
0 Post – 118 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I like that this can be interpreted as implying that Heracles is a Disney villain.

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One word: Ambiguity. We need to either have a standard and stick to it, or a small handful of standards that cannot be confused for each other. DD/MM/YYYY and MM/DD/YYYY can be confused for each other, so the nonsensical MM/DD/YYYY should move over and make room for DD/MM/YYYY, or we should drop both and just use YYYY-MM-DD.

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Some people really would say "nah, I'd live/I know how to do it safely, but I can't afford the fine."

The moire pattern in the thumbnail is pretty nice.

Dwarf Fortress elves are basically Bosmer from the Elder Scrolls, basically anti-vegans. They will eat the bodies of their fallen enemies, but won't bear any harm coming to a plant.

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Indents should exclusively be a single tab per indent, not any number of spaces, and width should be handled by the IDE renderer, configurably, rather than baked into the code.

smh how easy it is to fall into the trap of victim blaming.

uBlock Origin and Firefox. I haven't seen an advertisement on my browser in such a long time. It even works on mobile!

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In binary the one on the left is meaningless, and therefore the two cannot be compared. In any base in which they can be compared, the one on the left is smaller.

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It's a good thing free speech is legal on Twitter, huh, Elon?

Yeah, I just do mine on the countertop.

That's 0 milligrams. 0 magnesium would be "0 Mg" (pay attention to capitalisation). Or even "0mg Mg".

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Officially "points". Posts and comments have points. Users do not have points.

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And Animal saved you from that fate! How lucky!

I'm sure there's plenty of people in this community who know how to make people notice their assholes.


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You can write all the steamy stories and draw all the fanart you want, just don't go around trying to say "they have a point!"

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The fact that you censored "fuck" tells me you have a pathological fear of sex.

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Did you know that monosodium glutamate, E number 621, is poisonous to gallades? Google e621 gallade to learn more.

I'm not sure what you're going to do with an oscilloscope and a heat-sink.

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Correction: Users have points, but it's not usually visible. For example, I can't see your score, but whatever instance or software you use chooses to show it.

Personally, I think it's better if no-one can see your score. That way, no-one can fight over it.

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This is Brian David Gilbert.

Gobstoppers are a real candy that you can buy (they're alright, but kind of annoying if you want to use your mouth for anything else in the next half-hour), the movie didn't invent them. What they invented was the "everlasting" gobstopper.

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Look up furgonomics.

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Definitely look it up on e621.net for the most up-to-date turkey inflation facts.

This is a cheeseburger, not a beefburger.

All those backslashes break the link on web browser. The fixed link is: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Albert_Joseph_P%C3%A9not_-_La_Femme_Chauve-Souris.jpg

Puella Magi Madoka Magica, or just "Madoka Magica", is a famously subversive take on the Magical Girl genre, leading to a lot of copycats to the point that its ideas might no longer be considered subversive.

::: spoiler Spoiler explanation of the show: In short, it's a Magical Girl show in which the characters are flawed individuals and their personal flaws end up getting themselves (and others) killed one by one. :::

::: spoiler Spoiler explanation of the meme: Homura Akemi, the girl on the right, has the singular goal of saving pink one (the titular character Madoka) from her doomed fate, and doesn't much care about whatever else happens. The original version of this meme had her thinking about Madoka, but this version of the meme has her thinking about another character for some reason. :::

Being meguca is suffering.

He's probably the world's subject-matter expert on shaving ants.

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Epst ien
didn tkilllt

This is a symptom of the casino that is the stock market. No-one cares about revenue, as long as share prices increase and they can sell before prices drop again. The result is short-term decision-making, and everyone who "matters" likes it.

Every single time this is posted, it is indeed Thursday where I live.

The way I've heard it is this: People tend to use the same sorts of social media as the gender they were assigned at birth. Or, to put it another way, they don't change social networks when they discover themselves and/or transition. Reddit and its descendants Lemmy and Kbin are dominated by AMAB users, and therefore see more transfem users than transmasc users. I'm assured there are a lot more transmasc people on Tumblr.

Farscape is cool. Star Trek is cool. Star Wars is okay too I guess; not hating, I just don't like them as much as the rest of the world seems to.

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SonicFox is trans?

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Does the fediverse have a sbubby yet?

Yep, here it is: !sbubby@lemmy.world

"My" is the first-person singular possessive pronoun in English. It fills the same role in a sentence as the pronouns "his" or "her" or "their".

"This is my/his/her/their thing."

I don't see how it could be anything but a pronoun.

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One more reason to just sit, tbh.

The problem with the culinary term "vegetable" is that, properly, it applies to any edible part of a plant, and improperly, it's basically a useless distinction.

They're pressed up against the lenses.