The billionaire class along with Russia and China - all have a vested interest in seeing Biden fail. Trump serves their interests.

Don't forget Israel. Netanyahu would love to get Trump back so he can show the world what a genocide actually looks like.

The tankie trolls don't even realize they've gone full mossad. Useful idiots.

Bingo. And they think people are falling for that bullshit. More than likely what’s happening is they’re all just bullshitting one another without even being aware of it.

Sadly, the way the electoral college works, they only have to convince a few thousand people in key states and it could swing things hard. Trump has a basically bulletproof lock on his base, so this kind of Biden bashing is only going to pick up to try to sway people who likely aren’t paying that much attention. The right is throwing everything they can at this election. It’s worse than 2016 when Trump was a wild card. They are more organized and dangerous this time.

This is important. Our system is so fucked that the only votes that matter are a few thousand people in a few swing states.

Let that sink in for a minute. A few thousand people, in a country of 340 million, will decide if we have a boring, mildly effective hypocrite as president or a raging racist rapist bent on our collective destruction. I’m not telling people to stay home, every single person who is able, should vote for Biden. But 99% of our presidential votes are meaningless.

The electoral college has got to go. Reminder that the last republican to win the popular vote in a presidential election was George W. Bush in 2004, and that was almost certainly because of 9/11. Extreme right-wing ideas are not popular with the majority of Americans, but the system is set up so the crazies get to grab power anyway. Minority rule is the antithesis of what this place is supposed to be about.

it would be a shame if a bunch of conservative voters in those swing states just had sudden, untimely demises before the election.

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Not as much. But I do notice you on every trump post insisting people are screaming both sides... and others taking legitimate criticism of biden as people screaming both sides.

But I do notice you on every trump post insisting people are screaming both sides…

"Both sides" is just one of those things centrists say when they know they're wrong but don't want to change.

Also my co-workers and conservative family love to say it whenever a Republican does something illegal or immoral. It's a scape goat they throw out when they get backed into a corner and can't face the fact that they're wrong.

It's exactly why Republican media spends so much time projecting. It's a protective mechanism. If they can say the left is exactly the same kind of bad, even if it's a complete lie, then you get to stick with the party you want to instead of considering changing if you do happen to recognize how bad they are.

"BoTh SiDeS" helps Republicans tremendously.

It's what conservatives say to avoid responsibility for bad behavior, yes.

Funny. I call myselft a centerist and don't do that. Progressive/leftists don't consider me progressive leftist because Im not in lockstep with everything the particular leftist/progressive believes in and they are right. Im left of center which means im firmly a democrat as republicans are no were near center at all. If someone is saying both sides I don't think they are anywhere near to center. Its like saying both sides with the ukraine/russia thing.

are you a moderate then? it sounds like you need a better vocabulary/better definitions of political actions.

in real terms im left of center so in american terms im super left and in republican terms im a no good communist .what I want is regulation, a progressive tax structure, and decent social programs.

Centrist means you favour the status quo, and generally obstruct progress. What you've described is not centrism, unless I guess your country already has those things.

And even then that's a very literal interpretation of centrism, and not at all what it's come to mean

when the extremes respond to you as being aweful what else can you be. I support biden and democrats because I have lived through republican in power and I would rather make small progress than go backwards. Again globally im left of center I would says.

so why would you call yourself a centrist, when you're not?

when the extremes respond to you as being aweful what else can you be. I support biden and democrats because I have lived through republican in power and I would rather make small progress than go backwards. Again globally im left of center I would says.

that's not a centrist.

to you, but others feel different and again globally it really is. Yes a left of the center overall but close to the center. In the us im a crazy leftist but we are way skewed right at least as far as who gets elected. So if I was in congress then yes I would be akin to bernie but plop him and me in most parlements and we would be close to center. for now anyway as it feels like the rest of the world is following the us lead in leaning right overall.

no, feelings don't have a place in word definitions.

I don't know if English is your native language or not, but this isn't how it works.

True which is why I am left of center globally but close enough to center to be a centerist. Im certainly more center than left. I think free markets are fine if properly regulated (something the us has not done since the 70's) and if they have competition (no monopolies or companies using infrastructure that just can't be duplicated like utilities) and if they are not to important (like education and healthcare). In the us though that puts me pretty left of center. More left than center but it would not be the case in 70's america. Pretty sad really.

But I do notice you on every trump post insisting people are screaming both sides

Another common tactic/fallacy is exaggerating the claim. Example: saying something "screams" about "both sides". The bit about screaming is unneeded and is just added to make it easy to argue against it.

and others taking legitimate criticism of biden as people screaming both sides

That's not the same and not what is meant as "both sides". And again, people aren't screaming. I'd maybe take your comment more seriously if it didn't ignore things while adding a fallacy to discuss a common fallacy.

Both sides do have legitimate criticisms. It's very important to be critical of elected leaders.

But there are for more severe criticisms on one side than the other.

That you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. There are tons of people posting daily the bullshit about both sides. I’d name them, but then I’d be banned for it.

Tons of people urging others not to vote. Tons of people saying both sides are the same- because of a single issue. And one they barely understand.

Don’t confuse the insistence that people get out and vote, and the calling out of bad actors anything other than what it is- an attempt to prop up American democracy and keep us from having to endure another four years of dictatorship.

Some people go out of their way to not understand or not see something.

Oh they see it. They just like pretending it’s not a problem.

Both sides are not the same, but they are both corrupt. The message of "both are the same" needs to be more specific.

The right side takes away rights, the left helps people. That's great! Only while the decisions cater to things wanted. They only do what will get them in office.

How corrupt is Joe Biden? The guy's famous for being in the Senate for 30 years and never getting rich. Is he squeaky clean? I don't know, but characterizing the situation as "both sides are corrupt" is close to disinformation.

You're saying that the bullshit artist formerly known as The Senator From MBNA isn't corrupt?

The guy who's received more in bribes from AIPAC throughput his career than his current net worth and has to be dragged kicking and screaming to not participate in Israel's genocide even as over 60% of the people who voted for him are against it?

The guy who, after decades of promoting Amtrak (the company, never its workers) and railway companies in general took away the constitutional right to strike from rail workers, forcing them to accept a deal almost identical to the one from corporate that they had already overwhelmingly rejected?

The guy whose infrastructure deal, which the party preposterously touts as the best bill against climate change ever, makes any new renewable energy generation contingent on expanding federal fossil fuel leases manyfold and gives away public infrastructure to for-profit companies?

The guy whose solution to police brutality is to throw more money at cops?

The guy who, as a successful and ambitious politician moved from Pennsylvania to Delaware, a tiny state that just so happens to be the most corporate friendly one in the entire country, the one where most major corporations are registered in spite of being physically based elsewhere?

THAT'S the one you're saying isn't and never has been corrupt? Fucking REALLY?

That he doesn't officially have a lot of money for a successful politician isn't proof that he's not corrupt.

He could be stashing most of his money in Switzerland, the Cayman Islands or one of the growing number of US tax shelter states.

He could be bribable with relatively small amounts of money.

He could just simply be bad at saving.

Either way, there's NO way that Biden isn't corrupt as fuck. That's just not possible given his words and actions of the past 50+ years and today.

Oh and before you hit me with the usual Trump whataboutism: YES the Mango Mussolini is much worse in just about every way, including the amount and blatancy of corruption.

That Trump is indisputably worse is irrelevant to how corrupt Biden is.

You forgot the part where Biden helped Bush sell the lie that invading Iraq was a good idea.

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One uses a feather, the other beats you with a frozen chicken, but both are the same because they're using poultry products.

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