Is an expensive mattress worth the money? to – 174 points –

Idk why I always wake up with either my sides or neck or smth hurting when I wake up but that didn't happen while I stayed at a hotel. It's not like I'm an old broken man who should be waking up expecting this.


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As a fellow side sleeper who just bought a Purple mattress, just remember to buy a plush/soft mattress. The reason you are hurting is because you are sleeping on your side on a, probably, cheap and firm mattress.

Firm mattresses are for back sleepers. Soft mattresses are for side gang, like us.

I will say Purple is just incredible if you can afford it but try it at a store first before committing. The important thing, though, is to get a soft, well-made mattress.

Dude, I just realized, is your name a play on Søren Kierkegaard?

Yep, it was supposed to be snoren, but I mistyped it.

That's so funny. I love Kierkegaard, you have an awesome name!

Hope you can find a better mattress to improve your sleep.

Haha thanks. Would guessing ikiru being the kurosawa film be too obvious?

It is obvious, but that's exactly where I got it from. Haha

I love the film and it made me learn and appreciate the word, but I also love the word used in this way as a kind of homage to living, or existence itself, and a nod to existentialism and phenomenology.

Thats cool! I love Ikiru too, the first half especially.

Have you by any chance read The death if Ivan Ilyich by Tolstoy?

The first half?! I should probably rewatch it in case I'm forgetting something but I think I love life-affirmation of the second half. Not trying to judge but the first half is so depressing. Haha What do you love about it?

But, no, I haven't read it, unfortunately. I know Ikiru is based off it though, right? I still see Ikiru as a kind of Christ story.

Perhaps it has to do with the time I saw the movie but that depressing half was exactly what I needed. And yeah its very loosely based of off that book.

I get that. I need that sometimes, too.

Most of the films I own and like are depressing as shit so I don't even know why I reacted like that. Haha

I sleep on my side. I love firm futons. Soft mattresses make me very sore and cause me to have poor sleep. Just because you sleep on your side doesn't mean you have to have a soft mattress.

There's always an exception to the rule.

I've also had a great night's sleep on my side using firm futons or even the floor, doesn't mean that it isn't better for side sleepers to use softer mattresses.

Now that I didnt know, thanks!

For a side sleeper I recommend going to a mattress store with a friend and your pillow. You lay down on the mattress and your friend checks if your back is straight, it's easily visible:

So what about those of us who sleep on the side some of the night and back the rest of the time. Sometimes I like to sleep on my stomach.

I'm the same and I prefer a firm mattress with a soft topper.

The compromise: medium mattresses.