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Joined 1 years ago

Hello I am new, confused and excited about Lemmy! I like the vibes.

Jones is just doing it again, pitting the family's against each other while he shoves money into every hole, family bussiness and off shore bank he can get his filthy mitts on. He's guilty. He has assets. Sell them off and split the money between the families who won settlements. HOW HARD IS IT!??

I realize that this is only an achievement to me, but when I got the Poeples Hero achievement for Skyrim. I was playing through as myself, trying to help everyone I could. I just wiped out the Dark Botherhood and it popped up. I was honestly touched, as I really cared about those stupid digital poeple I was saving. It made me feel like I was really making a difference.

I swear to fucking god the next white dude who tries to play Devil's Advocate with me is getting throwen out the window.

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It always blew my mind that boats are a She, but heaven forbid we allow any women on board, they are unlucky. Like really!?

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All this is happening while the older generation screeches at us to have children. No thank you, I'd rather not spend time in jail and who knows how much on court costs just because my body decided to miscarry.

Trump needs a glass of warm milk and a nap in a jail cell, not to be running for president.

Pretty sure there are some rules about not forcibly relocating US citizens to foreign war zones. Ah, who am I kidding, rules don't apply to the GOP anymore.

Forced draft ruined the lives of my father and uncle. (Vietnam) My husband is permanently disabled from his time in the balkins and the VA fought us tooth and nail for every cent of his disablity pay. I would never, ever, ever join the miltary. All you get is a broken mind, body, and a shitty flag when you die.

This is some wild west shit. Gold bars! Literal gold bars like some kind of cartoon villain.

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You can put damp towels in the freezer and wear them around your neck. My AC broke in August once and I lived on the third floor.

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For context I am almost 40 year old women. Okay, so I like to watch gaming videos on youtube. Markipler, Let's Game it Out, CallmeKevin, RT game, Dunkey, y'know moslty geared towards kids, young adult gaming content. I never do this unless I am home alone because I don't think anyone would get why I'm watching an adult man play a wrestling game with his bright red, 20 foot tall wrestler named Johnny Hotbody.

Oh jeez you weren't kidding. Poeple are acting like the government just scheduled a nuclear Holocaust for Wednesday.

I was in collage when Fight Club came out. Of course a bunch of guys decided to make an underground Fight Club. I never went to one bc I am a women and therefore exculded from Manly Punching Time but, boy, oh boy did I witness the fallout.

It didn't take long for poeple to realize that maybe a computer major shouldn't be fist fighting a ex marine who was here on the GI bill. Or maybe accounting majors shouldn't be trying to punch the six foot tall guy who does construction to afford his textbooks. Poeple had black eyes, knocked out teeth, concussions and face swelling. Turns out it's hard to hide an underground fight ring where you hit each other in the face.

Luckily the Fight club disbanded before admin got involved, and before anybody got really hurt.

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I'm sorry you feel stuck right now. I know you don't want to hear this, but if you want to achieve your dream of a family you are going to need another job and therapy. Even if the women of your dreams showed up ready to get pregnant right now, you're not ready. Do you really want to raise kids who know daddy hates himself? Do you really want your family to deal with your emotional spillover? Teaching kids emotional regulation is HARD and damn near impossible if you are struggling yourself.

There is nothing wrong with wanting a family. That is a fine goal and a perfect thing to look forward to. Many poeple are starting families later just bc of the cost of living, so I don't think you will be too old even if it takes you another five years to get there.

There is someone out there for everyone. Maybe she can make all the money and you can be a stay at home dad! But you gotta get up, flip off the fucking world, and get a job and start putting together a social life of poeple who care about you. Stay safe and remember you are valuable and worthy of self love.

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Don't be afriad to involve her in your stuff, even if it's boy stuff. My dad taught me how to fix cars, wilderness survival, how to shoot guns, how to fix stuff, it didn't matter that I was a girl, if I was interested he'd show me. I didn't care that this was boy stuff, I just liked that I was helping dad.

With the bonus payoff of me being a rather handy cabable adult too! Although he did his fair share of playing Barbie and tea party as well.

She might not like all of your hobbies (I never liked fishing) but give it a shot! Don't be afraid just bc some stuck up parents would be agast she's learning to change the oil in the car.

Right!? And this is the day and age where we have magic glasses that show you things only you can see! I'd be perfect. Plus I think a lot of us would like to blame lizard poeple instead of, y'know humanity.

I was an active, functional, alcoholic for many, many years. I stopped drinking for good seven years ago, haven't touched a drop since. There has been a lot of good advice here, however I wanted to offer my (possibly unconventional) two cents.

One of the things that got my attention during my drunk years was being confronted with how much money I was spending on alcohol. That was eye opening and really, my first dim lightbulb moment of 'oh shit' I might have a problem. Maybe showing her how much money she is throwing away each month on hooch?

