Prosecutors to seek death penalty for white supremacist who killed 10 at Buffalo supermarket to – 551 points –
Prosecutors to seek death penalty for white supremacist who killed 10 at Buffalo supermarket

Prosecutors will seek the death penalty for the white supremacist who killed 10 Black people at a Buffalo supermarket.


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Speeding up executions means more innocent people will be wrongfully executed. How many innocent people are you willing to kill to make sure this this asshole fries?

Oh the fuck well, that's the price you pay for living in a society. All societies require their sacrificial lambs in order to prop themselves up because no legal system is perfect nor capable of being so, but we still have to put the well-being of our community above those who threaten or wrong it whether we make mistakes or not. And we give the state the benefit of the doubt in such circumstances because we accept that it's the only way a community can be functional and work without even WORSE sacrifices.

You're gonna tell me that we can't give life back to those we take it from knowing that's just as true with people wrongfully convicted and thrown in prison for life -- the people who you sentence to be raped, tortured, enslaved, and STILL murdered anyway because your selfish, entitled ass thinks your opinions are better than others. And you absolve yourself of responsibility for the extreme cruelty and suffering you cause by telling yourself, "Well at least they're alive," which is a cop-out.

It's far more humane to execute someone quickly after a trial because it minimizes the convicted's suffering, it's far better for the safety of the community because you are getting rid of a known offender even if the odds they're actually guilty aren't 100% perfect, it's much more morally conscionable than expecting the community and victims to live in fear of offenders and ultimately is the better, more moral way.

But you don't understand that because you're not emphasizing with anyone else, you only care about how you feel about death personally and that is 100% a you problem.

If we need to sacrifice human beings, would you like to volunteer? -.-

I already have to no matter what I do, so I would rather be humanely executed with a bullet a few days after being wrongfully convicted for something than to be locked in a cage. No matter how gilded that cage is, it would still be a cage, and still a lifetime of unnecessary suffering that is inherently inhumane and cruel as opposed to simple death for which afterwards there IS no suffering, because I'll be fucking dead.

This is why you anti-death penalty ideologues are completely fucking unempathetic, irrational and completely lack self-awareness. You DON'T actually care about what's moral, simply dominating the conversation and being the ones to dictate to everyone else so you can feel like you're in control, and who cares about the deaths you personally cause or the millions of lives you ruin every day with your bullshit?

Or the genocide you're enabling?

Yeah you totally know all about me lol

The classic response from anyone who is told the truth about themselves.

Ladies and gentlemen, the great anti-death penalty stance, brought to you by your local ignorant, unthinking ideologue who doesn't understand what he's arguing for or even cares to think about.

Go on, write me another essay or two telling me exactly who I am. I got time.

I don't have to. You're doing all the hard work for me. Keep it up

I know you want to. Writing essays about people makes you feel in control, and more decisions I made about you by reading some text.

Capital punishment doesn't work. It doesn't deter crimes. It doesn't prevent violence. It's not a solution. It's inhumane. It's expensive. It's irreversible.

Yeah you totally know all about me lol

A large number of shooters are just out to commit a mass murder-suicide. Who does this serve justice to? Or is this just to get people feeling like they’ve been “avenged”?

My guy, your blatant hypocrisy speaks more volumes than I ever could.

You're starting to fall back on the Hollywood revenge arguments. Give us some more of those. Entertain us.

You type many words yet they signify nothing /: no explanation, just accusations, why?

When you grow up, you'll see why your elders told you opposing the death penalty is wrong. I just hope it doesn't come at the cost of your family the way it does so many others.

Who are my elders?

And do you think the death penalty would someone prevent a murder that could one day befall my own family?

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How is executing someone keeping us safer from them than just throwing them in prison? Prison escapes, especially of dangerous, death row level offenders are exceedingly rare, at least in the US. People will point to deterrence, but no scientific studies have been able to demonstrate any significant deterrence effect of capital punishment. You're just killing people out of anger.

