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Joined 1 years ago

Just another Reddit refugee

And reading through them it looks like they took the bulk of the most judgmental reddit users. Good riddance, I say. Let them echo-chamber themselves into oblivion, we’ll build our own communities with blackjack and hookers!

It’s gotta start somewhere though. It makes sense that as refugees flock over they’ll gravitate towards the largest instance, because the expectation is that’s where the usage is and they don’t yet grok how the Fediverse works. As they settle in, I’d expect a number of them to spread out a bit. Once we can migrate accounts I’d expect the load to be distributed even better.

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Best idea I’ve seen so far is to comply - and let the nsfw posts just keep on coming. Show the advertisers how their ads are being shown next to nsfw, and see how that goes.

And the phone number matching, well that can easily be spoofed. Can never be too careful, gotta follow the process.


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It places the post into moderator-approval limbo. The post will then be approved in a timely fashion, once the mod on duty has had a chance to review it. The current estimated wait time for mod review and approval of the post in question is 2-3 weeks, but sometimes as much as 500. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

everything runs on Valve time.

Shit, I guess we were lucky to get SteamOS 3 then!

Not OP, but when they pivoted and included the web into the core of the OS. It was like, wait, what??

Everything is edible once!

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They’re expecting lawsuits to fly, and don’t want to touch it with a 10-foot pole lest they get dragged in.

It could also be that their definition of “bad behavior” is overly broad and thin-skinned. Which fits with everything I’ve seen from there so far.

I wonder if you could guesstimate based on ad-buys - cost, interactions, etc.

They’re building the plane as we’re flying and simultaneously boarding more passengers.

Quite the perfect analogy.

Yes and no? Maybe? I’m still figuring out how all this works lol. I know that instances take on the load of their users and communities.

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Statute of limitations??

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you can block instances

Slight correction (not to be pedantic, we’re all learning here): you can currently block communities, but not instances. (Apparently being able to block instances at the user-level is coming)

Diablo 4 - hell no.

Mortal Kombat - HELL NO

Leisure Suit Larry - hell yes 😈

Another vote for UniFi gear. I administer four homes for myself and my family, three of them all use UniFi equipment (and the fourth will next time I get over there, it’s in another country).

Same. There’s a massive difference in clicking for info, and clicking for entertainment.

That is brilliant. A sort of sub-federation within the grander federated instances. Subfeds (you heard it here first!) could feed off of and into each other, so if one instance goes dark it’s community and content are not lost as they’ve been replicated across the Fediverse. Sort of a cross between multisubs and RAID.

Yup. Reddit used to be the place to go to be ahead of the news cycle, but it hasn’t been that for quite some time.

r/trees comes to mind, if there was an actual arborist community that want r/trees, well they were fucked.

There was. They ended up with, I think, /r/marijuana_enthusiasts or something like that. It was quite funny to both sides, at least it was like 15 years ago.

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Could simply be a quick and efficient litmus test of the sorts of people you’re dealing with. Over on Reddit, if there’s even a whiff that you don’t agree with the narrative-du-jour you get dogpiled.

slander (or libel, whichever one applies to text)

Easy way to remember: Slander is Spoken. (They both start with S)

A big problem with this is that since 2016 the bots and hired commenters have thoroughly poisoned the intellectual well. What used to be considered extreme in 2016 was so artificially boosted that now real people have completely bought into the bullshit.

I think you’re 100% right.

Then it’s a shit hobby, or the wrong time in your life for that particular hobby. Hobbies aren’t meant to be financially sound investments, and the best hobbies aren’t cheap.

Not wholly unrelated, I’ve noticed a massive uptick in NSFW content, both OC and reposted, and historically that tends to be a good indication of where people are flocking to.

Lol, wouldn’t be the first time NSFW picks the winner - see VHS, Bluray.

You need to click the “chain” icon rather than the “federated star” icon to view the post “from your instance” and stay on your personal account.

Woah. I’ve been clicking the star the whole time. This may make things a looot easier.

Looks like they’re called /c/risa now.

Does anybody know yet if you are allowed to criticize startrek on those communities? I had a major problem with /r/startrek in that you couldn’t say anything less than glowingly positive or you were banned. Like, not even about the whole woke bullshit, you couldn’t even say the writing was below par - banned.

I just wanna talk about startrek, both the good and the glaringly bad lol.

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I really am not even interested in furthering this discussion with you.

Aww, and we were having such a pleasant conversation. That’s ok, I’m going to respond to you anyways, for the benefit of anybody else who comes across this.


