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Not too long until Windows 10 joins the list and that’s gonna be a real nightmare because there are so many PCs still running Windows 10 that run perfectly fine but aren’t "capable" or running Windows 11. People won’t just throw away their PCs and they can’t upgrade to 11. Sure, some will try Linux but too many won’t and they’ll be easy targets.

I really hope you’re joking because that’s a security nightmare.

I think Mint is mostly for the "I have a PC that’s a few years old and want something easy and reliable to replace Windows with" crowd. Because it works great for that. It’s the perfect beginner distro.

In Europe everyone uses WhatsApp and I‘d rather use iMessage than sell my soul to meta… (Which I am. And Signal and Telegram. Only using WhatsApp for work)

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I trust them a bit more than meta or google. Meta‘s main business model is selling data/ads. Apple’s main business model is selling hardware.

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Still is and still gets actively developed. The best free video transcoding software, if not the best in general.

I know Apple aren’t perfect but they are the only major tech company that even try to seem like they take privacy seriously. Obviously, we don’t know how much data they actually harvest but at least they say it’s all private and on device. They make a believable case for their product actually being their hardware. You even pay extra for that. Meta, Google, Microsoft & Co. are pretty open, that all they want is your data and that you are the product. So, unless you want to go the extra mile and actively pursue privacy (get ungoogled android or a Linux phone, and only use open source software, etc.), Apple seems to be your best bet, imo

Ah yes, Facebook Messenger. The only chat app I'd hate using even more than WhatsApp...

Everyone was an exaggeration, obviously. WhatsApp is still very prominent and the primary messaging service in large parts of Europe.

Not the closest. Ceres is a dwarf planet inside the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Had that as well on macOS. Problem went away when I switched the system from dark mode to light mode (or the other way round, don’t remember). But generally, I have to use Premiere for work anyways. For personal projects I prefer DaVinci Resolve though because, in my experience, it’s the most stable and performs the best of any program I’ve tried.

It‘s not original. The joke originated in xkcd 821 (Five Minute Comics Pt. 3), however it was a little different still. The wording (besides the slur) stems from xkcd creator Randall Munroe‘s book What if?.

If you compare the image to actual xkcds, you’ll notice, that the font is different.

Also, I found a picture of the comic from the book on pinterest.

Can’t have people think xkcds could be this tasteless.

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Nazi is short for national socialist. That wouldn’t per se suggest unkindness by name alone. The appearance is deceptive, of course.

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When searching for the first half of the quote I quickly found the uncensored version on ifunny… (like the 4th result on DuckDuckGo images)

Took a little longer to find the original comic, where the wolf just says "dude"

DuckDuckGo uses quite a few sources for their results. Bing is among them but also Yahoo! Search BOSS, Wolfram Alpha, Yandex and about 400 more, including their own webcrawler. DuckDuckGo also explicitly filters out and down ranks content mills, pages with too much advertising and pages that are deemed to have low journalistic standards. (Source: Wikipedia)

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Because people (like myself) do that with their old phone to have a backup that’s not horrifically outdated but that isn’t actually needed day to day

There are legitimate advantages of the RAM being soldered right next to the SoC. However, if anyone could figure out how to create a proprietary RAM module, that slots in right next to the SoC (or even just an SoC module including RAM) that can be swapped out and that doesn‘t have any meaningful performance impact, it would be Apple. Just that it never could be Apple…

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Probably a fair share. The hardware requirements aren’t unreasonably high but a lot of people (like myself) are running hardware that is 10+ years old because why not? Still works fine, if you don’t need that much power.

Not that I’d run Win 11 anyways. Tried it, was a pretty but nonfunctional mess, downgraded to 10 at first and upgraded to Linux later.

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But what about my Web 3.0 AI cryptocurrency in the metaverse?

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I have an external 3,5“ HDD enclosure that needs a male to male USB 3.0 A cable to plug into a PC. Still wondering, why they didn’t use B…

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Nah, the Wii wasn’t even two GC glued together. It was really just an overlocked GC. When you play GC games on Wii, the hardware clocks down and the Wii becomes a gamecube.

The reason why the Wii U can do that as well, is because in adition to it’s own hardware, all the necessary Wii hardware is also on board. It’s less a Wii mode than a built in Wii.

I mean, the first rewrite (by Munroe himself) was probably just turning a 5min doodle into a clean, more streamlined comic.

The n-word one probably just to be edgy.

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And yet, Microsoft is trying to push Edge down windows users‘ throat…

It’s not quite as bad as effectively not allowing other browsers but it’s not far behind. Apple is less obnoxious than that on macOS. They won’t beg for you to use Safari

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I wouldn’t phrase it like that. More like, your standards for your partner shouldn’t be higher than your standards for yourself.

