A drunken wizard offers you $20 million if you let him send you to the world of the last video game you played, and you survive for one year. Do you accept?

pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 77 points –

What game is it and how are you doing?

BONUS QUESTION: He instead offers you $1 billion if you go to the Mortal Kombat universe, join the tournament and survive. He'll have Raiden train you for a year, then the blood splatters. Do you accept?

BONUS BONUS QUESTION: He offers to send you to a video game world of your choosing, only you can never come back home or contact anyone here ever again, not even with in-universe abilities. Do you accept and, if so, which one?


Cities: Skylines - no problem, it's a great place to live! ... As long as your house is near an evacuation shelter, on account of all the tornados and stuff.

Same for me, my city is pretty nice and I don't have extreme weather enabled so no tornadoes in mine.

Technically it was Pokemon as my 4 year old is now stuck because the last stage of the new open world game has actual story line to follow and he can't read. Was able to catch a hundred Pokemon, beat all gyms all by basically button mashing om which attack to do.

So yeah I'll take $20M as humans dont die in Pokemon.

No to MK. Game is rigged as everyone else has superpowers.

And the bonus bonus is a no go not because of not seeing anyone but because then I'd have money in that game world and that isn't very useful.

Hell no, I played MyHouse.wad last. I would either die a horrible death and go mad in an inescapable empty hospital or I would just go mad from the rest of the game. I wouldn't even be able to trust the world when I got back.

Before that I played Detroit: Become Human. That one seems survivable to me. I'd just go about my day and be nice to everyone I meet.

Just beat Tears of the Kingdom. Great game. I feel like for a country embroiled in a magical apocalypse most places are super comfy and safe to live in. 20 mil? Easy money.

No, I am not participating in Mortal Kombat.

One way ticket? It's gotta be Pokemon. It's the isekai holy grail. Living there would be way better than any of the shitty games, imagine just the travel lifestyle alone. Food and healthcare are free and plentiful. You can make easy luxury money having your favorite critter beat the brakes off of some snot-nosed kid's rat.

Yeah I'll just hang out at Hateno or Lurelin or Lookout Landing or Kakariko

I'm about to have the best year of my life living in Pelican Town

Same here! Gonna make some bank and live that cushy life on Ginger Island.

Hogwarts, and I think I could survive just fine even without magic. Even if I do end up squatting in a house or trying to get work in the Hogwarts kitchens with the house elves.

Pillars of eternity. My party of 6 professional adventurers die all the time. Don’t think I’d do ok.

Star Citizen, I'd be lucky to surive a day without glitching into space and dying

Uuuugghh... Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous is a dungeons and dragons campaign, set during a crusade against a growing Abyssal rift in the Prime Material.

Even with my meta knowledge, I'm not sure I like my odds. That's a dangerous fucking world man... I can't even hide somewhere, I'll need income to buy food somehow. Maybe I'll join a monastic order or something. Far from the rift. I give myself 5/10 odds of survival.


Probably not.

Project zomboid. Not a chance.

Same here, friend. I'll probably manage 12 hours if I'm lucky?

12 hours! You're brave. I even play on easy mode in sandbox and I'd still be dead within the hour!



For a year? Absolutely. Permanently? The loneliness would be awful.

You can build a flying robot army. Who needs people?

And how do you remember your user name?

Lmao it was the wifi password at a place I once worked, and I had to put it in so many times it just stuck with me.

And I LIKE people(for the most part)

Microsoft Flight Simulator.

I get to fly planes for a year, and then I get enough money to buy my own plane in real life? Yeah, I'm doing fucking AWESOME. Let's go!

A. Heck yes the game is called Garden Paws and you can't die and get to tame adorable kitties and bunnies, pick flowers, etc. It's going to be a nice vacation. B. No way, I'll take the $20 million vacation. C. I'm still going with the first option.

I couldn’t remember the last time I played a video game.

I realized I’d showed my kids a browser version of Super Mario Bros after taking them to the movie.

No way I’d survive a year.

