7 Post – 329 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Almost like using a single giant wiper is a bad idea

Bbbbbbbut it looks cool!

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Joycon drift, and all other thumbstick drift, is already a solved problem.

  1. Use bushings that actually have some abrasive resistance and aren't softer than a fingernail.
  2. Use a non-contact based sensor to determine the XY position of the stick. Hall effect, optical, strain gauge, whatever, we've had the tech for 50 years.

The reason why they haven't done this is one very simple reason: $$$

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That was before the whole clown show. The valuation cut was dated May 31st

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overwatch style

You mean team fortress style

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Replace the CEO with an AI. They're both good at lying and telling people what they want to hear, until they get caught

So they went to the same model Pandora used to use 15 years ago

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>demand money from third party app developers
>give money to karmawhores


Can we just have both entities annihilate each other? Please? They're both shit

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Sign language yes, real time captions no. Only whatever live transcription crap your phone or computer could do

Gfycat was the only good gif hoster. The rest, tenor, giphy, etc, are all corporate buzzfeed slop, that were primarily used by dimwits to decorate their shitty blog posts with (remember the various reddit admin feature announcements that had like 300 stupid gifs in them?)

Federated directories. We're going back to Yahoo like it's 1995

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Paywalled article 🙃

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Apple has done this many times before. Over even more frivolous patents (i.e. a glossy black rectangle)

They made their bed, now they have to lie in it

Have you been to digg recently? It's a buzzfeed clone. Just because the brand is still around doesn't mean it's the same product at all

It's like if I bought Nike and then killed off all their product lines and only sold high viscosity lithium grease. Yeah Nike would be around, but it would be meaningless beyond that

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How about they cut executive pay instead of fucking the rank and file over

As always is the case. It's a pr stunt

Is this the same CEO who fired the entire documentation team and then gave herself a raise?

All of them are lawful

sign of the times

We've had actors in videogames for as long as there's been the ability to play samples at a high enough quality. Hell, the 90s FMJ era was full of them. Some good, some not so good.

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Kagi generated key points:

  • The new Find My Device network on Android was designed with a strong focus on user security and privacy.
  • The network uses a crowdsourced approach to locate lost or misplaced devices and belongings, even when they are offline.
  • The location data reported by participating Android devices is end-to-end encrypted, ensuring Google cannot access or use the location information.
  • The network has "aggregation by default" as a safety feature, requiring multiple nearby devices to detect a Bluetooth tag before reporting its location to the owner.
  • The network also has protections to avoid contributing location reports when near the user's home address.
  • Rate limiting and throttling are used to prevent malicious real-time tracking, while still allowing the network to be useful for finding lost items.
  • The network is compliant with industry standards for unwanted tracking, triggering alerts on both Android and iOS devices.
  • Users have full control over which of their devices participate in the network and how.
  • The network design has undergone internal security testing and is part of Android's vulnerability rewards program.
  • Prioritizing user safety and privacy is an ongoing commitment as the team continues to improve the Find My Device protections.

If you can't list em, you shouldn't be able to charge for em

That valuation cut was from before the whole shitstorm. We've yet to see the impact that this has all had on them, but given the attempts to crush the protests by the reddit admins, when they've just sort of ignored this stuff in the past, its likely not good

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Do it. Please. I want to watch what happens

Are search engines landed gentry?

Can we start with the CEOs? Pretty sure shatGPT can do their jobs easily

I bought a pepper grinder called the Pepper Cannon. Yes, its wonderfully overengineered and costs a fortune. But it's made in the USA, and they've been pretty open with their startup process for making it.

Few months ago I was browsing across amazon and lo and behold, some pepper grinders that look identical to the pepper cannon came up. They were all cheaper knockoffs, selling for a fraction of the cost, and outright stealing PCs industrial design. I didn't buy one, as I don't need one and didn't really care enough to test if the mechanism was the same as the one I bought, but I did drop a line to the pepper cannon guys so they can try to get em delisted

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Google has been doing on device stuff since at least the pixel 3

Oh look the guy with the $50 upvote is responding to the guy who doesn't have any karma. Come on!