In general, you just tell them to use your new address, change your online accounts, etc. and for the transition phase, you either forward or, like I did, just have both accounts in your mail app until you’ve reached everyone who needs the new address

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Don’t forget terrible video quality, even compared to other streaming services.

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Well, I live in Germany and I know quite a few people who have internet so bad IPoAC would be a valid option. You can get fibre but A it’s fucking expensive and B you need to live somewhere where there actually is fibre. Most people either have DSL or cable. DSL is "slow" (depending where you live up to 250mbps. Most places only get up to 100mbps) and expensive (although not as expensive as fibre). And cable is fast (up to Gigabit) and a bit cheaper but the biggest pile of garbage I‘ve ever seen.

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Yea but all you can eat buffets have a clear limit: The stomach size of the guests. It’s not an unlimited dinner. It’s specifically limited to the amount you can eat. (Besides that, a lot of all you can eat places have a time limit of an hour or sth).

If dropbox or google offer unlimited storage, then it’s only reasonable to use that storage. After all, that’s what you signed up for. It’s not abuse if they tell me it’s okay beforehand. As long as the terms of service don’t specify a limit, there is none. And if the terms of service do specify a limit, then unlimited is false advertising. If they don’t want you to use as much data as you like, they should have called it the 20TB plan or whatever they see as reasonable.

A way to offer unlimited storage but "cripple" it enough, so users won’t fill your server quicker than you‘d like, would be to only allow a certain size of uploads per month. So you have unlimited storage but you can only upload, say, a 100GB a month. That way, it‘d take almost a year to fill up a Terabyte and you can still claim unlimited storage. That would of course also cause backlash but you could technically still offer unlimited storage.

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I mean, we also have freedom of speech here in Germany. There are (harsh) limitations around hate speech and insults but besides that you can say what you want.

What’s also a definite no are nazi symbols. Swastikas, SS runes, nazi salutes, etc. are only ever allowed in the context of education and art (like period films and as of fairly recently, games).

We also still do have regular day to day nazis in Germany and sadly the far right party AfD has been growing in numbers over the last few years, taking a lot of inspiration from US republicans in their talking points and rhetoric. Since July they are in a county government for the first time, having only ever been an opposition party until then.

Germany wasn’t built on the principles of freedom (of speech) but that human dignity is inviolable. That’s Art. 1 of our constitution. Only Art. 2 then defines personal freedom.

Depends. 1st you need to find out if your phone/manufacturer allows unlocking the bootloader. No unlocking, no custom rom, no lineage os. If it is supported, you need to find a lineageOS rom for your phone. There is an official lineageOS website where you can find compatible devices. If it’s not listed there (which is not unlikely), you can search the web for unofficial lineageOS roms or other custom roms. Be careful, some of your phone’s features might not work properly or at all but most custom rom developers provide you with a list of what is and isn’t working.

And for the installation part, it’s probably better to look up a full tutorial on the web as installing a custom recovery that you need to install the rom can be a bit tricky…

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On a tree? Probably not.

Humans don’t just use eyes when driving. Sound, and touch also play big roles, for example when it comes hearing ambulances nearing or to feel road conditions. And we have a really good sense for depth and distance, that’s much harder to replicate with just cameras. And even Humans aren’t allowed to drive with headphones on (at least here in Germany), because it’s dangerous to limit the amount of sensors available to us.

Besides that, even our sight is faaaar from perfect either and there are quite a lot of accidents caused by drivers just not seeing another driver or some other obstacle. Our vision is pretty good, yes, but the amount of guessing our brain has to do for us to actually see what we do isn’t exactly small.

I don’t know about you, but I would prefer a self driving vehicle to be safer than a human. Because if it isn’t, why bother? And how could it be safer, if it uses less information than humans, who are shit drivers already?

And yes, lidar is more expensive but so what? It’s cheap enough to add it to phones. Expensive phones, yes but in the grand scheme of things, they’re still quite a bit cheaper than a car and Teslas aren’t exactly cheap cars either. And Tesla used to include radar in their cars until they didn’t. And the cars didn’t get that much cheaper…

And to give a positive example: Mercedes Benz are the first to launch a Level 3 autonomous vehicle. And guess what? It uses Lidar, audio sensors, road condition sensors, etc. and actually achieved L3 autonomy, while Tesla’s FSD is constantly tested to be one if the worst performing Level 2 systems in the industry, despite their claims of greatness…

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Or: a reusable metal tea strainer. You just need to take 2 minutes every time to clean it but they’re no excess waste whatsoever

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Bluetooth is not really made for transferring large amounts of data. While the current WiFi standard, WiFi 6e, supports theoretical data rates of up to 9.6Gbps, the current Bluetooth standard, 5.1, only supports up to 50mbps.

