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Joined 12 months ago

The year is 2065. E. Jean Carroll is the richest human alive. She rules a business empire that stretches across the globe and even to Mars. This empire does not charge for services, sell products or even take investor funding.

Its only source of revenue is suing the immortal cyborg that is Donald Trump, who even after 40 years of taking Ls is still pathologically unable to keep his fucking mouth shut.

The good news is that Biden isn't even a forgetful old man. The media just takes every normal slip up he makes and runs it non-stop.

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Because Jack Dorsey is obsessed with the same "free speech absolutism" that Elon Musk is, and he's butter that people don't want to be shown Nazi propaganda, hate speech, and all that other shit on his platforms.

Dorsey is an idiot, just like Musk. Don't let their money fool you.

If Elon Musk had had the misfortune to be poor, he would have been institutionalized by now. But since he's rich, the media just fawns over all his whacko bullshit.

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I would rather have an actual orange baboon as president than Donald Trump.

Technically, no. The Constitution says "the United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government," but "republican" has historically been very loosely interpreted. Technically, China and North Korea are both republics.

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The US government also did time travel so that Obama could kill Kennedy.

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I would say she did this to fundraise off of being a victim, but that would require a degree of foresight that I don't think she possesses.

Yeah, this happened in Denver, which is a blue city in a blue state. No reason the Dems couldn't get her if they wanted. I still expect no charges, though.

The US has won against guerrillas before. They won in the Philippines and had mostly won in Iraq before the Iraqi government pissed off their Sunni minority and ISIS spilled over from Syria. The US also crushed the Viet Cong during the Tet Offensive and most of the war after that was fought by regular North Vietnamese Army units not VC guerrillas.

Most insurgencies fail Max Boot wrote a book called Invisible Armies where he analyzed insurgencies throughout the 20th century and determined that only about a quarter of them succeeded and more than half failed outright. Not only that, many of the successful ones took place in the context of colonization and the Cold Warz where they had weak imperial opponents, super power backers, or both.

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Well part of the problem is that there isn't total agreement on what a republic is. By some definitions it's basically anything that isn't a monarchy. Some medieval republics didn't have elections and instead chose their officials by sortition, which is essentially a lottery. China and North Korea do have elections, but they're total shams (and North Korea is basically a monarchy is a thin coat of republican paint, since by law they can't have any leader that isn't descended from Kim Il Sung).

Only the Senate gets to block appointments like that, and Democrats control the Senate.

Do you think that the Chinese even bothered with the high tech spy gadgets? You could learn basically anything from him if you booked a dinner at his stupid golf club and told him his hands were bigly. Maybe throw in a badly shopped nude of his daughter if you want the real heavy stuff.

Maybe, though, it’s enough to get the coroner to take another look at his death.

He's a high profile corporate whistleblower who allegedly committed suicide. Any coroner who isn't already triple checking everything is way too corrupt or lazy to bother with another look.

Hello, airplanes? It's blimps, you win!

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Definitely. Expecting to live after calling off the coup was the stupid move here. He crossed the Rubicon when he seized Rostov. After that, it was win or die and he ruled out winning. It wasn't hard to figure out what would happen next.

Gerrymandering, structural advantages, etc. the same as it's always been.

Because Trump would be so much better on the issue, right?


Well, there's your first problem. Musk doesn't give a shit about what women think. The man is an S tier misogynist. He probably zoned out listening to this woman and wondered how many horses it would cost to get a handy out of her.

So that's a no on the evidence? And criticism is one thing, but immediately jumping to "the US must have done this, because the IDF doesn't have commando teams that do hostage rescue, or something" is another. I'm really not sure where you get the idea that Israel needs the US to do special forces shit like ten feet from the Israeli border.

SCOTUS, or at least Scalia, has also decided that innocence isn't a compelling reason to be spared execution.

We should never let these vermin get away with calling themselves "pro-life."

But you need states to agree to that, which runs into the same issue as an amendment does.

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My platform will be one high enough to push Vicki fascists off to their deaths.

Maybe with some spikes at the bottom for good measure. You can't be too careful.

Arcane was such a an amazing show. Both because it was amazing on its own and because it made me go so crazy over show from a video game I care nothing for.

I've played 2 games of LOL in my life and I still loved Arcane to death. Season 2 can't come fast enough.

Even if the system isn't corrupt, it's run by humans who make mistakes. It's only a matter of time before one of those mistakes gets an innocent person executed. The only way to execute zero innocent people is to execute zero people.

Is Japan uncivilized?

Speeding up executions means more innocent people will be wrongfully executed. How many innocent people are you willing to kill to make sure this this asshole fries?

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If voting Democrat isn't going to change anything, voting third party is definitely not going to change anything. Might as well make the higher percentage play, which is voting Democrat.

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They're against anything that the Democrats want. If the Democrats decided to fix the pothole out front, Republicans would rally in favor of potholes' right to damage your car.

No, it went to open signups a few months ago. I've been on it since February.

Because unfortunately the pro-Israel, pro- cop Democratic candidates are much closer to the average voter than the nutbag religious extremists are.

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Somehow I think I'll find the strength to carry on without your brilliant wisdom to guide the way.

Artillery isn't only indirect fires the category of direct fire artillery exists. Tanks only get eaten alive in urban environments when they're poorly supported. The US has used tanks in urban areas from Hue to Baghdad without problems.

Tanks' primary role is infantry support and for that job they have a big gun. You know what's useful when there's a bunch of guys holed up in a city building, firing at you? A really big gun you can point directly at them and give them hell.

You want to give up, throw your vote away voting for some third party crank and somehow I'm the defeatist? I want some of whatever you're smoking because it sounds really strong.

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How is executing someone keeping us safer from them than just throwing them in prison? Prison escapes, especially of dangerous, death row level offenders are exceedingly rare, at least in the US. People will point to deterrence, but no scientific studies have been able to demonstrate any significant deterrence effect of capital punishment. You're just killing people out of anger.

I get it, many of these offenders are abhorrent. I won't lose any sleep over the supermarket shooter getting his. But the death penalty should be abolished.

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Ah, yes. The famously incompetent IDF. Unlike those US SOF who have definitely never screwed up in any way.

Do you have any real evidence that US forces are operating in Israel besides your hatred of Israel?

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No government can afford giving large enough baby bounties to move the needle. Kids are really, really expensive.