I get it, many of these offenders are abhorrent. I won't lose any sleep over the supermarket shooter getting his. But the death penalty should be abolished.

Because that person is dead which 100% guarantees they will never harm someone again. Whether it deters other people or not is irrelevant. We're talking about him, this guy, and him alone.

So it's worth the false positive rate? Sacrificing one innocent out of every 20 executions is a good thing?

you're absolutely unhinged lmfao, get some therapy 😌

Oh look at that, it's the political ideologue retreating because he is being wrong and irrational about this and he knows it.

Your ideology is inhumane, unempathetic, destructive and UNSPEAKABLY cruel and you walk this earth with innocent blood on your hands. Blood you vehemently deny is there because morality for you isn't about what's best for other people, it's about dominating other people. Fuck off.

nonono, you see, YOUR ideology is inhumane, unempathetic, destructive and UNSPEAKABLY cruel and you walk this earth with innocent blood on your hands. (I mean you're literally ok with killing Innocents). Blood you vehemently deny is there because morality for you isn't about what's best for other people, it's about dominating other people. Fuck off.

Lol the classic "no u" defense, championed by immature troglodytes the world over. Keep telling us you don't know what you're talking about. Keep telling us you refuse to emphasize with other people or to listen to the other side while you aggressively bully other people into thinking you're more empathetic, loving and just simply because of your shitty opinions. Keep showing us why opposing the death penalty is morally reprehensible and why people like you are disgusting and abhorrent.

you have no friends do you. I mean your entire argument hinges on "a few of you may die, but that's the price I'm willing to pay"

My guy, that's just life.

We are imperfect beings who live in an imperfect world and it is impossible to create a political system that will work perfectly 100% of the time. And that's okay, because that's just life. That also means ALL belief systems and ideologies are based on the premise of "a few of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make" because that's a fundamental property of life you cannot escape.

Your ideology hinges on that belief, and yours is much MUCH more inhumane, vile, reprehensible and cruel because your sacrificial lambs are everyone else.

Like the rape victims who need their rapists to be executed to be able to be safe and live happy, meaningful lives. Who become addicted to drugs and kill themselves at exhorbitantly high rates specifically because you tell them that "society won't kill your rapist to satisfy your bloodlust", choosing their rapist over them and sending the message that in the name of your ideology, rapists' interests are ultimately more important than that of their victims. Statistically, the hundreds of victims throughout the rapists' lives.

Those rape victims kill themselves because of you and that's one of the reasons why drug addiction and suicide rates are so high.

You killed those women, those innocent people just as assuredly as a state with the death penalty kills offenders, and you have those victims' blood on your hands.

You are the psycho murderer here, not us. We are trying to run a community here. You are actively trying to destroy it.

But you don't care about that because all you care about is yourself and your feelings.

You are a MURDERER.

nah you're the murderer, you're also ugly and smelly.

too bad you can't ban me from this community eh 😆

Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?, you should learn a thing or two from Kevin

👆 This is all the anti-death penalty stance is.

Because people who oppose it, ultimately, think like six year olds.

Remember that, dear reader, and stop listening to their garbage.

Have you considered that your absolutes may not be true?

Have you or do you honestly think everyone is stupid enough to think deontology is an acceptable worldview?

Have you considered other people have different points of view than you do, that those views are valid even though you don't agree with them, and even worse, they might actually have good points?

Do you ever attempt to emphasize with anyone else or do you just fling around the word to accuse anyone you don't agree with of doing something wrong? I can understand how you feel. The way you view killing and death as absolutely unacceptable regardless of circumstance is the way I feel about literally everything else, especially the rape, torture and enslavement that you flagrantly defend and even exploit to throw your opponents off-guard and manipulate them into surrendering to your woefully misguided and quite frankly, evil worldview. I can put myself in your shoes and feel the way you feel about it.

Why can't you do that for anyone else? Why does everyone else have to capitulate to you but you don't owe anyone even the slightest bit of understanding?

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