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Joined 1 years ago

I had quite a few top 100 or top 50 in the world damage parses in different points in WoW.

Bro needs a bus pass

Worked with a Gen-X woman when we came into work and heard about the latest mass shooting. Another millennial and I responded fairly flatly: "another one huh?" She expressed some sadness that we were so jaded, that it's just what we grew up with as normal.

Become numb?

Too late man.

I started using duck duck go a few months ago and have felt like my search results are a lot more useful since.

The maps function on it sucks though

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I've been working on my Spanish with practice from some of my coworkers and patients. So far Duolingo's "flash cards" have actually been pretty helpful, but I grant that some of the actual "instruction"isn't there. I went from really rudimentary Spanish to being able to conduct a patient evaluation in Spanish as long as it's straight forward.

Everyone shits on Duo but I've found it to be a really helpful practice tool myself.

Hey, don't disrespect Lego like that

That's not this quarter's problem, silly!

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My unpopular opinion is that whatever you record should consider the format it'll be viewed in as well as the orientation of the subject in the video. Is it going to be viewed on a phone, one handed, while someone is eating or pooping? Then vertical might make sense. If the subject fits better in a vertical video, then that makes sense as well.

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I'm a physical therapist. I started as a physical therapist assistant. Way back in PTA school, our instructors brought in three people with spinal cord injuries for us to learn from. They talked about their experiences, showed us how they transfer, and one showed us his modified pickup truck that had hand controls and a crane to put his wheelchair in the back.

One of our classmates named Nancy had a habit of putting her foot in her mouth. She had absolutely zero filter. Our class guests were taking questions and one person asked about dating, in a respectful manner. Hearing about challenges related to normal stuff like that helps us to answer questions if we have a patient with a new spinal cord injury. One of the people said they had been with their gf for a few months and was talking about how they chose date activities and stuff. Pretty innocuous, nothing super personal.

Nancy makes a joke along the lines of "I'm surprised anyone would want to date someone like you," kind of chuckling as she said it. The guest speakers seemed to take it in stride but man everyone in the class was looking around clearly horrified.

Yeah but they wanted to know how many before the termites weren't stayin' alive anymore

Vehicles used in a fictional setting in an unconventional way. Sky pirates in a wooden ship for example, or space trains, etc

This is awful, but treason is really narrowly defined. He also didn't say "hey followers, go kill this guy," he is speaking in hypotheticals that are free speech.

He still sucks massive donkey farts though

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I often play old games that have compatibility issues with windows 10. Most recently FEAR required a .dll from a site for a stable framerate.

People keep saying "gaming works" on Linux but are they talking about modern games? Do old games "just work?" I have very little free time to fart about with fixing too many issues with an old game. How well does this stuff work?

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You've had Elf on the Shelf, get ready for Pence on the Fence!

My mom died a week and a half ago. So no.

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I just wish I could send videos that aren't compressed to shit. Who cares about colors

"would the defendant please put a quarter in the contempt jar"

Everyone knows Oregon trail and Amazon trail, but I don't see Yukon trail mentioned as much. Similar game but up the coast of Canada.

Also we had a game called Power Pete that came with this old powermac we had.

And a game called Stay Tooned! Where you get sucked into a cartoon hotel. Each room had cool puzzles and you had to escape

That lectern isn't even wide enough to effectively hide an awkward boner from the whole room. Not the edges anyway. Poor design

The hospital will have spare scrubs on hand, either for surgery or for staff to change if theirs get contaminated. Or, the patient pants are vaguely scrub like.

I'd guess they let him use some.

I mostly agree, but odyssey was a bit of a breath of fresh air for me

whatever the fuck we call an X

My favorite term has been xcretion

Or it's an older toilet

Eureka is kind of a disaster of the week pseudoscience problem show with a lot of heart. Don't go looking for true scifi, but it's so damn charming and the cast has exceptional chemistry.

There are some that do this, but having recently gone through home buying, a lot of them cover up problems with cheap finishes or don't fix things correctly, then charge a premium

I've started using "hello chums"

Man this is less and less the experience I'm seeing. Months to see my primary. Urgent care I can get in same day, but I work at hospital that saves slots for their employees

It can be both

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I'm a physical therapist. EMR program called Raintree. So, so cumbersome.

I worked for HP for a while in college. HP Rep. It paid like 14 an hour when minimum wage was 6 and I just got to stand around in best buy or office max, etc, selling printers and training staff on features. It was retail but without all the bullshit like cleaning the bathrooms or running the register or needing to hit sales targets, etc. It was a real kushy job.

About halfway through my time there HP started pushing ePrint, or other cloud features, and ink subscriptions, etc. That was about the time I think their quality really started to nosedive. Printers have always been printers (brother notwithstanding, but now it's starting to slip with inclusion of more invasive drm and ink subscriptions) but before the onset of cloud based stuff, it seemed, I dunno, better? Not great, but better

Those are crayons, not colored pencils

What happens when I, a potential new Linux user, need to search for how to make something work on Linux and thanks to SEO and AI driven/created search results I can't find the solution?

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In most places it's not code, or a great idea, to bury splices in the walls.

The music is also fantastic

When I was little I struggled with this. I would weave a tissue between my toes and it helped

Well he did supposedly drag a "tree" to a place and then some people hung something on it...

It's not like getting fired as a CEO is a negative. They leave with a golden parachute and get hired elsewhere

One guy tweeting "I'm skeptical" isn't a rebuttal

Maybe she has a master's degree in it
