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Uh, it’s not that they made her look white. They made her look like a Romulan.

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Every tech demo ever is fake, with the possible exception of the original Cybertruck demo, but I suspect even that one just wasn’t faked very well.

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Maybe they’ll roll Hulu’s content into Disney+ without raising prices.

Without raising prices, right?

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Relevant XKCD

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They probably both have compatible opinions on what constitutes a good person. They might disagree with you on some facets of that, but you’re not who they’re in a relationship with.

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because of AI

Oh look, a bullshit article.

You need to learn the fundamentals of how things work, and how to apply those fundamentals, not rote specifics of a particular technology.

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I’m old enough to remember when it was the Christians getting music they thought was offensive pulled from the public eye, not the other way around.

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Blocked the OWASP web site because it was categorized as “hacking materials”.

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So instead of being fooled by fake and misleading headlines written by journalists, you can get fooled by fake and misleading headlines written by Twitter users? If you insist on not reading the article, I’m not sure one of those is worse than the other.

He estimates he’s had about three interviews a day

Bullllllshit. Three introductory calls with recruiters per day, maybe, but not interviews.

Check out Palm Springs.

Nah. Microsoft engineered this whole thing to weaken the boards power and ripen OpenAI up as a less expensive acquisition target.

Have you asked these unhappy employees? You’ll probably get a more helpful answer if it comes from somebody familiar with the specifics of your job / company. If you’re not doing exit interviews (or not setting a tone where they feel they can be honest in the exit interview), you’re doing yourself a disfavor.

Does being in Silicon Valley actually increase a startup founders chance for success? Start a fully remote company.

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Software engineer.

Understand requirements even when they’re not communicated clearly (or when you have to guess and make them up yourself)

Tell an idiot they’re wrong without telling them they’re an idiot.

Write code other people can maintain.

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Just write headlines like this and charge people extra if they want punctuation.

Presidents don’t generally take a demotion. Why isn’t Obama in Congress?

Especially in Trump’s case, he’s still very much involved in politics, trying to run for another term in 2024. That’s the most impactful move he can make now, and any other long-term commitments would interfere with his campaigning (and all the legal battles he’s part of).

I’m sure that would have de-escalated the situation

If recruiters are trying to discriminate, and you have the attributes they're discriminating in favor of, getting a face-to-face with them can be a way to get your foot in the door that doesn't leave a paper trail.

Which really highlights how bad the job market is now. All the recruiters at this job fair are going to share the sentiments the organizers are expressing in this article. They're there to hire women and are pissed at all the men who showed up, so significantly less likely to hire them... but those dudes are so desperate they still gave it a shot.

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I guess if you’re stupid enough to buy a dental plan based on Tom Hanks’s recommendation, you’re also dumb enough to think Tom Hanks still looks that young.

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Software engineer. My company has been hiring low budget contractors instead of full time engineers. Training and onboarding people always has a cost, so the revolving door nature of this hiring method is already a problem, but the people we’re hiring are also very low skilled and take more of the rest of the team’s time hand-holding them through easy tasks

Headline: “let’s anyone you follow potentially call you up”

Article: “To be able to call someone, they must have sent at least one direct message to your account.”

This makes total sense. Your DM conversation has too much back and forth so you say “let’s take it to an audio or video call”, and then hash it out in person.

There’s a reason Slack has this exact same feature…

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They keep trying to go to Mars. There’s a reason I left the place!


I think a major in Semantics & Pedantry would impress your mom, but specifically majoring in the intro-level course is a risky decision.

The number of reported shoplifting occurrences is meaningless if you aren’t weighing it by the volume of sales coming from each store as well.

A store that has twice as much shoplifting but also 3 times the sales, is still going to be a better deal to keep open.

Say what you will about Truth Social, but it has more content than lemmy, if you’re just going for quantity over quality.

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It’s good to bring exposure to these types of issues, even if the only way to do that is through a commercial platform. There’s nothing wrong with monetizing this.

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Since you’re Gen Z, it sounds like you may also be relatively new in your career, and this strikes me as a timeless problem of experience.

Young people come in with a fresh set of eyes and say “why don’t we just do X?” Then more experienced people know all the unfortunate reasons why it’s not that easy. Like in your example, it’s arguably a better policy to just run every patch that gets released, even if it’s not applicable. The alternative is to spend some amount of man hours evaluating whether each patch is needed or not; and occasionally dealing with the consequences of somebody mis-identifying a critical patch and deciding not to install it. The cost from that is greater than the cost of occasionally having to clean up a bad patch that breaks something.

I do agree that Gen Z seems to feel a greater sense of unfairness when they (as less experienced employees) get stuck doing more of the grunt work in a situation like that. I’ve had several issues with Gen Zers at my company feeling like they’re supposed to be working on bigger and better things than the entry level tasks we’re giving them, and becoming disgruntled about it.

Not really sure what to do to manage around that part of the problem though. With millennials in that position, I had reasonable success by giving them a bigger project, then reviewing it thoroughly and helping them see the areas they needed to improve in. The Gen Z’s I’ve tried that tactic with have then felt like they were being “picked on” any time they got critical feedback. I haven’t had it happen enough to know if that’s a generational thing or just those specific people though.

Sometimes you have to cut your losses and leave a conversation. If it’s some rando on the internet, just walk away and try not to care what they think.

With people you know and respect, you’re gonna have to hunker down for the long haul. Remember, if you come off like a jerk, they’re going to be less likely to accept your argument. Be respectful of their position but ask probing questions. Let them see for themselves that they’re wrong.

Their AI DJ feature keeps touting music I might love from my high school days, then playing country music, for some reason. No, I don’t like country music. Also Spotify didn’t even exist until I was like 28 years old.

Tl;dr: by being a healthcare CEO

Tesla told the woman that it could not remove her husband’s access to the car’s technology because his name remained on the vehicle’s title as a co-owner, along with hers, according to records she filed in her lawsuit.

This sounds like a problem courts needed to resolve, not Tesla. They don't reasonably know which spouse has legal possession of the car.

A better solution, experts say, would be to require Tesla to use cameras to monitor drivers’ eyes to make sure they’re watching the road. Some Teslas do have interior-facing cameras. But they don’t see well at night, unlike those in General Motors or Ford driver monitoring systems, said Philip Koopman, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University who studies vehicle automation safety.

In case you were wondering who wrote the article

I still think it’s theoretically possible to do a touch interface right… but nobody has figured it out yet. Any interaction that requires you to navigate between multiple menus while driving is doing it wrong, but if you could get all the relevant buttons on screen, in predictable enough locations that people can click them while driving, it could work….

But at that point I’m not sure there’s much benefit to the screen vs physical buttons.

lol, what country do you live in?

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Just make sure your aunt is tech savvy enough to make sure the laptop isn’t a dud before paying for it. $60 is incredibly cheap for a laptop though, so might be worth a gamble even if she isn’t.

Why not go ahead and buy one today?

Is this really much less usable for screen reader users than anybody else?

The sighted user sees the tweet, “check this out!” And a BBC banner but no other information about the link.

The screen reader user hears the tweet, “check this out!” And hears that there is a link.

I guess the image provides a tiny bit more context that the mystery link goes to the BBC, but that ‘s not a ton more.

X should do away with the images too.

i think that’s the core issue. Whatever kind of sewage system you have is going to be a source of entertainment for some people

Ted and Bill’s Excellent Adventure would hav been a wholly different experience.