11 Post – 2301 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am very typical earthling. I like earth food and earth drink and earth sports and earth media. Im all about earth things because I am so typical and earthling. so typical as to be very boring and not worth investigating or looking into because I am definately from earth.

"What I wasn’t told was that we had 70,000 hard-coded references to Sacramento. And there’s still shit that’s broken because of it.”" Im pretty sure he was told but was either not really listening or comprehending.

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corporations given constitutional rights in the us like living people.

this again is why I will pipe in I like biden. So many things have come out of the agencies of this administration. He can't make congress function but he can sure as heck streamline stuff at the executive level.

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I still don't get how folks don't love this president. All these things are great for typical folks like me.

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get a good education and work hard and you will be rewarded.

I need an engine where if I put something in quotes it appears on the site, visible to the human eye. sure sure it can ignore case, but otherwise the damn word or phrase should be there.

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it sucks so bad that the internet initially looked like this thing that would enlighten the world and allow for us as a species to make incredible gains in sciences and culture and morality. instead it seemed to do the opposite.

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this is the attitude I like. Don't release something unless it massively better than what came before.

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they say bipartisan but the only democrat I see mentioned is fetterman. which does make me wonder about him more.

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well that and they where on video that they took of the event! in case anyone wants to go with the oh the court is rigged or something. definately no alleged about it.

im all for arming ukraine with the russian invasion but does isreal really need munitions to fight hamass?

I mean no study is really conclusive without reproducibility. I should probably study it as well.

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Still I understand why they hesitate. It basically drags our government permanently into shitty behavior. This is why they don't start this stuff but reluctantly utilize it. You don't want to be known as the guy going for the balls but if that is how the opponent is going to fight whelp then I guess we are ballers.

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the economy is not great but he has changed the trajectory. it took obama two terms to normalize after bush jr and unfortunately it was not so great that trump did not make it way worse. ironically mostly by not continuing gradual interest rate increases which forced the severe ones now.

My wife and I talk about this. We make a mistake and the smackdown comes in a torrent of fines and interest and instant loss of things we need. Corp makes a mistake and oopsie daisy.

Not just those under 40. I do feel bad I sorta got a brief taste of "good times" and worry eventually younger folks will think the post 2000's are normal.

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well swedes also get value for their taxes. I remember one who would talk about how it drove him nuts coming across pot holes and various broken infrastructure as it would be unacceptable for it to be like that for weeks were he was from.

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they need to get rid of the 100% thing. two thirds and three fourths majority is hard enough.

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oh man I wonder how often I can use this today

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layoffs for thee and massive bonuses and golden parachutes for me (me being the execs who made the decision to sink the company)

I sorta don't get it. Aren't torrents sorta the original peer to peer thing to begin with?

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I would not do any unpaid work for anything that was not straight up copyleft.

Im not gonna cry for any company that did not extricate itself since crimea. There have been butloads of time and a goodly amount to do it slowly and slyly.

McConnel warns to stop proving again and again how massive the corruption is in the republicans as there might be a democrat or two that might get swept up in it. I mean they got that guys son filling out the form wrong already.

Yes. It infuriates me that members of my species keep these places in business. They should all be out of business since absolutely no one should be buying their unpriced shit.

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what I would not give to have 70's style regulation again, of course getting rid of citizens united would be bigger but owe man I hate the direct we have taken since the 80's

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NASes are pricey but provide a level of robustness that a beefy external hard drive or cloud storage just don’t provide. In a NAS you can configure drives into an array, meaning drives can be combined to basically form a bigger super drive, by splitting the load of data across each of the drives, increasing the overall speed of the group, and using one drive as redundancy. So that if one drive fails, the whole thing doesn’t go kaput. So if we have more bays, we can consolidate more drives together to make even faster storage.

Affiliate Links to Products Mentioned:
Synology DS923+:
10GBe Module:
Synology DS1821+:
DS1821+ 10GBe Module:
Ubiquiti Flex XG:
TP-Link 10GB Ethernet Pcie Card:
Samsung 870 EVO 4TB:

Affiliate links to YouTube gear I use:
Sony a7siii:
Sony A7c:
14in M1 Pro MacBook Pro:
Mac Studio:

0:00 Intro
0:48 Current NAS Setup
3:59 What Do I Use the NAS For?
6:30 My Issues with it
9:20 The Solutions
13:40 What would I recommend?
16:22 Conclusion

Some NAS have multi-gig ethernet out of the box, but with our Synology box, we have to install this 10 gigabit ethernet card, giving us up to 1250MB/s per second of data, which is fast. But there’s a catch, to use 10 gigabit, everything between the NAS and your computer, has to be 10 gigabit. So this means the network switch and computer this NAS is connected to has to have a 10 gigabit ethernet port and support those speeds. 10 gigabit is expensive, and replacing everything around the NAS and computer to be 10 gigabit could add up fast. Network switches with 10 gigabit start around $300 for 4-5 ports, 10 gigabit pcie cards for your PC costs around $100, and for your Mac, you gotta have it selected when ordered, or pay $200 for a bulky dongle.

