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Joined 13 months ago

My cat didn't get any love over on insert community name here. I hope you guys updoot me more than they did.

This both sides stuff is so disingenuous. One side is populated by centrists who generally want to mostly do the right thing, occasionally being cruddy because they're too conservative to do the hard things to improve the world. The other side is populated by white supremacist terrorists. That isn't the same.

Quick reminder that the GOP CD controlled supreme court destroyed student loan relief, not Biden. Let's but blame him for their actions.

People should screenshot this stuff and send it to the advertisers asking if they support whatever exactly it's displayed next to.

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Ideologically, I find more fault in inviting meta to the playground than locking them out. They are the very definition of an evil corporation and no good can come of it.

As far as I could tell they haven't signed the anti meta pact so probably not.

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There is an anti meta pact. Encourage your instances to sign and follow through.

The issue here is that your wife bought this thinking it's an ac when it's an evaporative cooler aka swamp cooler. They do work if you have low humidity. If you are in a humid area this definitely won't work. Since the unit is small it won't cool the entire room but she should feel nice and cool about 3 to 5 feet in front of it. She will need to make sure the wicking action is working to get the pads nice and wet, otherwise she will have to manually remove them to wet them.

Edit: I wanted to add that I have had a similar small unit before which is why I know that she needs to be 3 to 5 feet in front of it to hit the little target cool zone.

I don't think threads actually has 30 million users. They have some paid shills, probably a lot of their own bots, some people who legit joined to see what it was about, and a bunch of Instagram users who had accounts created automatically. I'm not positive about the last point but if you can't delete threads without deleting Instagram then I'm sure they're going to leverage their Instagram userbase as much as possible here.

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It's all a matter of opinion but personally I don't like watching videos and don't care if I can post them. If that's what you're looking for in a platform this might not be the best one for you.

I would expect July to be higher since 3rd party apps were still functioning in June. That was the first wave, the second wave would have been after the apps actually shut down and will continue for a while as people see lower quality and people talking about other sites.

The Biden administration is working on improving train infrastructure but if you look at the map of what they're adding, it's limited to a very small section of the country. I mean, it's like cross country but it's such a massive country that it's still super limited.

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This is because people are people. Some of us are "good", some of us are "bad, most of us are in between. But anyplace that people congregate is going to see at least some of the bad.

Maybe? But a lot of people have exited reddit over the last month. Maybe not the average user but not the most hardcore geek anarchist either-they weren't on Reddit to begin with. Then there are the obvious reasons that a lot of people have left Twitter an those are the same type of people leaving reddit. So mastodon is probably more at risk than Lemmy but I don't think for a second that meta would not throw together a Lemmy competitor if they smell any money whatsoever in it.

Either way you run risks simply by interacting with threads, even if you interact accidentally. Their entire business model is to suck every last piece of data out of you that they can so they can sell in every way they can possibly think of to monetize it.

Since lemmyworld has no intention of blocking them I'm finding another instance to move to. Better safe than sorry with a company that has a horrific record on every single issue. And that way if they federate then back out, I won't be losing anything because I'll have never seen that content to begin with.

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You are correct about Tildes. They are very intentionally cultivating a different atmosphere and don't want Reddit's huddled masses. There is a subset of reddit users who fit there but it's not the shitposting crowd.

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The users who left were often likely to be the most dedicated (which is why they were the most butt hurt). This is only the beginning and the exodus will continue and the content will decline, although I don't know why I'm even telling you this since you're probably a spezbot.

He's not smiling.

The standard web UI also needs major improvements. Nobody logs in through an app for their first time and first impressions are critical. It needs to be easier to navigate and use without downloading an app so people will stick around long enough to get involved and have a good time.

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You have to send an email for a Tildes invitation if you don't personally know someone on there. It took me like 5 days to get the return email and it did go to spam. You can PM me if you still want an invite or go here for the site and sign up info.

Trust me, they've taken any knowledge their new ex Twitter employees had about radicalizing people to keep them on the platform and integrated it fully.

Duck Duck Go is literally just Bing without the personal data. If it works for you then it works for you, but it's good to know what you're really using.

