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I still remember when I tried to run a binary on a different architecture and got the message: "Bad elf magic"

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When my dad and grandpa were teaching me how to play chess, they told me that the knight moves in a "G" pattern. I could not for the life of me figure out how a G maps to what they showed me, so I figured out that it goes one diagonal, and then eitger one up if the diagonal was up, one down if it was down and the same reasoning for left and right. That's still how I visualize it.

Years later I realized that they meant the cyrillic G, which looks like this: Γ...

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About two years ago I stared into the void. I didn't have any real problems in life, but my job was boring as hell and my colleagues were always constantly negative, depressing and whined about everything, which affected my mindset after months upon months of that.

Freshly out of university, the job (which I couldn't leave due to contacts) sucked out my every hope and dream of having a fulfilling career where I'd have an impact on the world. I felt so useless. To make matters worse I fell in love at that time.

One day I vaguely felt bad, got home, sat down and started crying like crazy. Life felt so meaningless. Not my life specifically, but life as a concept. I could change my life, but to what purpose? I sincerely felt regret for ever having been born and existence felt like a cruel joke, it was all vanity, pain, and at the end you die without even feeling the relief of it being over since you would be gone. It was a feeling of meaninglessness where even doing something about it was as meaningless as doing nothing.

The next day I had another crying session, didn't eat anything the whole day as well. And in the evening I remembered how Seneca wrote that nothing bad happens to good people since those "bad" moments are the only time we get to show our virtues. Didn't really fix the basic problem of meaninglessness, but it did reinvigorate me. Reading Camus' "Myth of Sisyphus" also got me to handle the absurd better. But the moment I got out of the whole ordeal altogether was about 8 months later when I realized that I was very much pushed to such a state by my colleagues, and that I yearned for some sort of warmth and comfort from others. But nobody has really ever shined for me, I realized that I had to be my own light and that I should not do things to earn other's approval, but for me (this does not mean being selfish, according to Platonic and Aristotelian ethics, doing morally good deeds is for the benefit of the doer). I've been fine since then.

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It's all being done by HAARP. When confronted by sentences like that, all words escape me.

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My parents don't speak English, but I learned it as a kid by watching a lot of Cartoon Network. All the cartoons were in English, no subtitles or dub or anything. Somehow I assimilated the language without any external aid, and then learned the rest when we first got the internet and I started communicating with others via games.

So, if I had to teach a kid English, I'd just expose them to as much English as possible with plenty of context and encourage them to express themselves in English when they can. This is also a popular method how adults can learn languages, called tprs

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Nowhere in your link is it said that "knowledge and efficiency" was lost by getting rid of the farmers deemed "kulaks". What is mentioned though is that grain was being massively taken out of Ukraine, and the borders being sealed so that starving Ukranians wouldn't leave, and that even after the famine started, the USSR kept exporting grain rather than use it to feed the people.

The holodomor was a targeted weakening of Ukranians that could've been prevented if Stalin wanted it. Painting it as a story of commies taking away from the people that became rich because they were the best at what they do and that caused a collapse is sickening, and I really hope you try and reconsider whether the source where you got that is worth your attention and what were the motives behind twisting something as horrific as the holodomor into a cartoon story about evil commies and honest efficient workers.

I had a colleague that would bring frozen soups/stews, warm them just enough so that he could break through the ice, and he'd eat that. It was disgusting.

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If you want to say that you don't care about something (as in: "I don't give a fuck"), in Serbian you would say: "My dick hurts". And that's an expression you'll hear almost daily. A less used variant of that, but still legit is: "My balls are beeping".

While not insulting, I'll throw in our way to say: "I'm/You're fucked". It's: "Jebao sam/si ježa u leđa", which means: "I/You fucked a hedgehog in the back"

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It creates such a calming atmosphere. The grey sky during the day, the darkness setting earlier and the white sky far into the evening when it's snowing is so therapeutic for me for some reason. It gets me in a state where it's enough just to be alive.

And the biting cold is such a pleasant sensation, especially when going for a run. And there are no mosquitos. Winter is all I like manfested in nature.