A single NAS alone is not a back up solution, especially if it’s the only place I have my precious files on. For that, you’d want to follow the 3-2-1 rule of data back ups. Having 3 different copies, across 2 different types of devices, and 1 copy stored off site. Hard drives when paired together in raid, and all working together increases read and write speeds significantly, but a nas does not remove the Hard drive’s latency and poor random read and write performance. How long it takes to execute an action and find random files across a storage pool. Even a single SATA SSD is faster than 6 hard drives working together when it comes to random reads and writes. Video editing relies on a mixture of good sequential speeds, and good random speeds. With the 6 Hard Drives in SHR, opening folders and video project files took a few moments longer than if they were running off of my computer. So, really with this NAS I had 3 major issues with it. I’m not really following the best practices of 3-2-1 data backups, I’m running out of drive bays, and editing off of it, I introduced some annoying lag. How did I go about resolving these issues? Well, the first solution I thought of was to cut my losses, buy big jumbo sized hard drives, consolidate my data onto those drives and find a new purpose for those old hard drives. Then install an SSD into one of the drive bays, and use that for my video editing, and sync it to the big drives. Then I’d use a cloud storage provider, like backblaze to back up the whole NAS to the cloud. This would mean I could solve all of my issues. But cloud storage can get expensive fast. Then another solution appeared, why not add a new NAS, that will be all flash, nothing but SSDs to use as a nice, quiet and fast NAS dedicated to just my current video projects. And that’s what I ended up doing.

With this DS923+, I installed a 4TB SATA SSD. Which gives me plenty of space for video projects. By using such a large single SSD now, I can expand with other large SSDs when I need more space, or when video editing gets more intensive. So now I have a single small NAS for my current projects, a bigger nas for archiving purposes, some external hdds I’ve had laying around connected to that for another copy. While I keep these NASes in separate rooms, The really important stuff gets backed up to Backblaze, while less commonly touched files with lesser importance get updated on an external hard drive that I’ll store away.

With what I know now, what would I recommend for someone who’s looking at starting their own NAS journey? Get a good 4-6 Bay NAS and, splurge for 2 20TB drives run in SHR or Raid for redundancy and add more 20TB drives as needed. You could start off with just 1 20TB drive but you'll need a good backup solution in case it fails. So I’d really consider thinking ahead here and prioritize hard drive size over bigger NASes. It’s really my biggest regret.

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people say the date is dependent on the person but 2015 is basically before trump and qanon and such. So I don't think OP is saying 2015 is the best year just that after 2015 was just craziness.

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Oh yeah. I remember how he had this secret better replacement all ready and it never materialized.

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democrats lack of compromise??? this is an. interesting take. Ill tell you their base certainly finds they compromise a lot. Many. The centerists. are by and large fine with it if it gets something else important. I don't recall republicans compromising for anything but tax cuts.

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I mean im all for legalization but im also fine restricting it from public places and allowing property owners to determine usage at their location. I mean that is how alchohol works. At least here you can't be drinking in parks unless its a festival with a license.

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He should be punished with an ankle network interferance box that keeps anything wireless from working. even talk radio.

Also there are so many ways to get music I doubt people would be flocking to the internet archive for it.

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yup. it reminds me a bit of nixon. growing up I understood he was bad but boy how rabidly upset he would make folks older than I. I did not get it but then I learned more and more about his actions and understood over time. Reagan same but experienced it. One thing is you don't even know the real bad stuff till its to late. People still don't seem to understand iran contra or the october surprise. effed up. now we just had trump. can you imagine the stuff we don't know yet. ugh.

I mean he has been quite a bit better than any president I have experienced in office but it is sad that the bar is so low.

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I wish linux was my parents.

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yeah and seems like it would discourage anyone from opening a store.

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10k!? This is what letting in all these immigrants does. Hows a fella supposed to make a cush living when its just being given away.

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that title is aweful. it makes it sound like trump has a better alternative rather than the system itself is now better and thus harder for him to fight.

wow. this is the best comment I have seen on it. I feel sorta similar. Whats been done is just monsterous but man the situation is so ridiculous and I wish the US and the rest of the world had done many different things post ww2.

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