Second was the realization that all my hobbies revolved around alcohol in some way. Getting involved in some new fresh things that didn't inherently involve alcohol was a big step. Maybe you both could plan alcohol free activities during the hours she normally drinks the worst? Go for a walk in the park, hunt some Pokemon? Get her out of the house and somewhere poeple aren't drinking. Even if it means an emergency 11pm trip to Target for candy.

Third, I would highly recommend therapy. I was drinking to fill a hole in my life alcohol was never going to fill. Once I was on the correct medication, I realized I was just using alcohol as a crutch for my mental illness.

My last advice which I hesitate to give, but which worked for me, is to switch addictions to something a little less damaging. I'm much happier being a evening stoner than an evening drinker. Maybe she would like vaping, or mircodosing on shrooms for a mood elevation?

Again all of these ideas involve her wanting to change, but if some part of her does want to change, than this will help. Also DO NOT KEEP ALCOHOL IN THE HOUSE. Nothing. Not a drop. Throw out the vanilla extract and mouthwash if you have to.

Good Luck Buddy!

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This is probably going to sound mundane, but I finally got my career back on track after the plague and have enough money to take my cats to the vet for proper medical care. Feel like I've been living at vets lately, but everyone's ears are clean, teeth have been checked, bloodwork done, and has the meds they need to thrive. I felt so bad that for two years the vet was life threating visits only.

What I'm looking forward to is many more years with my wonderful pets!

It's fine, the peasants will just suffer and die, there's always more peasants.- ol' Meatball Ron.

Look I just wanna watch Zuck make Elon punch himself until he cries. Is that too much to ask?

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Owning livestock is not for the faint of heart. Also good quality, safe, fencing is expensive. If you have never owned any livestock before I recommend starting with some chickens.

You will need to be up every morning to feed, turn them loose, check them over, muck them out, if needed. Same thing in the evening.

Also Donkeys can be more prone to hoof injuries if you live in a very wet area. They can get hoof rot if they don't have a good area to dry out their feet.

In my area it can a hundred dollars just for the large animal vet to come out to your farm, before they even do anything. And you will have to pay for them to come out unless you have a trailer and something to haul it with.

Get sick? Too bad. If having covid sucks, it sucks even more when your lugging fifty pound feed sacks down to the barn.

I'm writing this before I go clean out my own farm animals so trust me, I know.

Starlink. Went from effectively no internet to fantastic internet. It's life changing not having to drive into town to use my banking app and send emails. I feel like I'm finally living in 2023!

I was annoyed at first by all the Linux content, but honeslty I've kinda grown to like it. It feels strangely wholesome somehow.

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🎶 sacred, every sperm is great... 🎶

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I gave up on theaters a long time ago. I wanna watch a movie in my PJs, smoke pot, and pause it when I need to. Plus I get lots of kitty snuggles during the viewing as well.

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Jesus. My grandmother had polo as a child and was wheelchair bound for life because of it. And it's coming back. All because some idoits think they know better than decades of science.

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The sequel was even more brutal. I cried like crazy at the end of both games. Like full on sobbing into a paper towel bc tissues weren't going to cut it crying.

When poeple went on political rants at work I would say "let's play a game. It's called Don't Talk Politics at Work. I'll go first!" Then I would shut up, turn around and keep on working. Just replace politics with whatever. It's low key funny with a deadpan delivery so I've never had anyone get mad at me for it.

Sometimes when I get pissed off at life I go do a little sky screamimg. Basically I go out in my lawn and yell FUCK or RAAAGGGUUHHH at the sky until I feel better. Benefits of living in the country, nieghbors haven't said shit.

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Mitch McConnell. I'd slap his turtle head right back into it's shell.

Y'know I used to eat rocks as toddler but for the life of me I can't remember if I've had limestone and what it tasted like. Driveway gravel and those smooth river rocks on the otherhand definitely had a taste. Mostly gritty or smooth with hints of Sulphur.

I went to therapy for almost this exact reason. I will tell you what my therapist told me. Just because these terrible things are happening, doesn't mean you can't have meaning and joy in your life. It can be hard to feel grateful, it can be hard to feel happy, during such times, but it's possible. I would suggest reaching out to a professional if you can afford it.

Whelp now I'm sad.

Checking in, am also women.

Same! Kinda like Lemmy roulette.

Oh hey, are you talking about Rapist Brock Allen Turner who has been going by his middle name lately, Rapist Allen Turner?

Zardoz. The gaint floating head with the crazy man inside shouting "the gun is good, the penis is bad," Sean Connery in a WAY too revealing outfit, the bizarre, apathetic, immortal poeple, and wierd pyramid magic.

It was hands down the most strange, unfathomable film I've ever seen, and I've watched The Dancing Outlaw.

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Man I thought by 2023 I'd be taking my jetpack to my moon meetings not arguing over whether we should strip mine the damn place.