I played Minecraft in peaceful mode, so, yeah, that sounds like a nice year long vacation actually.

Hard pass on the mortal kombat, but I might take the third offer if I could be functionally immortal and the world was expansive enough.

Question 1.

Tears of the Kingdom. Assuming that I'm just some dude living in one of the settlements then I'm probably fine for a year. If I have to save Hyrule I'm fucked.

Question 2.

Absolutely not. Shao Khan would rip my soul out within the first day.

Question 3.

Living in an Animal Crossing game sounds pretty attractive. You spend a bit of time catching bugs and digging up bells to pay your no-deadline, no-interest mortgage and have the rest of the time to just pursue your hobbies.

Lurelin village would also be great. I'd go fishing all day and teach them how to make hammocks.

I would also definitely go to live in animal crossing, but that was before I became a parent. Now, there's no way I'd leave them forever. Even a year would be really hard.

Ok, I think i could survive being opressed by a tempermental child king who resets everything when he doesnt get his way for a year... unless that also resets the timer, i which case it's groundhog's day forever for me. Gimme the 20 mil, funny magic man.

What game is this?

Oh whoops, probably should've mentioned that heh.

Warframe's Duviri Paradox - a sort of feverish "backstory" for one-third of the player character and I don't know if I can actually describe it any simpler than that.

A drunken wizard offers you $20 million if you let him send you to the world of the last video game you played

A year in an advanced human democratic Utopia prior to first contact with hostile aliens? I think I could manage that :)


Absolutely. I was playing Cities: Skylines.

I would spend that year driving around in my doughnut truck, working at Dino Oil or Healthy Weeds, enjoy my weekends at the parking lot or the bouncy castle, and run to high ground during the next tsunami.

After winning the cash I'd ask to be transported to the Ark universe, and then I'd spend the rest of my life in a glass mansion, training armies of dinosaurs to do my bidding.
JK, I'd probably spend the rest of my very short life running naked from a dilophosaur while screaming. Still more fun than reality.

Warhammer Total war 2.

I'm not accepting.

Maybe if it was medieval total war I could get hired on as an assistant to someone, but total war has gone much more total war since then.

Mortal Kombat, not unless we allow corner trapping like in the 90s.

Been replaying Fallout New Vegas, but with mods. I might survive for a year, but I'd be playing the game entirely different. No sense in making a name for myself or picking sides in a war for the dam.

I tell him that I am currently in a simulation and thus it must be the last game I played.

If I get a fat check that means this is all a simulation ;)

question the first: I'd accept, in Rimworld, my colonists usually last around a year or so before disease, war, or wild creatures get them.

question the second: hard pass.

question the third: I'd accept, and go to the final fantasy universe. as long as you're not the main character, small town residents are seemingly immortal.

  1. Scribblenauts If I get the notebook. I am good, and I'd be willing to stay there permanently.
  2. Nope not going to Mortal Kombat.

War Thunder. If I don't have to go to battle, but just stay in the hangar it would be a easy twenty Mil. If I have to go into the warzone I'm fucked. For Mortal Combat, No. I would against the first guy running into my way. I will accept the bonus on my death bed.

Last game I played was PowerWash Simulator. So I think I’ll take that first offer.

Diablo 4 - hell no.

Mortal Kombat - HELL NO

Leisure Suit Larry - hell yes 😈

Nah, I'm good! Seeing how random peasants seem to fare in the world of Diablo IV, I think I'm pretty likely to get stomped on by a big old demon.

The SimCity 4 count? I think id survive pretty well in there. But that's not a real gaming game, the last one I played was GTA v. I don't know if I make it there without a respawn

Man, my niece swore to me that if I gave Elden Ring a try I wouldn't regret it. I think she owes me 20 million dollars.

While being in Dark Souls 2 may sound bad, you technically can't die if you're branded with the darksign. So as long as I kept my sanity for a year, I'd be in the clear.

