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It's in the description of the video, the canopy locking pin wasn't locked and she failed to notice during visual checks

And that's precisely why so many people are calling for everyone to defederate immediately from anything facebook-owned. The only way to prevent this is to not even let them get started.

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Windows: "Time for updates! Stop everything you're doing and please wait...please wait...please wait...please wait..."

How am I hearing about this all the time, but it has never happened for me? Every windows update for me so far has always gone the same, unintrusive way - when it's time to shut down the PC in the evening, I notice there's an "Install Updates and Shutdown" option next to the normal "shutdown" option, which I use if I'm not in a terrible hurry right now. Takes a little longer to shut down, next boot will also take a little longer, but that's it. I've literally never had these unwelcome interruptions I hear so frequently about.

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I agree with your first point, but the latter two:

—GPS data that could be stored and extracted from the dealership and sold or given to the government, insurance companies, and law enforcement. —GPS data that could be sent in real time if the car has a cellular connection or hijacks the cellular connection in your phone when you connect it to the car.

Why do you think this is more likely to happen with this new regulation, when most modern cars already have a functioning GPS module for navigation and cellular connection for software updates?

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The described problem wasn't that the car didn't see the lines, it was the car steering into oncoming traffic when it couldn't see the lines. Lidar could potentially very well help with that, by giving the car a better model of the surroundings letting it better reconstruct the intended road path even when the lines are faded, and also see oncoming traffic better and avoid it.

Uhh... Germany would like to have a word

Most carriers do offer some uncapped plan, I think, but it's expensive and not the default

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This feels very close to the paradox of tolerance, honestly. To achieve maximum tolerance, you can not tolerate those who are intolerant themselves, or they will destroy you from within. I think something similar applies here. To achieve a maximally open system, be open by default, but only to those who actually share the goal to keep the system as open as possible, and defend vigorously against those who don't.

Tf are you talking about, unless being gay involves raping men, being pedo also doesn't involve raping children. Even as a cishet non-pedo you will often encounter situations where acting on some attraction you feel would be anywhere from morally questionable to straight up illegal, and most of us manage to deal with that just fine. Of course that's going to be tougher for someone whose entire experience consists of that, rather than just part of it, but nothing about being pedo forces you to become a child-raping piece of shit.

Of course psychiatric care is important, but the point the other commenter was making is that it's currently impossible to change anyone's attraction, so it's not a pathology that can be "cured" in this way. Any psychiatric care currently has to be aimed at helping people deal with being pedo without acting on it and also not developing any other psychological afflictions because of suppressing their attraction. Trying to "cure" the attraction itself would indeed be akin to gay conversion therapy: there's no scientific evidence it works, and it's going to do more harm than good.

No one can tell me Apple's curation is worth a 30% cut.

I mean, it obviously is, otherwise companies wouldn't be paying it. The difference is that in the case of the distribution platform, it's worth it not because it would add any value to the game itself, but because of the monopoly of the platform, which provides value to nobody but the platform.

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Also what would happen if a user, who has no idea what they are doing, uninstalls edge without having another browser available?

I guess not allowing the current default browser to be uninstalled while there is no other program available that can be made the default browser would be a simple and viable solution here.

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They speak the same protocol, but afaik Lemmy doesn't really have a concept of following Posts from a user instead of Posts to a community, so you won't see Mastodon posts on Lemmy.

we technically have a large blind spot right in the middle of the retina, and that's why we're more sensitive to movement in our side vision.

You're conflating the blind spot and the macula there.

We do not have a blind spot in the middle of the retina. If that were the case it would be pretty problematic for vision. What we do have is what's called the Macula, an area of high concentration of cones and low concentration of rods. Cone cells give us highly detailed color vision, while rod cells only give us overall brightness, but are much more sensitive to light. That's why, as you mention, we're more sensitive to movement in our peripheral vision, and also why the center of our vision performs way worse in very low light situations. (Ever seen a faint star that seems to vanish when you try to look right at it? That's why)

We do actually have a fully blind spot, but that one sits not at the center of the retina, but off to the side. It's where the optic nerve enters the retina, and it doesn't have anything to do with better/worse perception of movement, it's just fully blind and always gets interpolated by the brain, it literally fills it up with what it thinks should be there. If you get a small object right into that spot for one eye and cover the other eye, it will just disappear.

It's not really about privacy, though. It's about the risk of Meta going "Embrace, extend, extinguish" on the fediverse, and the only way to protect against that is by not letting them interact with the majority of it from the get-go. https://ploum.net/2023-06-23-how-to-kill-decentralised-networks.html

This is why you don't use any singular storage medium without backups

Ftfy. Using any medium as the exclusive location of your data without any backup is a stupid idea, but if you're gonna be that careless, using Google Drive is one of the less stupid options out there. The chance that google fucks up in an irrecoverable way is infinitely lower than you fucking your local storage up or your house burning down.

