Björn Tantau

4 Post – 103 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They literally all run the same program, lemmy.

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Wait, did I just reply to a three years old post?

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OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. I like it for being a rolling release with quality control. On the one hand I don't like its restrictive defaults but on the other hand I know enough to work with them and that's given me a leaner system.

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FOSS does not exclude corporate interests. Most contributions to the Linux kernel for instance come from corporations, including Microsoft.

Edit: Also see Facebook entering the Fediverse soon. Their frontend JavaScript library is also open sourced by them. Their backend PHP version as well.

My counterpoint is that you have to use WhatsApp (I rather use Signal) because iMessage is Apple only. SMS and RCS are stupid. With Signal you can reach users of all devices. Having a messaging protocol that depends on the device used is stupid. And hopefully the EU can end the vendor lock in with messaging apps as well.

This is so stupid. I love it!

That's exactly what Threads is. But nobody else wants to play with them.

I'm mostly waiting for marking posts as read as you scroll by and hiding read posts (but only in your feed). I think this is especially important with the federated content that might come in later than when I "scrolled past" the point in time it would appear in my feed.

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You can see the exact post date in the nerd stuff. It's 2020-10-25. For some reason it appeared in Hot on my instance. And it looks like it did for others as well.

Well, at least OP is finally getting some answers.

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You can try it out. But apart from that everything runs on Valve time.

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That's basically what Facebook is doing with Mastodon at the moment. And I think the consensus is that nobody wants to federate with Facebook.

It was honestly a life saver for me. I got Long Covid and became increasingly bed bound. The Deck enabled me to somewhat keep me sanity by playing in bed.

And that way I don't have to fight with my kids over the desktop PC. Although they sometimes want the Deck for those games that play better with a gamepad.

Simultaneous play also showed the dark side of Steam. Unless one of the devices is offline you cannot play two games from one Steam library at the same time. Luckily I also have many games on, GOG and on my old discs, so I can easily move to another game in case of a clash.

I'm currently playing Spider-Man Miles Morales and having a blast.

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I'd let my kids collect the bounty.

Get rid of my chronic illness.

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Just throwing out there that nowadays the only games that don't work on Linux are multiplayer ones with intrusive unsupported anti-cheat (for support see and Gamepass games (and others from the Microsoft store). And VR is finicky.

If you don't play those you could also go Linux on your gaming PC. Or wait until Windows 10 support runs out and look at the situation then.

I had my own server and used it for a long time until Android decided that it knows better what background services I want to have running and thus killed the "instant" part of instant messaging.

Since then I'm on Signal and could at least convince most of my friends and family to move there.

Even further back we had Usenet. Federated forums that all worked more or less like Lemmy. I was a regular on de.rec.sf.starwars until the early 2000s.

It's always useful to add another machine to your botnet.

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Fastest way for me (and probably others) to subscribe. is also another web UI.

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Hell no, I played MyHouse.wad last. I would either die a horrible death and go mad in an inescapable empty hospital or I would just go mad from the rest of the game. I wouldn't even be able to trust the world when I got back.

Before that I played Detroit: Become Human. That one seems survivable to me. I'd just go about my day and be nice to everyone I meet.

And just as I open this thread I hear The Most Mysterious Song of the Internet while watching a playthrough of MyHouse.wad.

You should play the level yourself, preferably without reading anything beyond the material supplied in the link I posted. It's a mystery itself.

I use Shattered Pixel Dungeon for this. Nice and simple open source game without any bullshit. It's a roguelike.

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For comparison, the whole Linux kernel source code that contains every driver for every piece of supported hardware, including stuff from Realtek, is just 213 MB.

How so? It would need many loopings getting progressively smaller.

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Yeah, that would be stupid.

German here.

The country doesn't celebrate it, at least not like it's done in the US. Depending on the state All Hallows Day or the day before is a holiday, but apart from churches not many people really "celebrate" them.

But some people like to use the day off to have a US-inspired Halloween party. And some children also dress up and go from door to door. But this varies from family to family. Some streets might be swarming with kids while the next street over nobody knows that anything is going on. So many houses aren't even prepared to give out candies, they often scramble to get something to give out.

But about two weeks later there is the St Martin's feast. Although that's also dependend on the region I think overall it's more common. It consists of several parts that vary from region to region. But in all regions children carry (usually self made) lanterns. Then they either march through the town while singing songs, ending at a big fire and usually a guy on a horse dressed like a Roman soldier, representing St Martin. Or they go from door to door in small groups, sing songs and get candy. Often it's both on separate days of the week.

Really hard to prevent this, as copying its contents to other places is more or less the point of the Fediverse.

It defected to Russia with super advanced submarine tech and a nuclear bomb.

Knights of the Old Republic 2

Supposedly they are still working on a reboot of the first one. But that one is fine. They were never allowed to finish the second one.

I'd say that my favourite part was when the girls said "It's gilmorin' time!"

If only the people actually ordering the game would win the price instead of those playing it.

Good human.

I think you got Long Covid. Don't overdo it or you could end up in bed permanently. I think the medical community is finally coming around to the idea that it's just another way to get ME/CFS.

I made a community on ! but it's pretty empty. Most of those guys decided to stay on Reddit. Can't really fault a community of people too tired to do much of anything to not move over to a new platform.

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Apparently lemmy even has the field newest_comment_time_necro.

Is probably pretty easy to pick. And banks usually also have keys for these locks. I bet you can even find keys on Amazon.

I have a loving family.

You can get a personal API key from Reddit and add it to Infinity yourself. You'll just have to compile it.

Did I write that AMD is bad? It's just stupid to be a mindless fan. You are giving very rational arguments for using AMD hardware. My desktop PC is currently running an AMD CPU and GPU. The one before that was running Intel with nVidia GPU. And the one before that was AMD with nVidia.

Just don't go "hurr, durr, only AMD!"