Pretty easy to make an instance that would auto vote certain things with suspicious amounts of votes

As it stands now, they have to fake the origin of some of those votes. Not much of a barrier, the fediverse generally accepts any user an instance says exists, but still, it's a barrier

And of course any instance thats blatantly manipulating votes is going to be defederated, but I'm more concerned with an instance that behaves normally until it encounters a keyword or user is been set to, and then gives their posts a -5 or whatever

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I have 10 gig at home, and powerful enough networking hardware that can take advantage of it (Ubiquiti stuff)

Nothing can ever saturate the line. So it's great for aggregate, but that's it

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*man gets bitten by snake*

Hmm, I got bitten. That hurt

*man gets bitten by snake again*

Ow, that hurt


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I bought the Xoom and the Nexus 10, and got my wife a Nexus 7

Google abandoned all within an extremely short timeframe. The Nexus 10 suffered the worst, getting an awful ui regression a few months after it came out

I have seen no evidence Google will do any better this time

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And the users left behind, particularly those that whined about the mods shutting stuff down, are never creators. They're just consumers, useless eaters. You can tell because their umbrage wasn't directed at the reddit administration, but was directed at the mods, who dared to interrupt their feeding sessions.

Can also pause, rewind, fast forward, lie down, and more at home

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Hey there skin haver! Do you hate it when your skin or exoskeleton get dry and or crusty? Then try new Aveeno skin/carapace wax

The author can't type very quickly

It's a clusterfuck. I don't need any accessibility hardware or software. I'm "abled". But I use it anyways, because it makes the human computer interaction far easier.

Most of the hardware out there is utter shit. I have a big 3 pedal foot switch I use with my MacBook. Out of the box it's helpfully set with each pedal being a b and c, with no built in way to change any of that. I've got a karabiner configuration that makes them more useful.

I tried using eye tracking hardware to center my cursor on the display I was looking at, before I got rid of it in frustration.

The only pieces of hardware that work how I want to are the ones I built myself (keyboard and numpad). Everything else requires a bodge. And that's shit. I'm abled and technically minded. If a system doesn't work for me, I can just go back to the happy path. A person with limited mobility cannot. And the disability advisors and advocates and volunteers who set these things up for people usually don't know any better, so they just cargo cult solutions and employ them rote. They don't mean anything negative by it, they're trying to help people. But they aren't typically super knowledgeable about tech either. They get led around by the nose by clever bits of marketing and poorly understood instructions.

Software explicitly marketed as "accessibility" is generally awful. At previous jobs I helped oversee the implementation of accessible systems for a website, in cooperation with a local accessibility advocacy group. For screen readers they used either JAWS or the Apple built in one, voiceover. Both of which work, but not great, with chrome or firefox. Eventually we found ChromeVox, made by Google, and showed it to this accessibility group. Iirc they now use it when helping to set up people with software, because it's just so much better than anything they used before.

Similar stories exist with regards to the SurfingKeys browser extension. In short, it gives you a keystroke that puts vim style easyjump targets on every clickable element on the page, so you can trigger anything with a few keystrokes. Target selection can be simplified down to a very small selection of keys, say the left hand home row.

For people with highly limited mobility, most page navigation solutions out there are atrocious. At best you get an x-y scan, where you trigger the scan, get a slowly moving cursor in one axis, stop it when it intersects what you want to interact with, and then repeat with another cursor along the opposing axis. If you don't use this, you get to tab through everything, one item at a time. Some systems allow for cursor key navigation (arrow keys), but that's hit and miss.

I showed the accessibility consultant SurfingKeys, and they were floored. They had a few people they were helping out who had full operation of a hand or whatever, but not enough to really use a mouse. SurfingKeys and a simple USB numpad with some key rebinding let these people use the Internet far faster than ever before. They could click links! They could scroll. Finding and clicking something on a search engine was no longer an exercise in patience and frustration.

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Interesting that they think there's a single universal voice amongst hens. I've got a small flock of a dozen birds, and they each have distinct voices and calls. You can always tell who just finished laying by which egg song you're hearing, until the others join in and it's a cacophony.

We've got one anericauna who likes to "scream" for her egg song. Awful sound, very close to a hen screaming because a bobcat got her.

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For most projects or tools that I find on GitHub these days, I run them all in docker. Node, at least, is somewhat of a good guest. All it's crap lives in node_modules, and so when I'm done, rm the directory and it's all clean. Python seems to love leaving relics across my system

Can't wait for them to never roll it out

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go to read article about fixing annoying internet shit

some big stupid pop up interrupts my reading internet shit, pestering me for my email address