This is because Bluetooth is focussing on low energy data transmission and in fact, the LE profile of Bluetooth 5 only supports up to 2mbps. For the kinds of devices it is made for (headphones, smartwatches, etc) that is plenty and the advantage to battery life has priority.

WiFi on the other hand is purpose built for a higher data throughput. Bluetooth was never really meant for transferring large files, it just happens to be capable of doing so. There’s a reason Apple for example implemented their AirDrop feature years ago because making the handshake via Bluetooth yet sending the actual data via WiFi is a much better solution.

The distance to the other device doesn’t matter so much for speed as long as it’s not too far away and not blocked. You can imagine it like that: if you take a 10km hike from place A to B, that is the shorter distance. But if you get into your car and drive to town C that’s 30km away from either A and B and then on town B, all on a highway, you’ll be in town B 4x as fast as on foot but you‘ll have burnt 5 litres of gasoline.

Yea, back in the day I dreamt about a Minecraft that didn’t run on Java and thus better on the low end hardware I had. In my dreams it just still had all the benefits of the Java edition which is why I now dream of old Java Minecraft

People are going to buy new phones regardless. You not buying used phones is not going to change that.

Buying used or refurbished keeps the devices they‘d throw away (or keep in a drawer for 10 years, then throw away), if they couldn’t sell them, from landfills.

Also, I know plenty of people who are well off that buy second hand phones and even more people who couldn’t even afford a Fairphone (which starts at almost 500€ for a 4 and 650€ for a 5) that buy a brand new 200-300€ phone every two years.

And those low end phones are the least environmentally friendly because they‘re definitely unethically made they most likely break more quickly than higher end options, they usually don’t get updates for very long, if at all, and there’s no noteworthy second hand market for them because people just throw them away (or into a drawer) if the phone stops working or when they feel like getting a new one, because who buys a 2 year old low end phone second hand?

Buying used instead is a great option. You get a higher end device for cheaper without anything new having to be made for you. It‘ll still last you years and you’ll have a better experience than with a cheap new phone.

Yes, it would be better if all phones were ethically produced, easy to repair and would last a long time. Especially if there are ethically phones in the sub 300€ market. Won’t be easy to achieve, if at all, and wouldn’t stop blind consumerism but it would make for an even better second hand market. Because, you know what’s better than a fairphone? A second hand fairphone.

The extra money is probably going into server upkeep, software development, etc., not to artists.

If you want to support artists, Spotify definitely is among the worst choices, while Deezer isn’t great but not horrible either. A little while ago I compiled the most official numbers I could find for any service that I could find. Now mind you, they are a little older (2-ish years) and I cannot remember the source, so take those numbers with a grain of salt but here they go:

Per 1000 streams an Artist gets on average:

• $4.02 on Amazon Music

• $4.37 on Spotify

• $6.76 on both Deezer and YouTube Music

• $7.35 on Apple Music

• $12.50 on Tidal

• $19.00 on Napster

• $38.16 on Quobuz

As I said, the numbers are most likely not the most accurate anymore, the process for these services have changed a little since. However, they might still be interesting enough to know. Maybe someone is bored enough to search the web for more up to date data.

For consumers it might also be interesting to add, that Spotify and YouTube Music, while costing the same as most of the other services (excluding Tidal HiFi Plus and Quobuz), offer a significantly worse audio quality than any other service (aka no lossless audio) and that Tidal‘s expensive HiRes audio tier uses a codec (MQA), that is proven to be terrible and mostly snake oil.

In short: If you want to support artists, stay away from Spotify or amazon. If you want the best audio quality, stay away from Spotify, YouTube Music or Tidal and maybe Deezer (no support for HiRes lossless. Although to be fair, CD-Quality is enough for almost anyone). If you want both and don’t mind paying a little more: use Quobuz

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I can only recommend you try DuckDuckGo. In my experience, 99% of time, the search results are much, much better than either Google or Bing.

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Really? Crypto? For one, I know almost no online shop that takes crypto, almost no person I’d send money to has crypto and I don’t want to own crypto either since it’s rather unstable…

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As a German, I am pissed about the way we try to get carbon neutral. Shutting off the nuclear plants before the coal plants was just plain stupid and primarily motivated by unjustified fear and that sweet sweet coal lobby money. And now our energy is still expensive af and still dirty and will be for a while.

And don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that there’s more and more focus on renewables and that they make up a sizeable and growing percentage of our energy supply but it’s pretty clear that that’s not enough or at least not fast enough.