I made an account

While reading Epectitus definitely helped (externals - out of your control; reactions - your choice, things don't bother you, you bother yourself), and telling myself that I gain nothing out of anger (mostly lose from it), I ran out of fucks to give. Someone's blocking the way? Just wait until I can pass them. My delivery is running late? Whatever, it'll get there. I left the window open during heavy rain and everything is wet? Close the window and mop it.

In a world where nothing really matters, giving your undying attention to stupid things like these is just absurd. Who's watching your reactions so that you have to put on a show?

But as someone said, it takes practice. Being mindful, present, realizing that you're getting angry, and then consciously thinking "ah whatever" and accepting it. Difficult at first, but as with any skill, the more you do it, the easier it gets.

"G stands for graphics, so it's gif with a hard g"

The only thing more meaningless than arguing about how to pronounce gif is using that as an argument, and yet it always gets repeated.

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The meaning and ideas of solarpunk are still evolving, but the main themes are freedom, community, ecology and pragmatism. I won't go over the anarchic organisation of communities since I think you mistook the pragmatism for primitivism.

Solarpunk is not about primitivism and a return to a low-technological era, and neither is it a high tech cyberpunk spinoff, as some others think. Solarpunk is about using practical solutions that are also ethical and egolocially friendly. This often means not throwing stuff away, but fixing what can be fixed and reusing what can be reused, because mass production and consumerism is seen as a damaging force. So instead of trying to make up new tech and produce new things, solarpunk would ask you to first consider whether you can do something already with what you have, which means that a DIY approach is encouraged. However, if new technology can improve our lives without damaging everything else, it's acceptable.

And it is the complete opposite of thinking about the "good old days", as solarpunk is looking only towards the future. The 'punk' in the name means that when you look at all the doom and gloom in the future (capitalism, wars, global warming) you don't fall into despair, but instead try to play your part in your community to fight it and promote a lifestyle of mutual aid and a respect for nature, with whatever level of technology can give you the best results.

That was my attempt at a short presentation. We have a wiki and a manifesto if anyone is interested

This might be due to the fact that I'm not a native speaker and I encountered this phrase at a later date, but people saying "it's all but xyz" to mean "it's xyz" really gets on my nerves. I get it, "it's all but complete" means that virtually all the conditions are met for it to be complete, but I find it so annoying for some reason.

"The task is all but impossible" registers as 'it's not impossible, it's everything else: possible', so the fact that it means the opposite of that makes my brain twitch.

Thank you for reminding me what "oh nice, a new update that makes the software actually better" feels like.

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Sure, adults have the right to smoke if they want

Even if it forces everyone in the vicinity to inhale that crap? Smoking has one distinct feature in that it harms not just the user, but everyone around as well.

Insurance companies are the worst, I can't believe that they're even a thing. You give them money just in case you need some in an emergency, and they do their very best not to give you anything. The entire business model is: "You give us money, and we keep it".

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I held a carrot in my left hand, and tried to cut it along its length with a knife in my right. As I pushed with my right hand, and pulled with my left, the carrot split in two in the middle and one end of it went straight under my fingernail. It hurt.

From that day onwards I cut carrots like a normal human being.

Yeah that was a disappointing moment. Though I think you can still use wired headphones with an adapter that connects them to USB-C.

Right, I think it only covers personal information: companies can only collect what they need to run their service, users can request to see their data etc. I don't think it applies to comments and posts.

When I got that message I just refreshed the page and tried logging in again and it worked.

In what way? I use it from time to time to get movies and series. Is there any downside compared to other methods?

Genuine question, I'm not too familiar with the pirate world beyond pirate bay.

Two texts by Seneca: "On the shortness of life" and "On Providence". The first one made me rethink the idea of "productivity" and the second one made me better at handling bad situations. But at the time I still felt crushed below the weight of a meaningless world, and then I read "The myth of Sisyphus" by Camus and my mind was blown. It was such an inovative way to deal with a world that doesn't answer back.

Also "Discourses" of Epictetus. If there ever was a book that was simple, elegant, and usable right away for a better life, this is it. I'd recommend this to everyone.

