6 Post – 315 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

And this is why we buy dumb TVs

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We're all gonna die from climate collapse soon, aren't we?

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Here's what everyone should be worried about given this talk:

Israel has nuclear weapons, and the U.S. has worked hard to ensure opposing countries like Iran would not be able to have them.

And now Israel's government is under the thumb of a bunch of genocidal maniacs who don't give a shit about anything.

I'm thinking we all ought to invest in civil defense, or have some kind of plan B.

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Only this time, the countries falling to fascism generally have nukes, so now there's ultimately no way to stop them.

And people don't want to listen and reject them en masse.

So evil is winning.

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I would 100% read this book

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So the courts are illegitimate. Got it.

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If they don't, I'm out

We need guns to fucking deal with them AND the tyrannical government they're imposing. 🤦

So in that killer's mind, wanting someone killed was the morally indefensible crime but actually killing ludicrous numbers of people is not? And he nor anyone else questioned that? 🤔

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It's almost like you can't force people to try to fix an irrevocably broken system because you're afraid of living without it

It's almost like we should have overthrown them or something

It's almost like everyone was propagandized into accepting band aid solutions and refused to listen when they were told it wouldn't work

Many many people are unemployed and/or homeless, or trapped in debt, which skews the numbers.

I am legitimately trying to figure out why the fuck it is I am seemingly the only person in the world who is okay right now.

What the hell are you all doing or going through that is ruining your life, and how can I help alleviate your suffering?

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Well, we warned you all, but you didn't listen. Expect tons of this garbage next year, and more importantly, expect it to work.

Because it fulfills their goal of revenge against women for rejecting them, having rights, etc.

And that fulfills the goal of pleasing their bible-thumper and alt-right base, who seek vengeance against women for those and a myriad of other reasons.

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It's gonna get worse and they're gonna do more in other countries too, especially as climate change kicks in, everyone starves and they need someone to blame.

So is anyone gonna organize smuggling of mifepristone before they ban it or what?

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Because they're cowards who think they're safe sitting in a three ton fiberglass shell

There were actual studies done on it. In similar situations out in the open, people act completely differently than they do in cars. They think they're armored in those cheap things.

And just remember that a substantial amount of Lemmy users want this, because they are too blind, childish and immature to see the very real negative consequences such a move will have.

But they only care because they're either bots or hopelessly stupid simps.

Pray for me all you want, the only one who's going to suffer from any of this is you. Personally, I feel flattered you're wasting your positive energy on me.

Sue them. Take all of their money.

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They're just playing.

To not focus on the semantics but the main point. It's obvious whoever is doing it is being childish and immature so the counter tactic is to be the adult in the room and to talk to them as if they were a child you were disciplining.

Remember there are plenty of people too poor to move.

Meaning the legal system at its core is ineffectual, illegitimate and meaningless.

I want our revolution and new country and so should everyone else.

Welcome to the wonderful world of bilateral genocide.

I feel you, but it's unlikely DeSantis will win the Republican primary next year even if Trump is booted out of the ballots of every blue state. DeSantis just sucks.

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Can... can we snuggle it?

And then we will pirate it and once again experience joy

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The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

-Thomas Jefferson

Why is a Satan club worse than a Christian club when we know both belief systems are bullshit?

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🤔 I remember reading a book in school about a family that lived in the Warsaw ghetto. At the end of the book, an agency helped them smuggle the main character's baby sister out in a basket, and he remarked to himself about how he knew she'd never know who her real family was.

It always stuck with me.

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We need to overthrow the shitty system and replace it with a new one, is what we need to do.

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It'd be better to come up with ways to efficiently break them down chemically so they can be remade into new plastic. justifies overthrowing the government and instituting a new one, and the people have the moral responsibility to do it.

There. FTFY

Then watch her learn how to echolocate and then blind him permanently 🤦

Jesus Christ. Kids do stupid shit like that. They don't even say how old the kid is. You literally could just bitch at them and make them stop if they were old enough. Or put something harmless but bad tasting on a wig or something and have the kid chew on that, breaking the cycle.

Why do people have to be like this?

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This is just the alt-right with masks off.

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A quick search gave me this:

I might save up and pick up one of the 32" ones after the holidays.

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That's kind of a fatalistic view on life.

You could have just used Protonmail or something.

They're going full retard with the bigotry thing, aren't they?

That's not true, weak people need guns to have equal access to violence so they are not subjugated by the strong. Access to violence is just as much a basic need than food or water.

Your statement is itself extremely sexist. Women are the weak ones who need guns. Men are the strong ones who have power on their side. Nothing can change those facts. A world without unfettered gun access is a world that enforces those inherent power imbalances and enforces the subjugation of women.

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