Borderlands would be an interesting one. Am I a main vault hunter for the year, or am I a story character? Stakes change drastically depending on that answer. I also just noticed it didn't define what were going in as. Evil wizard making us canon fodder?

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup.

… Yup, I’m gonna die.

Heck yeah! I’ll be living it up on my island in New Horizons. All I have to do is avoid tarantulas, scorpions, and wasps. I got this.

Power Washing Simulator- pay me!!!! Wooo

Just finished pikmin 1. If I'm just myself, then might be okay since wouldn't have to worry about all those bugs. But if I'm like olimar then that'd be tough.

Bonus question: nah

Bonus bonus question: Probably not, but if I had to pick the world of pokemon is calling my name.

The last game I played was Pokémon Go. I’d survive…it’d be boring as hell but I’d survive, if Niantic survives haha that layoff was a bit scary for PoGo

Wastelands 3; that's a fuck no.

Bonus: depends on if it comes with super powers. If yes, then no. If no, then fuck no.

Bonus bonus: probably not, but I'd think about it for hours every night.

Just completed Red Dead 2, and I've been thinking how cool it'd be... Would probably die of black lung pretty quickly though lol

I would fucking love to live in Stardew Valley for a year.

Kenshi, so no. If I were lucky I would manage to live as a half starved beaten up slave, but most likely probably dead after a single day.

I guess I'd try to survive on rowa fruit in the northeast of Liurnia of the Lakes, but I doubt I'd last for more than a day or two.

Mario kart tour, so yes because people don't die in that. Definitely no to the bonus questions.

If Chess counts, hell no. I suck at chess and they’re going to make me a pawn.

If its “real games”, then yeah I think I could live in Hateno Village for a year and be alright.

Grounded? Nope, nope, nope nope nope.

Game before that was Sable, I could handle that.

System Shock.

As a regular person in the world? Sure, no problem. It's not all that different from reality now, only the climate has effectively collapsed (..we're getting there, give it time), and it's functionally run by corporations (see previous). If I have to live on the station with SHODAN? Yeah, no, definitely not.

Before that was Skyrim, and I feel like I'd be pretty okay there; most people seem to go about their daily lives without dying horrible deaths. Prior to that, Death Stranding, and, again, most people just live quietly in their little bunkers, fuck around on social media, and complain about deliveries of GruHub and Amazon taking too long.

20 million $ to go back to 1939 yeah sure. Do I get to pick the country or how does that work?

But I say no to both bonus questions.

Hard no from me, Diablo 4's world is insanely dangerous. Take one step out of any city and the humans of the world are out numbered 100k to 1 in werewolves, zombies, skeletons, literal demons, bandits, it's insane how dangerous this world is. Humanity would be on the brink of extinction.

Bondee's Barnyard?

Bro I don't actually have to go to the restaraunt

Need more info before I accept or not. Does time IRL freeze? Or do I miss a year of real life time?

If I miss a year then nah because that's logistical nightmares and a LOT of explaining. Plus all my stuff would probably be lost if I stop paying rent because I'm non existent for a year, including legal documents etc.

If IRL time stops though, yeah I'd take it. Last played Ensemble Stars which is a game about idols. So the world they live in is more or less just normal modern day Earth.

Anyway I need to know the situation with IRL while I'm gone, OP.

I would not take the further deals because I'm disabled for the first one, and because I have people and things I like IRL for the second.

I played Disney Dreamlight Valley with my daughter. So I’m good I reckon.

Just started Bendy and the Dark Revival. I think I’m screwed.

absolutely; i believe the last game was some VR fishing game where you just hang out on a boat

Just started Skyrim for the first time ever. Assuming I'm me, A plain old human, not a dragon born chosen one. I may be ok? I can hopefully find some quiet village that isn't going to be ransacked by dragons or some clan. Honestly to have a little farm or something would be ideal and quite nice. I suppose I could use any real world mathematics or engineering knowledge to impress some leader. That might provide me some safety, or completely backfire as I could become of interest to other clans who want me obedience and knowledge or death.I'd also have like zero immunities to any diseases so maybe try to avoid people and take my chances as a hermit.

