Absolutely, words do matter! That's precisely my point. If we're to take every word and phrase at its literal, original meaning, we'd have quite the linguistic overhaul on our hands. It'd be a monumental task (and not literally involving monuments). But let's remember, language is dynamic and ever-evolving. It's as much about communication and shared understanding as it is about individual words. Let's focus on the bigger picture and not get bogged down in the weeds—or should I say, not literally stuck in marshy grounds!
Absolutely. This is the same reason I am against the use of sunrise and sunset. The sun isn't actually doing anything!
Peanuts are not actually nuts, we must fix this as well.
I heard someone say they were head over heels in love with their boyfriend the other day, imagine my outrage that they were standing normal on their feet!
We should also get rid of the word hemophobia, they're not actually afraid of blood, they're just having a neurological reaction.
It is just all so infuriating
Oh, and don't even get me started on "sleeping like a baby"! I've never seen a baby sleep through the night without waking up multiple times.
Or when people claim they're "freezing" when it's just a bit chilly. To my knowledge, they're not turning into ice!
Ever heard someone say they're "starving"? Unless they've been stranded on a deserted island recently, I doubt it.
And the term "caught red-handed"? Unless their hands are actually painted red, I think we might be exaggerating.
It's all so perplexing; words just aren't what they used to be!