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Jesus, this is just about as blatant as you can get. I honestly can’t imagine how people can eat up such clearly dehumanizing politics and not get a bad taste in their mouth…

Here’s how you can tell if you’re the baddy: Do you support policies to spite or “own” others? Do you think, “fuck ‘em, I don’t care,” or “they’ve gotta be taught a lesson?”

Then you’re probably the baddy, stop it! Dehumanization, even casually, is the root of all evil.

It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re wrong, obviously — you might’ve stumbled into being right for the wrong reasons — but wow, is it a huge red flag!

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The federation with Mastodon is mostly one-way: We can’t see or comment on Mastodon posts, but Mastodon users can see and comment on Lemmy posts.

Mastodon’s like Twitter… its posts wouldn’t fit in the Lemmy UI well. Though I hear kbin works well with both Mastodon-style and Lemmy-style posts.

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want censorship of not allowing any proprietary software to be mentioned

I personally haven’t run into this, though I have seen people immediately hop into a conversation to say, “You shouldn’t use X! It’s proprietary!” Worst-case scenario, I’ve seen social shaming for using proprietary software. Which I think is to some degree OK? Encouraging and advertising proprietary software is unethical, and I think it’s fine to annoy people into not advertising things like Discord. That’s not censorship, it’s just how relationships work, it’s how people associate.

don’t allow any critiques of the software they use because it’s libre software so there are no faults or bad designs.

Again, I haven’t run into this. I have seen people defend even garbage libre software on the basis that half-broken free code is better (ethically) than wonderful non-free code — which is true!

My attitude is if someone changes my code and doesn’t give back, it does not harm me or injury me in any way.

It only hurts the people that use the proprietary software that was made; now they don’t have control over their PC, and are at the mercy of the developer. Really, all they can do is cross their fingers and hope the dev is friendly and not up to anything unscrupulous. Speaking of which…

I also believe libre software can be used for the surveillance of other people, libre software does not be default mean privacy

Not inherently, obviously! No one actually thinks that free software is a magical silver bullet that vanquishes any possibility of malware, spyware, or anything of the sort. The argument is that these sorts of things are, compared to proprietary software, significantly easier to identify and remedy.

For instance, let’s say you find through some network analysis that a program phones home with suspiciously large payloads. You can’t actually see the contents of the packets as they’re encrypted in some weird format you can’t make heads or tails of. With a proprietary program, you’ve hit a brick wall that’s very hard to climb — you can’t find out what the program is sending, not easily. Your only hope is some back-breaking reverse-engineering work, which probably isn’t feasible unless you’re a professional security researcher. With a libre program, though, you could snoop through the code for anything net-related, and discover much more easily that it’s sending your private keys to the project’s server. Heck, with the libre program you could even remove the malware code and use the program again!

One is leaps and bounds more amicable to privacy and security.

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Matrix (with its main client Element) is probably the most popular Discord competitor right now. It’s libre and federated, just like Lemmy!

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what a king \o/

I reckon that people become leftists out of compassion, but the dehumanizing rhetoric seems cool and edgy; so they slide into it, thinking it’s OK.

Hate systems, not people. Don’t eat the rich, eat their money.

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As did Pleroma and several other fedi servers — that’s not really innovation, it’s something simple that Mastodon devs deliberately avoided implementing.

Southern US — get black tea, iced. Sometimes asked for sweeter preference.

Hot tea is never on the menu, except for tea houses.

For years he’s been saying things things that white supremacists love to hear: White people are being replaced; legal and illegal immigrants are ruining the US; George Soros hates the west and wants society to collapse (anti-semites love that one); immigrants are dirty, uncivilized; a race war is imminent; anything done to acknowledge racism is racist; BLM protests were violent riots; mass-shooters with racist manifestos aren’t white supremacists; etc.

There are several instances of him associating with and boosting white supremacists online, and even his show’s long-time top writer was pressured to quit after explicitly racist online posts came to light.

This page does a fairly good job of cataloging the sorts of rhetoric he’s used that’re amicable to white supremacists.

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Racism is the -ism of race — the idea that race is one of the (or the) most important traits of a person.
That through race, you can assume things about them like their worth, how you should treat them, how they act, feel, etc.