Privacy is another factor to this of course, but if we're just looking at the security of your data, using only Google is way better than using only your self hosted solution.

I think "legally" and "without constantly wanting to vomit" is the trickier question. From a purely ethical standpoint I don't see a problem with taking CSAM that's apparently already flooding Lemmy and using it to test whether your filter works before nuking it. At least as long as you're making sure you're not exposing anyone else to it.

Nah, definitely not. As silly as it sounds, that was what I was most excited about in Windows 11 - finally some nice rounded corners on non-maximized windows.

Companies and their legal departments do care though, and that's where the big money lies for Microsoft when it comes to Windows

  • Waking up via lights slowly dimming on is much nicer than an acoustic alarm.
  • Light temperature adjusting to current time of day is very nice and does loads for my mood
  • Lights automatically turning on and off based on presence and measured light levels is totally unnecessary but just so convenient
  • Getting a reminder to take the wash out when the machine is done
  • Smart plug automatically turns off power to other devices when the TV is turned off

Because Edge is the default browser on the most widespread operating system. If you're using Chrome, you very likely already switched once and are better informed than someone encountering the message on Edge.

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...autism is an industry??

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For note taking, you might even get by without self-hosting, looking at software like Obsidian which works perfectly fine with just SyncThing to sync between devices, or just literally any other file syncing solution, self-hosted or otherwise.

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So what? This is not about creating an absolutely fair world, it's about improving heavily unfair systems.

Outer Wilds?

Training and fine tuning happens offline for LLMs, it's not like they continuously learn by interacting with users. Sure, the company behind it might record conversations and use them to further tune the model, but it's not like these models inherently need that

Hbomberguy and MattKC come to mind for me. Also, but this is very niche, most of the Brickfilming scene still feels this way, there's just no money to be made in there.

Isn't that the difference between a slur and an insult, that a slur is offensive in itself against a certain group of people*, while an insult depends on context?

*Unless used by people from that group itself

There's also this part:

But Johansson's public statement describes how they tried to shmooze her: they approached her last fall and were given the FO, contacted her agent two days before launch to ask for reconsideration, launched it before they got a response, then yanked it when her lawyers asked them how they made the voice.

Which is still not an admission of guilt, but seems very shady at the very least, if it's actually what happened.

!the sun changing color and getting bigger, without explaining anything!<

Well, a big part of the game is figuring out why that's happening, by exploring the system and piecing together its past. The game certainly doesn't hold your hand in that, but it's fair in letting you discover it on your own. I get that this kind of mystery might just not be for everyone, though.

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It's not quite that simple, though. GDPR is only concerned with personally identifiable information. Answers and comments on SO rarely contain that kind of information as long as you delete the username on them, so it's not technically against GDPR if you keep the contents.

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That's how literally all language change happens? People just start using words differently or use new words, it slowly spreads, until a majority is using it. You can either embrace it and be happy you get new tools to express yourself with, or reenact the "old man yells at clouds" meme and be grumpy. I know which one I'll choose.

Happened with Lone Echo for me. It's a VR game where you're in a space station, and you move around in zero g by just grabbing your surroundings and pulling yourself along or pushing yourself off of them. I started reflexively attempting to do that in real life for a bit after longer sessions

I mean... Yes? If there's a way to do something without having to take my hands off the steering wheel I'll use that

This is about language, not geology. Doesn't really matter how it came to be that way, North and South America are effectively treated as separate continents and very rarely referred to as a whole, and you saying "but actually" doesn't change that.

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Yeah, but by generating with AI you're incentivized to skip that initial research stage into your own code base, leading you to completely miss opportunities for consolidation or reuse

The prefix cis- is Latin and means on this side of.


Just as "trans-" means on the other side of. It's literally just the opposite of trans.

You need to compress the chest, so pressure needs to go on the sternum. If you're pressing below it, the only thing you're compressing is their intestines, which is not gonna help anyone

That specifically excludes accounts with YouTube channels though, if I remember correctly

For drive, Proton drive has been working well for me so far, and it actually integrates better with the windows file explorer

Yup, you got it. Even the solution to your confusion. Good encryption algorithms are set up so that even the smallest possible change in the input (a single flipped bit) will produce a completely different result. So yeah, if you have just a small set of exact possible messages that could be sent, you can find out which one it was by encrypting it yourself and comparing your result to what was sent. But there is a super easy protection against this - just add some random data to the end of the message before encrypting it. The more, the harder it will be to crack.