Dangerous? Certainly. Would I take the offer? Yes.

That said I can't figure out how to get mods working correctly. I've gone through the video guide process. I think I messed up somewhere in picking up some dependency things like SKSE and setting up proper pathing or something. I should probably just start over from scratch.

Oh boy, a year in Tears of the Kingdom… I might maybe last a year? If I settle in Hateno or somewhere settled?

Sure would, before I was playing blasphemous (masterpiece btw) but since, I began playing either .Hack Least recode for nostalgia reasons, so basically a Isekai Anime or manga common troupe, and mainly Sun Haven a super chill Stardew Valley-esque farm adventure sim. So yeah sure, happy to.

BQ1: No, im not confident on my body's will or my physical prowess to train for a year and then challenge champions.

Returnal, so I'd definitely survive but at what cost to my mental health.

Yeah, I think I could survive in Ratchet and Clank.

And while on the subject: Dude, this game is seriously one of the best looking games I have ever played. It's like playing a legit Disney/Pixar film. I want to live inside it. It would be a dream come true to live inside a really good cartoon. 😄

Outer Wilds. Not sure what to make of this, but I guess I would be fine? (I'm not through yet, so please don't spoil anything in the comments)

The game before that would be Plague Tale: Requiem, and nah, I won't take my chances with that

Tears of the Kingdom Question 1: maybe? Not as Link (can’t tell you how many times I’ve died). But as some random person in one of the cities, probably. Bonus: No. Especially since I’m sure I’d be controlled by some human like myself that never got into fighting games. Bonus 2: Nope. With all the faults of this world I love my family too much to leave them all behind.

God no. I couldn't hack it in the insanity of Bramble...

Well it depends, do I get to be the main character? Because being Spider-Man would be pretty cool.

Bonus Question: No thanks,

Bonus Bonus Question: Yes, and I think I'd choose the Halo universe, but just as a regular person, not a Spartan or anything. And after the war, so hopefully human civilization isn't so bad then.

Just bought elden ring during summer sales, maybe not a good idea

I mean, do you still get credit for surviving if you resurrect every time?

Pretty sure the last thing I played that wasn't Boggle Plus for the Gameboy was Ace Combat 4. Seems like it would be ok, like an alternate reality version of here, but from the early 2000's. No problem. As long as I'm nust existing, not a main character.

Forever? The Mojave Wasteland from New Vegas. Man, I love that game. I'd be getting my Dine and Dash perk in no time.

Same as @HelixDab, System Shock would be bad, but as a regular person living in the world I could make it for $20 million. Citadel Station? Not a chance, not for all the money in the world.

Bonus Question: Fighting in a Mortal Kombat tournament? No. After a year of training I'm still going to die in the first round. No amount of money is enough.

Bonus Bonus Question: This previous questions were easy. This one's hard. I'm sure I could find a video-game world that would be pleasant to live in, potentially much better than our world, but I'd have to trade all of my family and friends for it. I'd strongly consider it if I found a world where I could be effectively immortal and have a good life as well—making it a very narrow set of options—but ultimately I'm not sure what my answer would be.

I'm playing The Long Dark right now, so no thank you times 10. (It's a very hard survival game set in northern Canadian during winter.)

Do I get to live as the classes I play?

I mean, game I'm currently playing is GW2, if I had to be out in the wilds of open world as the normal regular human being I am I probably wouldn't survive 10 minutes (noone would I believe), tho if I get to live as the class I'm currently playing I would be very well suited to go anywhere without dying.

If not, I could still live well by staying in capital cities, tho it could become a bit boring.

BONUS: no, just because I never played Mortal Combat so no idea how it is.

BONUS BONUS: I think I would accept but I would be torn between WoW and GW2 worlds.

Eh, I'll be fine. I'll kick it in Seyda Neen for a bit and head to Balmora. Probably wouldn't adventure too hard since I can't just reload my last save, but may fall in with the Mages because I'd like to learn some Magic while I'm there.