The way I see, all of these -isms are all like that (sexism, nationalism, etc).

So no, it’s not racist to call yourself white. It would be racist, though, to say you’re worth more or less than others because of your being white.

Wow, literally just a dictionary attack… what a let-down!

We’re out for ourselves, yea. But we’re also out for each other, because we like or need each other. Thinking about things transactionally, that cynicism to avoid getting tricked or hurt… I don’t think that’s conducive to good relationships or a happy life.

For somewhat larger projects, I think the OS Haiku is a perfect example. It isn’t a benevolent dictatorship, there is no single leader — there are just long-time contributors. If you send in contributions substantive or regular enough, there’s a good chance you’ll get push access. Patches generally are accepted with open arms, and devs with push access give constructive criticism on patches kindly. The OS is better for it!

Better yet, check out NewPipe on F-Droid. :^)

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It’s customizing and souping up your desktop to look cool, like car ricing is for souping up your car.

It looks real slick, but there is one note-worthy bit:

  • Does Kera Desktop only support web apps?
    For now, yes. Support for Linux apps is perfectly possible and on the roadmap. For other platforms, we will see what’s possible.

I'm not a fan of web-apps generally, but the transparency sure is pretty! @o@

My case chiefly rests on his years of white supremacist rhetoric — which you didn’t address. I mentioned those other two bits at the end of my comment. On their own, I agree, they are slightly concerning but not damning; but in the context of his show’s content and rhetoric, they are.

Calling someone a “redditor” gave off weird vibes anyway. I’d prefer just saying something like “Lemmy user.” :P

You’re so consistent on the She-ra memes lately, OP, I hecking love it :P

Missed the chance for the title “There will never be a second Second Life,” real shame.

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup.

… Yup, I’m gonna die.

Obviously the duck-sized horse. That bitch is tiny! What’re they gonna do, poke my ankle to death?

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Time spent well…! What a beautiful colour scheme, how nice! It all ties together quite well.

What a hecking beautiful setup! :D

there are far fewer users than on Reddit—so it’s kind of quiet over there right now

I don’t even… on my server’s “new” feed, I’m getting posts every minute. Literally. I have no idea how that’s “quiet” lol

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Just as dangerous to connect a random number generator to nukes. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Your redirect idea would probably work excellently as a browser extension — there are are redirect extensions like that for Mastodon already, actually.

As for the domain… the only thing I can think of would be, like you said, a Lemmy instance.

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Can’t be bothered to SMS? Jesus. @-@

I’ve been wondering about this, too! It might be nice for hash-tags to somehow be invisible to Lemmy (so as to not be intrusive or annoying), but visible during federation to non-Lemmy/Kbin servers? Without hash-tags, discoverability of Lemmy posts on Mastodon & friends is pretty much DOA, unless they’re actively sought out.

A community-driven hyper-hackable text-editor

Ah, so it’s Emacs :^)

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Would you mind sharing the link/author of the extension? I tried searching on Firefox’es site, but only found spammy-looking unrelated add-ons.

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It’s not confusing, there’s just nothing to gain from it. Federation makes sense for communication like e-mail and social media like Mastodon or Lemmy, where you have a “home” and want to be able to interact with others regardless of their server. But with wikis, it over-complicates things with little gain. Right now, people browse wikis on different websites. You don’t have a “home,” and that works just fine.

What makes a good wiki sustainable is if its articles are under a libre license, and if its database can be downloaded.

That’s a separate issue from federation altogether. Federation might have some benefits, but I don’t see “crowding out Fandom with SEO” as one of them.

I'm more of a Vaush stan, personally. :^)

I can hear the Luma eating, what a nice little jingle.

It’ll try to render it, even if just as markup (like if you try using and Latex markup for math).


I’m curious — what are the features that gamers use as opposed to non-gamers? The only features I can think of would be drop-in group audio calls and rich presence (for seeing what someone’s playing/joining their game). o

I use Matrix & XMPP almost exclusively, with some IRC on the side.

I also use Cheogram/JMP’s SMS-->XMPP service, it’s quite handy to check SMS on my computer.