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Joined 1 years ago

Spending $30 to own a brand new movie that just came out is not something I have a problem with.

However, not being able to download a copy of the movie you purchased is where I take issue.

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Cloudflare is also upping prices. Since Cloudflare sells domains at cost, I expect domain prices have simply increased.

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Are there comparable alternatives? I never found another launcher that I like as much.

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That looks to be a fake house that is used to hide some kind of city infrastructure. That would also make it a great place to put a hidden cell tower.

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From my understanding, this is from setting Google as the default search engine.

Honestly, I don’t blame them for taking it. The Mozilla corporation has done a lot of good for the modern internet.

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Tron: Legacy

This is one of my favourite movies of all time. The story, atmosphere, and music are absolutely amazing!

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You’re preaching to the choir here, but you are absolutely right. Reddit’s value comes from its users. If people remove themselves, as many here have already done, then Reddit would be forced to correct course or burn.

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I’m not really sure that’s a fair argument. Android generally pushes Google Play, and Samsung devices push Samsung pay. Sure, Android has more choices, but it’s still device manufacturers pushing their own products.

Of course Apple should allow competition within their ecosystem, but Samsung and Google are basically doing the exact same thing.

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There’s no enshitification happening if the product hasn’t gotten any worse. It’s just a pricing change. In fact, if the pricing change does in fact lead to a better product then this is the complete opposite of enshitification.

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While I was initially skeptical about the pricing changes, the more I learned about it the more I was okay with it. I think part of the initial problem was the talk of annual subscriptions, when in fact it’s much closer to paying for version upgrades. Their new standard licenses have come down in cost from the old perpetual licensing and the price of a version upgrade is only $36.

A Raspberry Pi will work as a Jellyfin server, but it will really struggle if it has to transcode any media.

If you want your Jellyfin server to be up and accessible at all times, I would suggest getting a second hand PC. I’m personally a fan of small form factor mini PCs. Anything with a 7th gen Intel processor or newer, with integrated graphics, will be able to hardware transcode anything but AV1.

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That’s great news! Hopefully they can get the same done on iOS.

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Just in case you weren’t aware, updating your block lists in uBlock Origin should fix this problem. It’s worked for me, at any rate.

I absolutely agree! Renting a movie should cost nowhere near as much as purchasing the movie.

The only way the internet can survive without ads or paywalls is for the person/business hosting the content to pay for everything out of pocket.

A platform like YouTube could never exist without some form of revenue. I understand that there are small platforms out there, such as PeerTube, but they will never be comparable to the scale of YouTube without some form of revenue. Sure, people could grow PeerTube by spinning up their own instances, but then they need to provide their own hardware and storage. At which point you’re spending just as much, or likely more, than you would on a subscription service.

That means it’s no longer working. YouTube never removed the dislike button, just the dislike counter.

You don’t usually have to ask someone if they’re being harmed by a person/substance/thing to see the negative effects it is having on their lives.

Socially media is already known to have negative impacts on adults. This means it WILL also have a negative impact on children and youth. Seeing as children and youth are even more susceptible to negative influences, due to their body and brain still developing, we need to protect them from what we can.

Even if kids are seeing worse things in their every day lives, that doesn’t make it okay to subject them to other less worse things.

Definitely agree they should be split up if possible. Octoprint and Home Assistant are both rather demanding on a Pi, particularly the Pi 3B.

I would however opt to run Pi-Hole on the Home Assistant device as there is a plugin built in for it, and Home Assistant is the kind of thing you would be more likely to leave on at all times.

I’m sure it varies from country to country, but here in Canada, at least Ontario, which is the only province that I am familiar with when it comes to teaching requirements, you would definitely need to attend teacher’s college, which is a two year program.

That’s a very valid concern. Personally, I think parents should keep their kids away from phones much longer. While I’ve only got a kid on the way, I’m hoping to keep them off of smartphones until high school.

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I completely agree that children should simply be using family computers. Kids are much to young to understand proper internet safety.

While not FOSS, I do really enjoy Plexamp.

This is definitely the simplest approach, as you will be able to use any TV you come across.

As for a streaming device, some form of HTPC is likely to give you the best control over your digital privacy.

Realistically, you should always try to keep a decent food storage in your home.

Not only does proper food storage mean you are prepared in the event of some disaster or item scarcity, such as toilet paper during covid, but it also keeps grocery costs down, as you can buy discounted items in bulk and work through them until you find them at a good price to stock up again.

I realize that storage space can be limited in a home, but even when I lived in a tiny apartment I did my best to dedicate enough space for a month or two of extra food supplies.

Does anyone have some recommendations for some good games?

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I’m in a similar boat. While my current setup is getting by, I’m in the market for something better.

I’m hoping that the shield will soon get a refresh when Nintendo releases their next console. If so, I’ll be picking up a shield for sure.

That depends on the government in question. For example, the Canadian government does not have a claim on any kind of lottery or game show winnings.

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To my understanding, and a quick Google search, winnings are never taxed.

While I don’t have the solution OP is looking for, Bitwarden will provide the functionality OP is wanting.

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They sure do!

Oh, boy. Here we go again.

That’s actually incredibly unrealistic.

Just about every county in the world is divided into provinces/states/territories.

Unfortunately, yes.

That’s gross dude

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I like that comparison. It even allows you to explain that there are different levels of privacy.

Leaving the curtains open at night, while you have a light on, really opens you up to the world. But then opening the curtains a smidge during the day to let the light in at least serves a purpose.

Does anyone have some recommendations for some good games?

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I definitely think tech should be a part of their life, but a personal smartphone is something I personally feel can wait.

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While I personally use Unraid, something similar you can do is use MergerFS and SnapRAID. This will provide you with similar functionality to Unraid, where you can pool your drives together and create a parity disk. Open media vault has easy plugins for both SnapRAID and MergerFS.

I certainly prefer fewer and longer ad breaks, over several short ones, but this still sucks.

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Carls Jr. didn’t decide to place their add on your TV. Google is the one that would be held responsible.

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