
8 Post – 662 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

interested in stepvans, offgrid, pugs, tech, gaming, food, and conversations

how does that work - I mean, who's paying the bills for the instance if it's unmoderated? weird

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ok, so vote the bastards out!

oh wait, you cant - electoral college doesnt care about your votes and the supreme court doesnt either


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spez is an angry little man because someone is ruining his payout

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every time I see MTG I have a moment of "what the literal fuck does a card game have to do with this?"

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almost like they're asking to be nationalized...

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eh, i realized a long time ago than the only privacy that exists is between your ears.

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eh, you're free to retire in your mid 30s. it's easy. i retired in my late 30s, then went back to work again when I ran out of money a few years later. it was nice, i look forward to retiring again.

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fucking lol!!!! big ol thumb to the eye of the High SlimeLord himself, /u/spez

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so the cancer doesnt spread

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why does avoiding political discussion have to be the metric for "genuine conversation"? seems a bit biased and smallminded.

reddit has a duty to keep subreddits open if they dont want their IPO to die in a fire.

reddit does not give a flying fuck about their users - it hasnt for quite some time.

stay private/blacked out for eternity, let that platform collapse.

bought a refurbished 5 year old Thinkpad via Amazon for $150. put linux on it, no regrets

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we like to refer to that as "pulling a reddit"

you gotta remember that the constant consumption of media is similar in many respects to addiction - people need their media back, preferably in an easy to swallow pill. the vast majority of the reddit userbase is unwilling to search for other methods/platforms to satiate that desire.

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smoking. growing up in the 80s, everyone was smoking - in bars, restaurants, airplanes, even hospitals.

everyone I knew, their parents smoked tobacco or chewed tobacco. I started smoking myself, around 16 or so, as did all of my friends & even people I didn't associate with. it was just part of the culture - and yes, I was aware at the time that it was a dangerous activity, but kids are stupid.

and then around 15 years ago or so everyone stopped or switched to vaping. now I really only see homeless people smoking. it's quite the culture shift.

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you need to pair that with some hotdog flavored soda.

and spez is the king with no clothes

new, or knew?

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they'd probably have non-shitty copper by then, but magnets? thems witchcraft

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restaurant food is basically normal food with a metric fuckton of butter, sugar, and salt added

nice content! good format, understandable message, poking gentle fun at beehaw without explicitly mentioning them.


appreciate the transparency!

what proof do they actually have it occurred though? 12 years is a long time - I dont think I have any electronics that are 12 years old, let alone digital media

what prevents people from covering up the advertisements screen?

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opioids were over prescribed for years and years with no thought to the consequences - mainly because the person writing the scrip was compensated for it by the drug manufacturers.

this led to tens of thousands of people who became addicted to opioids and lacked the willpower to fight being dope sick to get clean. even once you're clean, relapse is common. the reality is that many people are weak willed - but no one wants to discuss that.

now cheap synthetic opioids are easily mass manufactured in China and Mexico and they are widely available & flood the streets. examples: https://www.youtube.com/@talesfromthestreets/videos & https://www.youtube.com/@examiningportland/videos (there are others but those are the ones I've seen recently).

my favorite climate cartoon was a Futurama episode

the users will organically migrate to the most popular sublemmy over time & the rest will close or be ignored.

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linux seems to work pretty well until it doesnt and then it really doesnt work. seems that there's still some hardware incompatibility issues

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Stage 1:

  • 3 bunches of bananas, 2 lbs cooked rice, 1 loaf of white bread (toasted)

Stage 2:

  • 1 gallon of liquid laxative
  • 1 gallon of franks red hot
  • a 3 gallon bucket
  • a ladle

consume stage 1 & wait 3 hours. consume stage 2. repeat as necessary

never. never even considered it, actually. it's in my pocket most of the time I'm not using it and I dont let other people touch it.

yes... but quantum computers dont perform the same sort of tasks as traditional computers (desktop/laptop/phone) do. so, yeah the new generation is absolutely, ridiculously fast, but in a very limited/niche way.

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who enforces it? lol this is doomed to fail

why is this getting so much traction in the media? there's so many other, arguably better resources for pornography on the interwebs

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there's room on the internet for more than one link aggregator - even if reddit returns and is bigger and badder than ever, I still wont use it. that platform is dead to me now

fine, do it then. I dare you. I double dog dare you!

lol that's actually funny.

better than IBM I guess

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basically baptism if you dont think about it too hard

deep fried unagi, with a side of ketchup

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reddit is better off being a closed platform.

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