
1 Post – 351 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Hate repost bots, if you want to use one as a back-er-up-er-er it should post to a dedicated community intended to be an archive, not the main communities for a topic, they are practically spam and don't promote any conversation in the comments as people avoid commenting on something that has zero connection to the original poster of the question.

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honestly I still cant figure out how to configure a network interface properly without using the old control panel.

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LCDs do tend to speak somewhat standardised languages, but there is a lot more to a modern TV than just an LCD controller.

Color and white balance calibration, image/motion processing, HDR Processing, backlight control/dimming zones, input management, audio decoding/encoding/passthrough, digitizing analogue sources, HDMI licencing, Dolby licencing, etc.

If you want a better smart TV the best thing to do is to get a hackable TV like most android based models, replace the launcher, strip out system apps and telemetry with ADB and start fresh, then either leave it offline or use filtering to only allow access to the services you approve.

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Ah, yes, the guy that obviously put a lot of money into intel shares or attempting to short AMD right around the launch of Zen architecture and got so butthurt about his poor investment that he started actively falsifying data and writing ridiculous unhinged reviews of amd products to make intel look better.

We know spez' secrets too.

Dude loved the jailbait subreddit before it was banned for obvious reasons.

He was a moderator.

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I wish TCL would stop referring to it as electronic paper, it's a matte LCD with some desaturated modes for eye comfort.

for me, the major selling point of a true e-paper display is sunlight readability, if your "electronic paper" LCD cant match e-ink, then it's not good enough.

The main E-ink patents are due to expire in 2026, so we should see some rapid development after that.

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I just have a "channel" on my plex (I use DizqueTV to setup the fake TV channel) that has a random continuous playlist of Mythbusters, Top gear + all the spinoffs and classic specials, Junkyard wars, classic robot wars, etc etc..

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It is SIGNIFICANTLY easier to just download properly done rips than to try to either capture or dump the Netflix streams yourself.

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also there are bot tools that can effectively print images straight to the canvas with thousands of bot accounts, and have them automatically maintained and repaired.

Theres no fun in it with shit like that going on.

Totally different software solutions aimed at different users, and many people use both.

Plex is a Server software that handles media management, libraries, users, etc etc.. and a range of player apps that have a somewhat beginner friendly layout requiring little to no setup

Personally, I run a large Plex server that provides content for my family across dozens of mixed devices in home and out of home, different users have access to different libraries and have different preferences. If needed it will automatically transcode content for remote users out of the home to fit my upload bandwidth and their available speed if they are on mobile. it keeps track of watched content and position for all users so they can move between devices seamlessly.

Kodi is an extensible media player frontend, it can play files from a remote server or NAS but there is no server management, it is just doing basic file access. there are addons for many common services and media sources but there is no user management, no transcoding, no sharing content with other clients etc etc. Having multiple kodi installs on multiple players requires each client to be configured more or less from scratch and no easy way to have multiple setups for different users with their own preferences, libraries and/or content restrictions. It is extremely powerful and configurable and has strong format support.

I have Kodi installed on one of my Nvidia Shield Pros but only use it for playback of surround music files (support for 5.1 flac on plex seems to be limited to audio within video containers for some reason) I find the interface (and all the skins I tried) extremely clunky for use as a music player, the way the remote works within the player itself is unintuitive and makes for an annoying experience restarting the track when you just want to move the playback a few seconds, a bit unfair of course as that isn't what it was made for but that's just my experience.

chatGPT upon loading "ah fuck not you again"

oh god I do this all the time, excessively, and have to rewrite emails and posts multiple times to get rid of them as much as possible. sometimes I'll be writing a parenthetical and need to nest others within it..

It's hard.

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I did the most egregious thing back in the day and rented DVDs from the video store, ripped them, then returned them.

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Israel making an awful lot of "mistakes" lately...

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probably just a bit of safety there, it is a more carefully controlled and moderated experience.

You drop the average internet user into the wrong random lemmy instance without teaching them how to tune it to their liking and they are going to be turned off by the amount of bizzare shit they see and just assume it's all like that.

its just an app you run next to plex that lets you make fake TV channels with your own content. good for those "I don't know what to watch" times where you just want to click a button and shut your brain off.

There was a panasonic (I think it was them) that had a Displayport connection, but that didn't last.

I suspect HDMI threatened to cut their licence if they kept putting DP on the TVs.

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yes, that is generally how it works. There are some edge cases and possible misconfigurations that would slow things down, but in general data between the devices on the switch will be gigabit and to/from the router (and thus the internet) will be limited to 100mbit.

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Again TCL misrepresenting their NXTPaper display. At least they've stopped actually calling it "full colour epaper" which was an outright lie and moved to "paper-like" which is wrong but legally they can get away with that.

