
1 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

And a dashing smile.

I graduated with a BS in electrical engineering in May of this year. We used Matlab in multiple courses in the program. We were encouraged to purchase the student version of Matlab. However, all three professors in the program were 100% ok with students using Octave or whatever software you wanted, as long as the work got done.

Your professor sounds like a dick.

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This sucks. I have a spot on my shelf reserved for banned books. Whenever I used to see a new banned book pop up in the news, I’d go grab a copy. It happens so often now I can’t keep up anymore. I hope the librarian lands on their feet maybe moves to an area that appreciates the amazing service they’re providing.

Abbott is so full of shit. Texas isn’t succeeding from anything.

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Star Wars the Force Awakens. I remember being super toked when the trailer came out. The movie it self was a B- at best.

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RAM is made by Dodge. F350 is Ford.

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Does break dust count as an emission?

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And people who leave their dogs outside all the time. It’s hot out there for them too.

Another symptom, every tutorial is a video now. I just want to read a quick 1 minute answer with no sound, not watch a 10 minute video and smash subscribe buttons.

I’m US based. I’ve been to Mexico, Italy, and Ireland. I still feel like a dumb American that thanks of Europe like Disney land. Like it’s just a place to take vacations and not a place where hundreds of millions of people live and work and have complete lives.

I don’t feel well traveled at all.

I used to play starbound a ton, it’s been a few years. I stopped playing because all the planets just felt so lonely after a while. I remember seeing that the devs were planning on adding NPCs and maybe even quests or a storyline? Did any of that happen?

I’m conflicted on this one. My hatred aside, the guy running the leaf blower is just trying to feed his family. I like @mipadaitu’s idea about the silencers. I doubt lawn companies would adopt them without them being mandatory or the same price as not silencing them somehow.

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From the headline I thought he was protesting in the other direction… get back in the kitchen energy is a great way to phrase his stance.

I would almost say anything that doesn’t require an internet connection to work with 100% content could be considered retro at this point.

That’s radar love right there.

Not only the quality of the late game in the original. But I remember really liking how combat was only one option and you could talk your way through most situations if you wanted or use stealth or some other option. Until a certain point in the game and it was like I had built my character around this aspect and all of a sudden in the late missions combat was the only option and I was just getting slaughtered and giving up.

I’m surprised it’s not in the 90’s. Mobile games are garbage.

Crazy awesome setup! I noticed you had an enphase inverter next to your electrical meter, I assume for solar panels. Would you mind giving details about that system? What size array do you have and how efficient has it been? How are you monitoring the solar systems output?

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I couldn’t agree more, this is how they get you. One of the things I miss the most about being a student is access to software. Auto desk gives you completely free access to their entire catalog as long as you’re a student. A professional license for AutoCAD or Revit will set you back $2000 a year or more, every year. However, If you work for a company they will probably pick that up but if you’re a freelancer or even if you work for a small firm, that licensing fee can be really costly.

Shower team for me too.

This is the way. Some things you have control over and some things you don’t. Don’t waste your limited life sitting in your house being mad about who the president is. Raise your kids to be good people. Try to find a job that lines up with your personal philosophy. Find a local community and be helpful there.

Pillars of eternity. My party of 6 professional adventurers die all the time. Don’t think I’d do ok.

Please don’t be first person only.

Love that label on the UDM Pro (router).

The article started out about software problems and ended up in a scathing critique of banking management. Good stuff.

I doubt it.

The paper referenced in the article is available for free:



I saw the dog only for a long time.

Cure for this: start singing “Jessie’s Girl” by Rick Springfield. Works every time.

These are great write ups. Much appreciated.

Aegis seems to be the winner in this thread. Does anyone have experience with Tofu Authenticator for iOS?

Good. Tariffs are stupid. They’re a tax on the people and only serve to slow adoption of green energy technologies.