It's hard to single out specific works of Plato to stand on their own, I find the most value to be gained by having an overview of his whole philosophy, but "Protagoras" is my favourite dialogue, as it introduces some essential questions as to why are we so careless when taking care of our minds, and how nobody does bad things willingly (which is often repeated by Epictetus). Also the "Apology" is essential because it shows the basic thoughts that guided the greatest philosopher in the west.

In his two dialogues that deal directly with love, he excludes sexual relations either implicitly or explicitly. In "Sympsium" love (eros) allows you to reach an understanding of the form of the 'Beautiful', and love creates goodness, and people can only 'give birth' (besides physically, also mentally by creating things) in goodness, so that's why they seek it, to create and achieve some immortality through their creations.

In "Phaedrus" he explicitly tells how one of the three parts of the soul (mind) is a wild horse that pulls the soul in lust, and reason (the charioteer) then proceeds to pull back with all its might as the emotional part of the soul goes towards sex, as love is there to remind the soul of beauty, which is the souls nourishment, not to "mount [others] like an animal". That's basically the tl;dr of his writings on love in those two dialogoues.

Platonic solids are solids Plato mentioned in "Timaeus".

Democracy is very weak and that's why it takes so much to keep it at place. One autocratic leader is enough to break it. We saw it in Germany before the war

It wasn't "one autocratic leader" who broke democracy in Weimar Germany. Most of the judges, civil servants, parties and people were not happy with the transition from the German empire. Democracy breaks when nobody cares about it anymore. For Germany, this was most evident in the Prussian coup, when the state illegaly replaced the Prussian government, and nothing happened in response. This was taken to court and Prussia did have some success with it, but generally the deed was done. Imagine that during the next US elections it gets decided that California voted for the Republicans, and that goes through without much fuss. That is what causes democracies to fall, apathetic people and institutions, especially the latter. It's the institutions that stand guard, like in 2019 when the Supreme Court declared Boris Johnson's suspension of the parliament unlawful.

That's not to say that democracy isn't weakening globally, it's just that this idea that Germany became a dictatorship because this one charismatic leader came and broke democracy is wrong. The Nazis, while not irrelevant in any sense, were not the main driving force behind Weimar Germany before 1933. The very reason Hitler became a chancellor was because the unelected conservative government thought that they could easily control him. The erosion of democracies happens in the institutions and people's will, the autocratic leader just strikes the final blow.

If you tap on the three lines in the top left corner, at the very top you should have something that has the word "Account" in it or something of the sort. Tap that and you will have the option to add an account. It took me a while to find it.

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I deleted my reddit account and browse lemmy daily. I do miss a few subs on reddit concerning ancient greece/greek and corvids, but it is what it is. I'm fairly satisfied with lemmy.

It depends on the workout for me. When I'm in shape of course, if I'm not in shape then it's hell.

Running 4-6km is very neutral, nothing special

Running 6-10km is kinda enjoyable

Running 10-15km feels really good for some reason

Then everything above 15km is hell (I only ever ran a half marathon at once)

I find running a bit like meditation, or I just let my mind wander wherever. I can't really put to words the experience, but I would definitely describe it as enjoyable. Especially in winter, I absolutely love it when the cold bites my skin as I start running, and then when you warm up you don't feel it anymore.

I'm on

I wanted originally to join one of the big ones, but figured that I should distribute the load by going for a smaller instance. I was scrolling through a list of instances and saw the logo and the name. I was already vaguely familiar with solarpunk, so I chose it because it appeals to me (environmental awareness, anarchism, optimism, DIY, upcycling, pragmatism and so on). To be completely honest, I had no idea what "choosing a home instance" entailed at the time.

Pretty happy with the decision though, it's a themed instance so locally I get stuff you'd expect, and when browsing all I mostly see stuff from and and the rest.

Not a particularly interesting story, but nevertheless here it is.

I do. I know my age roughly of course, but I very very rarely get asked how old I am, so I forget the extact number.