These are IPS LCDs, with standard backlighting. they have a highly matte surface and a semi-reflective layer for improved daylight viewing. they are not E-ink or E-Paper or any of those fully reflective technologies.

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She understands very well the fragility of her situation in regards to the CCP, and the Vice reporters going against her wishes was downright dangerous.

Her response was harsh and arguably too far, but giving the editor in cheif of vice a tiny taste of the fear and discomfort she and her partner would have felt after they refused to remove sensitive details from the article and video was in many ways justified.

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I replaced 4x Pi4 4gb with a single N95 mini PC with 16gb ram and wont look back.

Only PI left in my home is just running a 24/7 USBIP bridge.

the only reason to use a pi is if you need GPIO pins for custom devices.

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Just a tip for those of you that do cave to pressure and go with the paid premium option. or already have one but dont want to pay for more accounts or a family account.

You can set up channels or brand accounts as sub-accounts on a premium subscription and they will act like separate accounts with the advantages of premium, so if you have a large family and don't want to pay for the full family subscription (which only has 5 slots anyway) you can set up a few sub-accounts that each get their own subscriptions, recommendations, settings and all have the premium features.

So if you want to make a premium account for a parent or child, you can do that with one single subscription if you can take the caveat of them being brand accounts rather than fully their own thing.

This works on things like Android TV or Google TV, but you need to log into the main account then switch to a sub account in the app, however, there is no authentication to switch between channel accounts this way, so it's really only useable for families only. I use this at home to run 4 separate nvidia shield youtube apps with their own subscriptions and recommendations on one single premium payment.

I expect they will change how that works in the future to remove the loophole, probably by charging for channel accounts or having it locked behind some kind of overpriced professional usage tier, but for now, it might be a good option for some.

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It may only be two atoms, but it's yet another tiny step in the right direction. It may still be generations before fusion is a scalable and reliable power source, but at this point I think we've proved it isn't impossible.

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really dumb patent, Pretty sure DLNA/UPNP media rendering with remote controller and server devices were well established when this "touchstream" mob claim to have patented casting from one device to another.

I like bigger phones, but I hate camera bumps.

Just make the damn thing thicker and flat on the back.

I miss my note 9, the last flat backed flagship phone.

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People have tried and failed to make the "one arr to rule them all" but the current stack is pretty lightweight, stable and mature so it is better to just install them all in containers then have some kind of frontend and request system in front of them for users and admins.

I use Organizr as a frontend (keeps them all together in one interface and optionally handles SSO across all of them) then I have Overseerr for users to add media without having to give them access to the arrs directly.

Usually means "yes this works in theory but only for very specific operations at limited scales that aren't all that important so it's not worth pursuing seriously"

I just pull no more than an album at a time from people usually. spread it out, come back the next day etc. If you aren't sure, use the chat function and ask them if they are OK with you queuing up more than a couple of full albums at a time.

I share freely, no restrictions other than bandwidth cap and use a round robin to allocate upload slots to people, so if someone does queue up a hundred gigs of flacs from me (in my library that can be a single artist) it doesn't block everyone else for a week.

I am wracked with guilt every day.

Just don't look at the server over there pulling half a TB of new 4k rips from usenet at a gig a second...

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didn't take me long to go from 2tb being a lot to 100tb being not enough.

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She's a fucking baller, I wish her the best and hope she and her partner can stay safe and maintain their sadly increasingly tenuous freedom.

I mean, we know the absolute limits of computational efficiency thanks to the Landauer limit and the Margolus–Levitin theorem, and from those we know that we are so far from the limits that it is practically unfathomable.

If they can show some evidence that they can perform useful calculations 100x more efficiently than whatever they chose to compare against (definitely a cherry picked comparison) then I'll give them my attention, but others have made similar claims in the past then turned out to be in extremely specific algorithms that use quantum calculations that are of course slower and less efficient on any traditional computer.

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Soulseek has been getting hammered too

yea, sadly a lot of shows from those times were never released on decent formats, so all we have are poor broadcast rips, some of them from VHS, and occasionally a DVD encode made in 2003.

I think the reason we aren't rich is because we do shit like this.

Anyway, I'm off to buy enough HDDs to get me through the end of the month.

odysee is a weird place, lots of "creators" that were forced off youtube and other places for far out views or outright dangerous lies ended up there as they have almost no rules.

There are a lot of non-far-right weirdos that use it, but it is hard to scroll through without seeing some fringe crazy shit.


sonarr, radarr, bazarr, lidarr, prowlarr and a bunch of other smaller ones.

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It's already improving, smaller communities becoming more active, which promotes faster federation across smaller server instances. the big guys are upgrading to faster servers, though I need to stress that people shouldn't all just lump into the big servers, find a local one if you can.

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Yea no shit It's also a significant chunk of regular youtube now too

I'm certain he must've lost a lot of money betting against amd on the stock market right around the time of zen1 and he never got over it.