Baron Von J

@Baron Von
7 Post – 453 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I play guitar, watch USMLR and NHL, occasionally brew beer, enjoy live music and travel, and practice sarcasm.

Mastodon -
Pixelfed -
kbin -

The ruling actually said the president "is entitled to at least *presumptive * immunity from prosecution for all his official acts." Absolute immunity was reserved for "conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority." I'm not defending this ruling, but we don't need to misquote it.

It really depends on what sub(s) you visit. Some subs didn't have a lot of mobile users to begin with, so they didn't see much change in their core active members.

The default sort/filter for the front page there is trash now. I typically see the same things hovering there for days.

Yes. We just have to vote for him! Pretty simple really.

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Curious indeed.

Yeah that was pretty messed up. Guess we need to swing, or something.

Well, I guess at least one other person has seen Weird Science.

Conservatives thought Colbert was one of them at first. Then again, they didn't know Rage Against the Machine hated them or The Boys was mocking them, either.

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You can still merge the whole upstream branch manually with a local clone, and git will stop on each conflict for you to resolve them. Then when it's done you can push the merged branch to your fork.

The shittiest of enshitifications.

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Wow. Talk about professional gaslighting. Not enough people are aware that the Obama-era FTC enacted the policy because AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon were all caught throttling Netflix and prioritizing their own competing services.

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What, she hasn't been handy enough in session?

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I believe that Google wanted in-app purchases in Fortnite to go through Play Store so that Google would get 30%. And Epic wanted to setup their own in-app billing and keep it all.

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All those spiders that you're never more than 10 feet from have started using fitness wearables, and with 8 arms each that's a lot of bluetooth nearby.

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But the National Guard is under Federal chain of command, so Pentagon can activate the Texas National Guard right out from under Abbott. Which honestly is probably exactly what Abbott wants so he can roll around whinging about the big mean Federal government usurping the state's resources.

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I absolutely loathe expressions like "days off" and "personal time." It just has a connotation that your life is by default your employer's. That kind of subliminal messaging can get fucked.

Thanks. Trump storming out after Cohen saying Trump never ordered him to do the illegal thing sounds like Trump stormed out triumphantly. That last sentence really puts the proper context on it.

Well kudos to him for being a Republican standing up for the constitutional separation of church and state.

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That's a decision you have to make along with your partner(s).

Network neutrality became policy after Comcast, Verizon, and ATT were all caught throttling Netflix while their own competing services were lagging behind in market share. It was a response to a real problem that was harming competitors and consumers.

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If presidents are immune then Biden is instantly free to have the FBI toss Trump in super max.

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It's ridiculous that this would be an economical business plan.

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During a multi-day trip to West Virginia’s capital this week, the 76-year-old expressed growing frustration with the polarized U.S. two-party system.

Then use your position in the Senate to pressure the state legislature and Governor to reform your state's election process.

I use non-antiperspirant deodorant. I got tired of the aluminum in antiperspirant staining my shirts and clumping up, then I learned that the aluminum works by being an irritant that causes an allergic swelling that blocks your sweat glands. That all sounds pretty gross to me. I might re-apply deodorant during the day if I've been sweating, or put on some fresh clothes or even take a light shower.

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Instagram also has a full account data export feature, and Pixelfed can import from that data. When I used it earlier this week it seemed to ignore my latest posts, which use the webp format instead of jpg or png. But since the import is processed server-side once they resolve that I should be able to import from the same zip and get just those missing posts.

Yeah it's not like christians saying it's a sin for a woman to deny sex from her husband and therefore spousal rape doesn't exist. Or christian pedophiles being relocated by the church to avoid prosecution. Or mormons grooming teenage girls to be their 14th wife.

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Well someone has to make sure it's weaponized the "right" way.

National Guard is reserve troops for the national armed forces. You're thinking of the State Guard.

The Republicans already removed the filibuster for SCOTUS appointments during Trump's term. Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed with a vote of 53 to 47 and the Democratic majority in the Senate is bigger now than it was then.

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Dockable handhelds.

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You just did. By @ mentioning a community you created a post. I'm replying to your post from Lemmy. You can follow the community on mastodon just by using the same @ address as you did in your post. You can follow Lemmy users, but they can't follow you.

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I suggest you don't sync SSH keys. That's just increasing the blast radius of any one of those machines being compromised.

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There were definitely people that voted fraudulently, but it seems the majority of them, that I have seen reported on, were Republicans (voting for dead family members,voting twice, etc).

Trump actually told people in North Carolina to vote twice.

My wife's aunt died from Cirrhosis of the liver and "so much blood" is exactly what my wife said she saw.

But Gen Z did have a higher turnout in 2022 than prior generations.

So it be smart to go listen to try and not only keep them at the table, to offer more chairs too.

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I don't think I'm going to be that guy, but also not one of the fanboys/haters.

Apple were pretty significant in the development of both FireWire and USB. They were also pretty crucial in driving the adoption of USB with the iMac. Most PC motherboards at the time had a set of jumpers for USB, but you had to buy the actual ports, which took up an expansion slot on the back, and connect them to the motherboard. It was a huge pain in but as the jumpers were censor-specific so had to look at all the specs and buy the right connector. Some aftermarket cases had USB ports on the front/back, but again you had to buy the right connector for your mobo. So everyone kept using serial/PS2/parallel. So peripheral makers weren't making any devices either. When Apple released the iMac, they got rid of all of those other ports and only had USB. All of a sudden you started seeing USB keyboards, mice, CD/DVD drives, etc..

As they other two comments said, it's for the overhead baggage space. Airlines need to start enforcing passengers to use their correct/allotted baggage space.

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Try or to watch for upcoming shows. You can track artists, venues, and cities. Song kick is more flexible for tracking multiple cities. They have mobile apps or just plain old email alerts.

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Yes. Lead used to be everywhere. In the paint on your house walls. In the paint on your children's toys, that they would inevitably put in their mouth. In makeup. In water pipes (still in use in many places, see Flint, MI). In gasoline, leading to lead-tainted air pollution.

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but it won't end the blue/green bubble nonsense.

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The ruling concerned a law that was on the books long before Arizona achieved statehood.

What the shit?! Seriously how is it not automatic the these laws are removed from legal code when a court ruling deems it unconstitutional?

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