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A. Heck yes the game is called Garden Paws and you can't die and get to tame adorable kitties and bunnies, pick flowers, etc. It's going to be a nice vacation. B. No way, I'll take the $20 million vacation. C. I'm still going with the first option.

I've always used a 3rd party app on my Android phones and it's so much better than any of the texting programs they have had come installed on the device. There are so many issues. You could get a different program depending on what mfg your phone is from, which could be great or utterly suck. Hangouts used to be a thing but as far as I know texts s weren't integrated into it so it was a secondary or additional app. Of course I don't know what exactly iMessages even is but based on your comment, it's better than that lol

Does Bubble Bobble through an emulator count?

Well gee whiz, I have this little doggy avatar picture thing that I got... somehow? I assume that's what you mean. I had no idea those were NFTs or that they were actually selling them. I just thought it was some stupid achievement I accidentally got.

Except that I don't need a Twitter account so I won't need a threads account either. But I do not, in any way, want to interact with a meta owned product and don't like the idea of them being involved in the fediverse.

Right, I wasn't sure exactly what OP is trying to say and a little more explanation for what they're thinking would be good. But I was thinking the same thing. "Like Walmart, Target, Kmart, the mall..but online?"

I was curious about Beehaw after hearing about them defederating and looked to see what was over there and what their content looked like. They have a stickied post at the very top that goes over the numbers if you're curious what they're saying it costs to run that instance. I feel like numbers could be totally variable based on a number of factors but that might give you a good idea. A smaller instance might be less and a larger one with the best hardware might be more but they're probably all playing in the same general ballpark.

Well, it might not be a 100% effective solution then but it does save users the trouble of accidentally interacting with content on Threads. If it doesn't show up in my feed, I don't click on it without noticing where it came from.

In the meantime there are some apps that "block" instances. Connect has it, but it doesn't fully block the instance, more like it shows up in the feed with a content warning that the message is from a blocked instance and you can choose to view it if you want. I also do think will defederate from hexbear pretty soon. The admin has had personally horrendous experiences with their users and that meta thread about it was a dumpster fire of hexbear users making unrelated political comments and blocking the actual instance users from having a discussion. It got locked at almost 2000 comments so I'm sure he's still digging through that toxic waste to make his decision.

I wouldn't say no doubt. Some certainly would do that, others could have more integrity.

Someone in another thread somewhere said it was stated on that they would only block in if something happens. I don't remember what topic that was in so unfortunately I don't have a link for you. At any rate, silence also speaks volumes.

Bunnies. I know it sounds a little dumb but yep, bunnies.

Oh wait wut they have NFTs?

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Oh no please anything but starting questions with Lemmings of Lemmy!

So I went hiking by myself on an old abandoned logging road once and got a little bit up there, pretty far away from the main road. I hadn't noticed anything like bear poo but you have to always be on guard. Well eventually I got to a point where an animal didn't like me being up there and started huffing and snorting at me. I turned and left because whatever it was, it was not happy. I never saw the animal but given the location and the noises I'm pretty sure it was a moose, and you definitely don't want to get into it with an angry moose.

The solution to that, which I would fully support, would be for kbin, lemmyworld, etc to deferate from threads from the beginning. You can't lose something you never had and personally, I don't want to interact with a meta owned product so the prospect of what you just described bothers me. If lemmyworld doesn't defederate from them I would 100% move to another instance that does.

Many instances have proactively signed a pact to defederate from them but I don't think did, and if they don't I'll be looking for another instance that does.

So many people are saying Duck Duck Go so I'm just throwing a comment out there to make sure everyone is aware that it's literally Bing without the personal data. People joke about how bag Bing is, and Microsoft is a bit of a monster so I think people need to be aware of what they're actually using. That said, if it works for you then cool, since Google is garbage now and there are not a lot of great alternatives.

Why does this have upvotes whilst the literal exact same comment immediately above it in my feed posted by another account has downvotes? I mean, come on. Also, like the replies to the other comment said, you can post links to important news if you would like to spread awareness. But I don't think you will because you just want to complain about the libs owning MTG.

Edit: wait I just realized this is a reply to that comment and more I'm even more confused.

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