Yeah, me too. Though I was taken on by the whole "radical liberal left being oversensitive" thing. I thought of women as equal, but the "femimazis" were extreme. I thought non-heterosexual and non-binary were a bit odd, but they can do what they want, why should I care, but I was the "LGBT propaganda" was too much. I thought people fleeing from wartorn regions deserved another chance, but the "sjws are just letting anyone and everyone in, and they can do whatever they want because otherwise it would be racism".

I would call myself right wing, but practically all of my opinions were very far from it because my youtube overloaded brain thought that the "left" were just a bunch of idle people getting looking what to get offended by today. Only later at uni did I find out how overblown the whole "SJW" youtube thing was, and how much more insane and damaging the other extreme was.

And I believe that this is very much the case, people in school aren't "right wing" because they carefully thought about life and society, but because all they hear about the "left" is this comically exaggerated notion that they're touchy freaks who just want to scream how they're oppressed by everything. Ironically, what got me out of the stupid right wing youtube company was left wing youtube with hour long videos exposing how that "SJW" narrative is just manipulation. But by the time they make one long detailed video exposing some false story, 1000 more of them pop out.

Honestly, the large portion of the internet is just poisonous, especially youtube. The sooner people learn to think and examine sources (use the internet), the better off we're all be.

And how do they install Windows? I had to install it for a friend a few months ago and the way I did it was by downloading a bootable windows image and made a bootable usb with it.

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Also Dark Souls. I was confused at first as I mostly ignored the story part since it's not given to you on a plate and just stopped. Then years later I did a proper run and I'll never forget it.

I've decided the best and most feasible thing I can do right now is thoroughly decoupling myself from the corporate consumerism world

I honestly think this is a very valid approach. Most people are imagining revolutions and a sudden and violent end to the capitalist class, but I'm more inclined towards the idea where people just change their life habbits so that they don't depend on massive corporations. Step one stop using crap you don't need, step two try to get the things you do need locally. If enough people do this, you might start seeing small communities that take care of a lot of stuff by themselves, and the moment you get a big enough community where at least some can live comfortably with little to no dependency from big corporations, things might change...

It's long been thought the only reason there's been no WWIII is because countries that don't necessarily like each other have created mutually beneficial trade deals together.

And then Russia decided to go to war regardless. I'm not sure whether this has shown us that war prevention based on mutual trade is an illusion, or that Russian economic difficulties prove that it works. Maybe time will tell, but in any case I'm not sure the dead will be happy that Russia's economy will suffer.

I mean, it makes perfect sense that you're not going to start a war for economic reasons if it's worse than just trade, but what happens when someone decides that they want war for reasons other than economic. For example, country A has a lot of people with their main nationality in the bordering countries, and someone stirrs up nationalist sentiments and they want their country to ecompass all regions where their nationals live, regardless of economic benefits/drawbacks.

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When people had analogue technology (radio/phonograph) there was no solid concept of the universe being a simulation

I'd argue that Neoplatonism is very close to the idea of the world being a simulation. "The One" is a creative power that made all things, itself being beyond existing. That neatly corresponds to the idea of a machine simulating us, as it itself is not simulated, but simulates.

Even Plato can be seen in that light. There exists a world of perfect forms, and this is but a projection = There is a reality the simulation is based on and computed. Our souls know everything in their pure states outside the bodies = The class is on the same level as all other data until you instantiate it.

Of course nobody talked about computers, but the general idea was there. The simulation theory could be seen as just fleshing out the technical details, but the architecture was there for a while. Not that I necessarily agree with either, I just think that the simulation theory is not really a new concept in its core.

You might be interested in Clozemaster for language learning. It has collections of most frequent words where you get a sentence with a word missing that you have to input. That way you just get blasted with hundreds and thousands of sentences in your target language.

Seriously, chats and servers previously being as far away from the thumb as possible was a terrible design. The new one is much cleaner and simpler imo

A colleague lent me a book with various yoga poses a few weeks ago and it has massively improved how I feel. Currently I'm working on digitizing it by creating an application where you can choose a pose, and it will be shown on your screen. I never made gui apps with GTK before, so it's a nice learning experience.

Gnome is not only a perfectly valid and functional DE, it also looks better than others. I'll go even one step further and say that KDE looks clunky and Xfce looks dated no matter how you customize them.