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Joined 1 years ago

DEVs do care. As a developer working on something you want to be proud of it. Publishers do not care.

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Yeah I don't get it. ChatGPT is not "Fair use" and there is no credit given to anyone, it's a solid case against them

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I couldn't disagree more with you.

  1. There was no preorder

  2. This was a Kickstarter Project where a lot of people backed

  3. For years the devs didn't give a lot of information to the backers

  4. There was a class action lawsuit for scamming against the developers because they just took the money and didn't do anything with it

  5. Now they published something so they can say "here we did something with all of the money" yet it's obvious that what they developed did not take years.

It's pretty obvious that they only published the game in the current state because of the lawsuit. The game is a total scam and they deserve the hate from the people that invested a lot of money when backing. Backing on Kickstarter has something to do with trust. Of course, the project may never be finished and that's okay. But it's obvious here, that they just took the money and did not use it for the game.

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I'm still baffled that no sextape of that woman has ever leaked

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As a European his videos are sometimes so funny :)

Here in europe we have two kind of fridges: American Style and the showed one (but with the freezer at the bottom). American style is this big bulky fridge that breaks quickly and costs a ton of money, most people use this style. It's just the norm and they work reliable for decades, while also being more energy efficient.

It's also important to note that food doesn't get bad at 8°C (which Alec states in his video), storing food at 8°C is also the norm here in Europe. And I guess using this style of fridge more often in America would also make a lot of sense for most people.

I can see one simple reason why the american fridge with it's self-defrosting feature makes a lot of sense in some American regions: Climate. In humid regions like Florida, the showed style of fridge would just need to be constantly defrosted. Which would be a huge pain in the ass obviously. And in all other southern-american regions where it never really gets cold it's also a pain in the ass to manually defrost a fridge. For all regions where the temperature goes close to freezing temperatures, defrosting is not a big deal. You just need to put your refrigerated or frozen stuff outside for a few hours, defrost the fridge and put everything back inside. The frozen stuff doesn't even get remotely thawn and doing it once a year is more than enough.

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JSON would be perfect if it allowed for comments. But it doesn't and that alone is enough for me to prefer YAML over JSON. Yes, JSON is understandable without any learning curve, but having a learning curve is not always bad. YAML provides a major benefit that is worth the learning curve and doesn't have the issues that XML has (which is that there is no way to understand an XML without also having the XSD for it)

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The adapter IS the inconvenience.

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All of scandinavia. There are public registers where you can look up the salary of everyone for norway, sweden and finland. When these registers were introduced, the salaries were normalized across the whole population

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My work laptop has Windows installed, but I use VSCode and WSL or EC2 Linux instances solely for my work. VSCodium would not work with that workflow because it lacks the Remote and WSL functionality

The only thing that has the chance to prevent unmaintainable garbage code is a plethora of linting rules.

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I just googled "BASF T-Shirt" and immediately found the one he is wearing in this video (and he wear it in a couple of other videos recently)

From one Datacenter? Yes. If you put all datacenters into the sea? Definitely not. And if the Bitcoin scumbags decide that this is a good idea and built huge mining farms underwarer it's even worse. Datacenters are one of the biggest contributors to energy need already, taking up 1-1.3% of global energy demand. That's no joke

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Sounds so easy for you but what to do with the excess salt is the only real problem with desalination that we have for decades now. It's not easy to solve.

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Don't block UK communities, but block the Politics community. They are copies from the reddit communities and r/politics was only about US politics over there as well

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That's why today I got an email from a headhunter that used Data from my LinkedIn profile. Fuck this.

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I don't see people hating discord for it, just pointing out that it was a bad choice from the beginning

I went to a mattress boutique and ordered my mattress there. I would never do it differently again, I love it every night. The saleswoman took great care of trying the different mattresses to see which one had the backs of my girlfriend and I in the best positions and whenever I'm back from a trip I feel again the greatness of my mattress

I wouldnt say incapable. Before I joined I was unsure about this whole federation thing as well. I was worried that I have to sign up to multiple instances (and this is actually not untrue, because of defederation) but I worried too much. It's a lot easier than I imagined

This has nothing directly to do with The Day Before, but: Backing a Kickstarter is something completely different and that has to come into peoples heads. Preorders are for a mostly finished product that will 100% ship. The devs have enough funding from investors and publishers, the game will be released no matter how little preorders they will get. Crowdfunding however is for an idea in its infancy that might never be finished. Crowdfunding is an investment.

