DeSantis and top Fla. health official warn against COVID shots for people under 65 to politics – 128 points –
DeSantis and top Fla. health official warn against COVID shots for people under 65

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and the state’s surgeon general are advising against the use of updated COVID-19 vaccines for anyone under the age of 65, a move that counters a new recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Speaking Wednesday on a panel with other physicians who have cast doubt on the COVID vaccine — including some who lobbied Trump administration officials to back the “herd immunity” theory — Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo expressed concerns over the shot’s safety, saying incorrectly that there was “not a drop of clinical trial data” supporting the vaccines.

“We continue to live in a world where the CDC and the [Food and Drug Administration], when it comes to COVID at least, are just beating their own path in a direction that’s inexplicable in terms of thinking about data and in thinking about common sense,” Ladapo said.


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Their opinions mean nothing.

Worse than nothing, really. They’re disingenuous malignant garbage people.

I think his opinions are extremely usefully actually. I do the opposite of whatever he says, and am currently scheduling my vaccine right now.