Considering you used “woke” as a pejorative

I believe what I said was “woke bullshit.” And I used it as an adjective to describe, specifically, one aspect of a show that you were not allowed to criticize on /r/startrek. Like it or not, you cannot deny that Disco is woke AF. I would personally argue that ST has always been progressive, and in the modern era going woke was the obvious and logical next step for the franchise. Furthermore, it has been criticized for this, rightly or wrongly. But that’s the literal point of a discussion board, to have a discussion. And people are allowed to like different things - that’s ok. They’re even allowed to * gasp * like things that are different than you like, or like things that you don’t like - that’s also ok. What is not ok, IMO, is censoring the conversation because you don’t like it (to a point, please don’t use this as a straw man or slippery slope, let’s keep this on topic). And that’s what was happening on /r/startrek with all the bans.

ranting about conspiracies involving Paramount

“Oh no, he’s ranting! Watch out, he’ll start raving next!” 🙄 Because it makes zero sense that Paramount would keep an eye on the largest message board on the internet dedicated to discussing their flagship product. No sense whatsoever. Crazy talk. And it further makes even less sense that they would want to advertise on the platform hosting that message board, to try and drive traffic towards their subscription service, being buoyed by their flagship product. Complete lunacy. And then to even suggest (gasp!) that they would use those advertising dollars to apply pressure to the platform to quell any sort of negative discussion about their flagship product, well that just crosses a line. I mean, that would never happen, and to suggest otherwise is clearly insane.

why would Paramount sanction a move to the fediverse where they can’t show ads?

Never said they did. I said that my belief is that they were involved to an extent over on /r/startrek. I don’t think they would follow over here, for the reasons you’ve stated. But knowing that the same mods that ran /r/startrek are also running is enough to give me pause about what sort of criticism of the brand will be allowed.

Edit: If Reddit dies a miserable death, and becomes the de facto startrek message board on the internet, it would be extremely naive to think that Paramount (or their PR/marketing firm) wouldn’t follow the Fediverse. They wouldn’t be able to apply pressure directly like they can/could on Reddit with their advertising dollars, but if I worked for that department I’d get very creative to see how I could exercise control over the content of the community. Just off the top of my head, first thing I’d do is to offer a job to one of (if not all of) the moderators - “We’ll pay you $ to make your community look like this. Welcome aboard!” Hell, maybe that’s simply all they did on Reddit in the first place - no need to pressure the platform when you can simply buy the mods. (I’m not saying that’s what happened, I’m simply thinking out loud. 🤷‍♂️)

and supporting a sub that was about supporting anti-mask/anti-vaxx nonsense

It was a sub dedicated to vaccine hesitancy, vaccine-induced injuries, and vaccine mania (“take the vax or lose your job!”). And Covid vaccine injuries are very fucking real. I’m old enough to remember the last time a vaccine was rushed to market, and allllll the problems that caused - there is very good reason to be hesitant this time around. Personally, I believe “you do you” - but the hive-mind hysteria would have none of that. (“Brought to you by Pfizer!” ?)

So that’s ok. I think we’ve both gotten what we needed out of this conversation. You have yourself a wonderful day, I wish you nothing but health and happiness.

Edit: almost forget this gem!

That couldn’t be further from the truth.

To quote Nero: “Don’t tell me that didn’t happen! I watched it happen! It did happen!” Lololol

There’s another new app called Memmy to check out as well.

Yeah I can see that.

Maybe name it /c/arborists? 🤷‍♂️

Shame that that baggage would have to carry over, but the flip side is can you imagine the confusion if it didn’t.

That’s fine, actually. If Reddit wants to “hire” mods then they can actually pay them, which hurts their bottom line. (And they probably should have done that a looong time ago, for the largest subs anyways.)

If they just replace the mods with more unpaid volunteers, that will be a shitshow in itself - just imagine the people who would want to do that “job” but without any of the effective tools.

Either way, 🍿

Unfortunately that doesn’t help.

What is doing differently?

Unknown about kbin, but I’ve heard that Hot is currently broken for (most?) instances across the lemmyverse. (This might be related to the size of the instance - apparently for small (single-to-double-digit users) instances Hot works fine?)

Edit: and this is supposed to be fixed in the next release, 0.18

I’d have to bet that no, they’ll lose value. Currently aged accounts are valuable to be used as spam/click bots, but once api access goes so do the click-farms (in theory)

But crucially it was also mature enough that there was a community and very low barrier to entry.

This is the biggest difference between then and now - back then, Reddit was mostly fully fleshed out and ready to go - it’s problem was scale and being able to handle the influx of a digg migration.

Currently, lemmy isn’t ready yet - although it’s close. The best way I’ve heard it put is that “they’re building the plane while it’s in flight and boarding new passengers.” Version 0.18 seems to hold a lot of promise, they need to get it launched ASAP to get lemmy’s functionality where it needs to be, but also at the same time prepare for the traffic spikes that are also coming. I do not envy the devs.

And don’t post anything - contribute nothing.