4 Post – 205 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Apparently I should live in Denver - no idea if that's actually good though.

What I need is one of these for places worldwide...

It took my sleep deprived brain far too long (less than a second, but still) to realise this wasn't a genuine name change.

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Just a gentle reminder that there are very many more Christians in the world that aren't American and certainly don't support Trump. Or even care that much about American politics.

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This is probably a result of the Hebrew literary practice of narrating a story once in poetic language and then again in prose. So it's the same man and woman being created, just retold in a different style.

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Am I right in thinking this only applies to US users?

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Snape was never a good guy though. Very brave, yes and he had some good qualities. He was also vindictive and a bully - willing to put his petty dislikes above the quality of his teaching.

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Any kind of snobbery/looking down on people - especially if it's based on income or occupation.

Minor point, but Wales isn't in the EU.

Except Bautista is actually a very good actor and, for all I enjoyed a lot of Arnie's films, Schwarzenegger is not.

It wouldn't be so bad if they could only cuddle you to death. Still not great, but better...

I think there's just something very pleasant and comforting about drinking a hot drink. Plus it tastes nice.

I believe there are some vegans who won't eat figs because they absorb the body of a certain type of wasp. I forget the details, but the point is - it probably depends on the vegan

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It depends. Do either of them connect to the internet, or can they just be managed by a local server running open source software. If they can then the robot, otherwise neither.

Unless you're happy with a very mediocre phone - please don't. I very much applaud the idea behind fairphone, but the years I had my fairphone 3 were full of frustration.

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The most consistent thing about English is how inconsistent it is!

Which is to be expected when you have a Germanic language that is so heavily influenced by Latin languages.

I feel like we're told about some sort of "kill switch" or silver bullet for cancer every couple of years. Hopefully one of these days it'll actually beat fruit. Maybe even this time?

Mammals don't need to be pregnant to lactate or, at least, they need to have been pregnant, but, after that, as long as they keep being "milked" they'll continue to lactate. I know you weren't necessarily saying otherwise, but just for clarity.

I used to work with a guy who genuinely thought all dairy cows were forcibly kept permanently pregnant in order to produce milk.

Does this have any impact on the future viability of Hyprland as a project? Should it affect (on a technical level) whether users should start using Hyprland if they don't already?

I literally installed it for the first time yesterday to take a look, but don't want to get invested in something that may fizzle out...

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How is this better than the alternatives?

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Pay off my mortgage. And those of my siblings. Boring, but it's what I'd do first...

IANAL, but I doubt it. While I think it probably follows the spirit of the law, it's unlikely to meet the actual law itself - which is what counts.

Of course, you don't mention what country you're from - which could make all the difference...

The second Transformers film was so bad I was actually angry when I left the cinema.

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I hate the recent trend of using "onboarding". It sounds clunky to me and as if you're trying to sound all cool and up to date.

You're more worried about bears, but most of us reading this were mostly concerned about vampires...

As we know it, to be killed painlessly, is to be killed instantly

This is not necessarily true. There are ways to fall asleep and never wake up. Not instant, but painless.

Ah memories! I wrote the project for my GCSE computer studies on this. I also wrote my friends project for 20 quid since our teacher was rubbish and hadn't actually taught anyone to program. Most of the other kids figured it out, but my friend was clueless and didn't want to completely fail the subject.

Enjoy it. I'm so much more comfortable with myself in my forties than it was in, say, my twenties. I'm much happier being me.

Also - life isn't over. I've been surprised at the prevailing ageism that seems too suggest that there's no point taking up any new hobbies or learning anything because you're just too old now for there to be a point. This is nonsense. You've very likely got as many decades in front of you as behind you - maybe more.

Also: use sunscreen.

As others have pointed out - there are plenty of things in the song that actually are ironic. So what's ironic is people keep complaining about the lack of irony in a song called "Ironic" when it's actually got irony in it.

Shredded Wheat - UK

My favourite drink after water (which is genuinely my favourite drink) is coffee. I don't think, however, that I would like to only drink coffee, so I suppose I will have to choose tea. Especially if I can have any variant

If I have to choose specifically then I'll say decaf Yorkshire tea.

I honestly think Bibliophile is used commonly enough that most people would understand it. Not quite as much as Audiophile, but you do hear it. It also sounds, info, much better than Bookphile.

I moved from Gentoo to Arch years ago and was unable to notice any performance difference. There may have been one, but it wasn't perceptible to me.

Low end hardware made the user experience frustrating and the overall performance was poor. It's annoying because the concept is good, but a phone that's supposed to be your "long term phone" shouldn't be painful to use after only months. It's certainly very repairable - or seemed to be. I didn't actually have to ever repair mine, but if I'm going to deliberately have a phone for a long time then I need it to stay off with specs that mean it'll still perform after three or four years.

Best advice I could give her (I'm a guitarist not a keyboard player, but the basics of rhythm are the same) is to buy a metronome and practice with it.

I have a FP3 and I've been hugely disappointed with it. The fact that it's repairable is only useful if the specs of the hardware are good enough to also last several years at a reasonable level of performance.

Also, some of the parts are rubbish - the prime example being the fingerprint sensor which always requires several attempts and then fails as often as not.

I knew I was getting a "budget" phone and I do still use it, but I had hoped it would be a better than it is. I feel like their business model is a huge missed opportunity in terms of upgrades and modularity. In theory, if they were doing it properly, why would they ever release a new model?

Poor documentation combined with the step learning curve is quite a problem imho.

I'd change what I booked for the honeymoon. We went to Turkey and it was too hot and we both got sick.

I'd have just booked a cottage somewhere nice here in the UK.

How long do these drivers usually take to move out of beta?

Desktop per monitor.

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