8 Post – 655 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Tell TSA your username. They'll find something for you to do for 20 hours.

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Florida is such a shithole state

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Rough question for a guy who just lost his wife at 35. I'd empty my account to be able to have the time over.

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You're not wrong.

Mississippi is typically ranked very low due to a history of poor public education standards as well as being a battleground for civil rights. Not much has changed.

Fortunately for Mississippi, Florida man is working overtime towards the enshitifcation of their own education system.

There's absolutely a direct correlation between education, human rights, and a higher standard of living.

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Correct. That is their plan. They've already made at least 1 ruling based on a fabricated case of discrimination.

Of course these bastards want to undo the will of the people.

Fell for? You must mean perpetuated.

We know

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Lol I envy your optimism.

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Right?! It's like the guy literally modeled himself after Trump from The Apprentice.

And the biggest question of all; how do we unfuck this thing?

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Fascists gonna fash.

You've been in the shower too long, friend.

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Their opinions mean nothing.

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We're shocked, frankly, that states without comprehensive sex education (and that stigmatize education) are having issues with STI's.

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And the ADHD+Anxiety+Depression trifecta?

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For someone with Uncle Iroh as your username, you sure aren't as understanding as your namesake. I think you're more like Zuko at the beginning of his journey; only thinking about himself and his needs.

Imagine being so triggered by someone using a stall near you. As a man, I wouldn't care if a woman came into the gents and used a stall. Why would I care? Anyone in the bathroom is there to do their business and get out, not to look at your little fella.

Get. Fucked.

Nah, they'd rather burn the US to the ground than let women and minorities be equals.

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Yep, the grift continues.


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And real estate. Don't forget real estate.

File that under "things that will never happen." Reddit is not going to reverse course. Period. So the data will be released and that will be the end of it.

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"76 percent of conservative Republicans parrot whatever they're told by conservative media."

There, we just said the same thing.

OP must be trolling. Surely someone couldn't be that stupid, right?

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They don't have a party they have a coup in search of a country.


*Edit: and of course Universal is one of the plaintiffs. I hate these fuckers so much.


This is the future Republican politicians want for America.

The people who talk about kindness are centrists. They're the same people who want compromise between the left, who want rights and protections for citizens, and the right, who want to demonize and murder people. Do not tolerate centrists.

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Yar! 🏴‍☠️

Thanks buddy. Right back at you.

It was nice to meet you...person whose name I didn't catch because I spaced as soon as you started talking.

Not paying developers and then axing 800 employees? Surely Epic can't be long for the world at this rate.

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She's so fucking stupid, that's honestly the best she has.

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Can someone explain the meme? I'm a little slow.

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Via Chiaki evidently.

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The question for me is, is a couple hundred Dollars of alcohol or groceries worth someone's life? Why not let her go and pursue charges against her rather than executing her in the parking lot?

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AI is coming for your shitty "journalism" jobs writing about AI taking your jobs.