But where is the difference in this case, The Day Before? Well, easy: When you invest in a kickstarter, the company has to use the money you invested to actually develop the game. They can't buy fancy cars with the money, they need to put it to good use. If the company uses the money for their own personal benefit, they can be sued for that. For preorders thats not the case.

And maybe without disclosing information like the price of the Billet Labs prototype that Billet Labs did not want to show...

If you own a Windows 10/11 Pro version, you can set a group policy for control of updates. If you own a Home edition, you need to change a Registry entry. It's not hard, but just as you I like Auto update more because I tend to forget to manually update

Sorry for only telling how it is in europe. Here in Germany the desired fridge temperature according to state guidelines should be 7-8°C and that's what I'm commenting. Just pointing out that the differences are stunning and funny.

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I think thats whats going to happen. Fairphones are mid-range, but a midrange phone is enough for everything nowadays. The only reason I want to switch my phone right now is because the fingerprint sensor is broken

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If you use your phone like 99% of people do, it will be completely fine. If you don't do gaming or 4K video editing on your phone, there's no problem. The CPU will even be fine for Instagram face filters for the foreseeable future

I think for it to be fair use under American law they would need to give full credit, which they obviously don't.

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That's untrue, Israel offered peace a lot of times to Palestine before the Hamas took control in 2007. After Hamas it of course was never an option, the main purpose Hamas sees in itself is the complete destruction of Israel

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I was in SF 4 years ago and it was insane how many self-driving cars were on the streets for tests. Especially on Lombard Street they just drove in circles. I can't imagine how annoying this is for someone who lives there

Then let it be PR. It's still better than whatever is happening right now. They had at least some dignity and somewhat cared about their image, now it's just all greed

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For a side sleeper I recommend going to a mattress store with a friend and your pillow. You lay down on the mattress and your friend checks if your back is straight, it's easily visible:

TOS aren't legally binding only when they are not compliant with existing laws! For example when a hotel says in it's TOS "we can murder you in your sleep" that is not binding, but when they say "we can expell you for wearing a pink polo shirt" that is legally binding

Was the same for me this vacation. Gladly we were on a smaller mountain which was completely surrounded by villages, so we knew that just going down the mountain would lead to a bus that could bring us to the hotel, so we didnt care that much.

Yeah, fuck that. It's perfectly fine to build a GUI that makes things a bit easier, but make the GUI so that it resembles the fucking workflow. I hate that when I want to automate something thats super easy in the GUI and it takes AGES because there is no equivalent to what I'm doing in the GUI

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Samsung is using by far the worst OEM Rom, Pixel has by far the best. Go for the Pixel

yeah thats why I said it only has the chance, not that it leads to good code

There are now soooo many studies out showing that capacity in EVs drops significantly slower than ever expected. An EV that is used "normal" is basically best-case for Li-Ion batteries. You are charging the car once to twice a week and then you are charging it slowly over night or at your office, only using fast-charging when you are on roadtrips. You rarely drop your battery percentage below 30% and a lot of cars also dont go higher than 90% capacity without you explicitly activating it

I couldnt even finish this season, it was just so boring

Especially how Lemmy is right now, only a small portion of users would be needed to sustainable keep an instance running. Maybe from every 1.000 users, only 1 would be willing to pay 10$ a month and it should be more than enough.

Shit changes quickly when somebody thinks it would be a good way to start allowing video-uploads. It can get expensive fast with that amount of storage and bandwidth needed. I can see instances selling small "premium" subscriptions for videouploads. You could still host your own instance and get videouploads completely free for yourself, but if you don't wanna go that route, it would make sense (and would be totally fair)

I think Sony still releases decent small phones

I'm sorry but what is the typical attitude here? Finding it interesting how things and standards differ between regions? Do you feel judged by me just stating the fact that in Europe we use a different fridge design than Americans do?