The Batshit Crazy Story Of The Day Elon Musk Decided To Personally Rip Servers Out Of A Sacramento Data Center to – 1029 points –

Back on Christmas Eve of last year there were some reports that Elon Musk was in the process of shutting down Twitter’s Sacramento data center. In that article, a number of ex-Twitter employees wer…


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"What I wasn’t told was that we had 70,000 hard-coded references to Sacramento. And there’s still shit that’s broken because of it.”" Im pretty sure he was told but was either not really listening or comprehending.

Yeah "I wasn't told" is really "I wasn't listening" in narcissist language.

"I wasn't notified in triplicate, in writing, with the relevant sections underlined and requiring my signature for acknowledgment"

Even that wouldn't stop a stubborn narcissist.

Well, no, but it's good to have such documentation for legal reasons when said narcissist loses their shit and attempts to scapegoat you

"I wasn't notified in triplicate, sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public inquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters".

The manager began to explain in detail some of the obstacles to relocating the servers to Portland. “It has different rack densities, different power densities,” she said. “So the rooms need to be upgraded.” She started to give a lot more details, but after a minute, Musk interrupted. “This is making my brain hurt,” he said. “I’m sorry, that was not my intention,” she replied in a measured monotone. “Do you know the head-explosion emoji?” he asked her. “That’s what my head feels like right now. What a pile of f—ing bulls—. Jesus H f—ing Christ. Portland obviously has tons of room. It’s trivial to move servers one place to another.”

Sounds like he did his best to make sure no one could tell him


Well, there's your first problem. Musk doesn't give a shit about what women think. The man is an S tier misogynist. He probably zoned out listening to this woman and wondered how many horses it would cost to get a handy out of her.